Monday, October 26, 2015

One Four Challenge - Week. 4

Oops on me....I forgot today was Monday and the last week of the One Four Challenge.

So here goes:

Week 4
For the final week I endited the photo on Be Funky using the watercolor feature.  Then I added a frame.  This particular frame changed the photo size to what you see here.  I really liked how this one turned out.
Here are the other versions:

Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
The Original Photo (SOOC)
Which version was your favorite edit? Let me know in the comments.


  1. We like both the photos with the writing on them. Very pretty!

  2. they are all so sweet and i can't pick a favorite

  3. A lovely photo and I like your editing choices.

  4. I really like the first watercolor effect. It's a beautiful photo, Ida.

  5. They are all lovely, Ida. But I think I agree with your choice. The watercolour texture of the framed first photo looks superb. All the best, Bonny

  6. Week three is my favorite. The picture really lends itself well to that romantic hue.

  7. They are all great but I think my favorite of all of them is the black and white with partial color

  8. Definitely the Amour shot -- the whole photo just works together so nicely. The filter is perfect for the romantic theme. But I really like the black and white version too.

  9. The watercolor feature is really neat. I think week 1 was my overall favorite.

  10. I think you have done so good with this...or is it done well? Right now my mind is blank.

  11. So bright and cheerful. I like the more panorama crop too. :)


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