Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Songography - Autumn Serenade

 Joining Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) today for SONGOGRAPHY

I've chosen:  Autumn Serenade by John Coltrane as my song choice today.


Through the trees comes autumn with her serenade.
Melodies the sweetest music ever played.
Autumn kisses we knew are beautiful souvenirs.
As I pause to recall the leaves seem to fall like tears.
Silver stars were clinging to an autumn sky.
Love was ours until October wandered by.
Let the years come and go,
I'll still feel the glow that time can not fade
When I hear that lovely autumn serenade.
Thankful today for:
1.  Remembering to go photograph these grapevine leaves before they were gone.
2. Bowling a couple of decent games this morning.
3. A nice lunch (Chinese) with the ladies I bowl with.
4.  That my hubby remembered to bring in Ghost from the rain.
5.  That the snow we got was only in our mountains and not in town.


  1. These are super stunning. Gorgeous song, too!

  2. A great autumn serenade and your autumn images just blew me away with all that gorgeous color and light!

  3. Stopping to listen to this classic and admire your beautiful photos!

  4. beautiful leave shots, #4 is cute, especially nice when this happens, or bringing in dogs, chaise lounge pillows, books and iPads :-) from the rain, enjoyed the Autumn Serenade...

  5. Ida great song and equally great images. The speckled grape leaves are so interesting.

  6. Snow? Oh dear, I am not ready. Your photo are an autumn serenade themselves!

  7. I'lll tell ya what...the colors this fall have been soooo vibrant! It is indeed an Autumn Serenade! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography!

  8. the leaves are fantastic and the song fits them perfectly. have not heard it before

  9. Really, really beautiful shots of leaves!

  10. excellent musical choice!! love.
    and the pictures look great. I have some of this vine growing on my own fence that I should capture some shots before they become snow covered.

  11. Beautiful.
    Sounds like you had a fun day, as well.


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