Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good Fences #89 - Snow much fun!

Welcome:  - I am still hoping to catch up with everyone's post from last week.  We had surprise company over the Thanksgiving holiday, put up our Christmas lights, I helped my mom decorate her house all day on Friday and by Sunday I was quite rundown and spent the day in bed. I am still trying hard to get by everyone's blogs so please be patient.

Joining GOOD FENCES today.  Be sure to stop by Theresa's blog, (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) and check out all the other particpants.

Well "Winter" arrived here a little early this year.  We had snow before Thanksgiving and then it snowed again on Tuesday night.  School was delayed 2 hours yesterday and canceled today due to icy road conditions.  Yesterday after I walked Coleen to school I took a short walk in the snow and captured some snowy fence scenes to share today.

Everyone knows I'm not a fan of winter or snow but I'm trying to find beauty in it so that's why I'm sharing these Snowy Fences today.  Enjoy!


  1. Ah...I'm loving that snow! Great snowy fence shots, Ida :)

  2. i think this post may win the Best of Fence award today. I love them ALL. they are all so different and the snow adds to their beauty

  3. Your beautiful snowy shots have me actually wishing for snow now!

  4. Hello Ida, I hope you are feeling better now. Your snowy images and fences are lovely. Great captures. Have a happy day!

  5. You may not be a fan of snow but you certainly captured it beautifully. Love these photos.

  6. so darn pretty! that gate is the PERFECT scene stealer.

  7. Im not a fan of winter either but love seeing the pretty pictures of the fluffy snow!!

  8. The snow makes these fences look very special! Even in Northern California we had snow before Thanksgiving - an unexpected surprise, since last winder we had none!

  9. Hi Ida, love seeing how the snowfall collects on the fences. Great shots! Enjoy the snow and stay warm. Have a nice weekend.

  10. im not a fan of the cold too, but the photos you show look good.

  11. Everything is better with snow! :)

  12. Snow can create some truly lovely sights, but thankful we do not get much in Texas,

  13. For this Southern girl, your snow scenes/fences are very pretty, but I would not want the ice and dangerous conditions. Stay safe.

  14. Wow, you did get some early snow! I really like the third photo of the stone pillars! Very nice shots!

  15. All very lovely fences and creative photography!

    Wishing you a magical weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  16. Dearest Ida; Wow,lots of snow☃ Must have been cold out side with your child but very BEAUTIFUL♡♡♡ When I was little we had more snowy days and remember playing with them. As you said, I'm not much fun, either(^^;)
    Thank you SO much for your sweet visits. Wishing you'll have a wonderful coming weekend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  17. I am a sucker for snowy pictures! These are stunning, Ida!

  18. It can be troublesome, but it is beautiful!

  19. Ida, nice images! Ah winter! Snow always seems to enhance a shot!

  20. I really like that second for snow, I cannot help but get excited when it comes. But I am not a fan of real cold weather. LOL

  21. This is a beautiful array of different fences.
    The fence on the snow really super nice!
    Have a great weekend.

  22. Beautiful photography, Ida. You have a very nice gift. Hug.

  23. Snow can be a pain, but it makes for wonderful pictures when it's fresh.

  24. Those are all great shots of beautiful fences!

  25. Ah winter has arrived with you and it is beautiful

  26. Wonderful fences Ida. I do like that stone wall.

  27. Oh Snow (as opposed to Oh No!)!! It's been so warm here that snow is a distant thought. I hope it arrives soon.

  28. Pretty photos. I like snow, but from a distance or in photos, or just as a quick visit. I guess that's why I live in S CA! Have a nice weekend.

  29. I'm not a fan of commuting to work in the snow, but in pictures I think it is so very pretty. Especially for the first month or so :)

  30. Lovely snow covered fences, Ida!

  31. Beautiful snowy scenes! We're so mired in mud that I think I'd prefer cold and snow. Can't believe I just wrote that.

  32. I am a fan of snow on fences, and I cannot believe I do not have any snow yet!! In fact, I was outside in a tshirt doing our Christmas lights the other day; that's how warm it is in Ontario right now. I do hope we at least get a White Christmas!!
    I am a little worried this no-snow, is going to dump on us all at once and stay until May.

  33. Our first official snow was Nov. 21st but it was gone by noon. I love the softness of the snow on the fences. Even if we don't like the down-side of snow, we must admit, it makes everything long as you don't have to drive anywhere!

  34. Pretty fences, and fresh snow adds a little extra beauty to everything. I wouldn't want to live in it, but it's so pretty to look at.

  35. you know i love the snow, AWESOME captures!!!! no snow here, our temperatures have been in the 70's!!!


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