Thursday, November 26, 2015

Good Fences #88 - Let's Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating today.

It's a great day to give thanks for the many blessings each of us has in our lives.  Let's get started by joining Theresa from the Run-a-round Ranch Report for
GOOD FENCES .  - I am "thankful" that she continues to host this awesome meme with us and for her blog as well.  It brings a lot of joy into many people's lives.

So today I'm sharing a fence of sorts in celebration of what we often refer to as,  "Turkey Day" here in the US.

I spotted this fellow behind the porch "fence rail" and just had to take his photo.  Isn't he cute! 
I've been saving this photo for some time to share today.  On one of our drives up to the mountains we spotted this family of "wild" turkeys strutting through a field.  -  We're going to think outside the box here and say that the "underbrush fence" qualifies today for this meme too.

Have a wonderful day.  Let's be greatful for all that we have.


  1. so cute. like the wildies, too. thank YOU very much. :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!! Have a grand weekend, too!

  3. Happy thanksgiving and that second shot is Perfect. love the porch

  4. I would love to have a great big covered porch that was big enough to hold that turkey.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  5. Love the turkey in your first photo! Nice decorations! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  6. I finally linked up today at Good Fences! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  7. The turkeys in the wild are beautiful....far way from the slaughter houses. And the cute turkey on the fenced porch really put a smile on my face. It is darling.

  8. Happy Turkey Day Ida! I love your photos that tie in perfectly for today!

  9. Cool shot of the turkeys...and yes, that porch is cute.

  10. Gorgeous photo of the wild turkeys! Nice!

  11. The underbrush fence works for me - Happy Thanksgiving, Ida!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  12. The blow-up turkey gave me a good chuckle - he really does look cute :)

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Ida. Hugs!

  13. Well, that's stretching the definition of fence, but after all, it's a holiday!

  14. Hello Ida, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I like your turkey photos, cute!
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  15. oh yes, I do love the Turkey on the porch!!

  16. We have many blessings to be thankful for including our blogging fiends who always seem to be able to put a smile on our face. Very Cool Turkey Day fences, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  17. The turkey porch decoration is too much! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  18. A wonderful Thanksgiving fence post!

  19. Loved both of those pictures! Hope you had a good holiday!

  20. Oh what a big turkey!

    We trust you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

    Emma and Buster

  21. Love that whimsical porch-sitter as well as the strutters!

  22. I'm laughing at that funny turkey up on the porch!

  23. I definitely need a big blown up turkey for my next holiday. That's hilarious.
    We haven't seen our flock (?) of wild turkey back this year. I wonder where they roamed off to? It was quite the sight to seem them in the field while we were waiting for the bus each morning, and sometimes they would even wander over to our yard to check out all the commotion. :)
    Hope you had a lovely holiday.

  24. Ha! Great turkey photos -- both of them! Yes, I'd say the underbrush qualifies as a fence, too.

  25. i like those blow-ups ida, i have seen the turkeys and i want one!!! i can't believe how long it's been since i visited, please forgive me!!!


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