Monday, November 2, 2015

It's the little things

Today I am thankful for:

1. Taking walks and spotting pretty kitties.
2. My bowl of Lucky Charms (yes, I'm a kid at heart)
3. Aspercreme & Ibuprofen to help ease pain.
4. Music to listen to.
5. Time to enjoy viewing blogs.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am thankful you showed us this pretty kitty and for your number 3, i am thankful for Ibuprofen, Mineral Ice and my hot rice pack and the microwave to make it hot.

  2. Afternoon walks with my sweetheart.
    Pine Tees and fall colors.
    Homemade soup on a raining day.
    Taking with grand kids.

  3. Yes, I'm thankful for another bright autumn day here & the fun I had taking photos in the park on my walk.
    The kitty in your photo is a lovely colour!
    Have a fun week!

  4. I am grateful for a strong body.
    I am grateful for the good health of my children and husband.
    I am grateful for the new hope of stem cell research for MS patients.
    I am grateful for my home today, as it is nasty outside, and a warm cup of coffee.

  5. My boys love Lucky Charms. Today I'm thankful for walnuts, which are in abundance from our walnut trees right now, and are beloved by everyone in the family. Free food (with a bit of work!)

  6. I like the picture of the cat. Nice of it to pose for you. I can relate to being thankful for aspercreme and ibupofin

  7. There was a time I kept a journal in which every evening I wrote five things I was thankful for. In fact, your post inspired me to get that book out and take a look at it. I see I kept it for five months. Filled the book and didn't start another one. I'm going to set a spell and read it.

  8. I love Lucky Charms!!! We always get a big box when we go camping. That's the only time the kids are allowed to eat it. And it's definitely something to enjoy by the warm fire on a chilly camp morning!
    Love the new header too.
    I am grateful for the sharing circle time spent with my little group of Sparks Guiders tonight where we all talked about what it means to be a good friend. :)

  9. Ah, Lucky Charms is good, but I like the Malt-o-Meal brand Marshmallow Mateys best! Very nice photo of the cat. I am very thankful for the beautiful weather we are enjoying here. Can you believe it? We have shirt-sleeve weather in Iowa on November 2nd, and I had my windows open! Two years ago, it was snowing in October!

  10. Cute kitty and interesting quote!

  11. What a sweet cat and the tones in your image are lovely.

  12. how very strange, I just took ibuprofen to ease the stiffness! This is just plain weird to be sitting taking it and reading that you are thankful for it. Which I am...and it is my SIL and I that often make the comment how thankful we are for it.

  13. Your photos at the top are just stunning, Ida! They are a big splash of autumn to me, and are wonderful. Kitties are so pretty - we have an outside cat now, but we hardly see him. He is scared of our dogs, but he comes to eat his food. I'm glad you have meds to ease your pain. What an important part of life that is!


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