Monday, November 9, 2015

Thankful Thoughts and a Dedication

In Memory of Pat (Bailey Road)
She gave us so much beauty and joy on her blog.  I am thankful to have known her even though we neve met in real life.  Please stop by and leave a message for her husband Rick as he needs our support now as he mourns the loss of this sweet woman.

Hello - I've been absent from the blog for a few days.

Just to catch you all up...I had company visiting for the day on Thursday.  We had a nice lunch at Apple bee's and spent the afternoon visiting and catching up on each other's lives.

Friday we were up bright and early as Coleen was scheduled to have her surgery and check-in was 6:45 am. - She had her tonsils and adenoids removed. We were back home by noon and she has been recovering slowly but surely. - She's home from school for probably all this week as the weather here is nasty and we don't want to risk her getting a cold or infection so shortly after having surgery.

This morning we took her kitten, Pepper out to be spayed so we'll have another convalescent at home this week along with Coleen.  So while it's been a bit stressful and busy we have much to be thankful for.

1.  The OR nurse that took Coleen into her surgery turned out to be my niece, Krissy which was a blessing as she helped to keep Coleen calm as they took her in.

2.  The surgery went well and she's recovering nicely.

3.  For friends from the church who came by to bring her balloons, get well cards, Popsicles & ice cream.

4.  For our Veternarian who is so good to all our animals.

5.  The Hallmark Channel who provides easy to watch holiday movies that make you feel good.

Take care & have a beautiful day.


  1. Glad to hear that her surgery went well and I wish her a speedy recover. She and Pepper can look out for one another this week. We still have rain here but we hope for sun by mid week. Blessings, Mildred

    I will stop by and express my sympathy to Rick.

  2. glad colleen did well. :) yes, pat was a wonderful blogger friend.

  3. Glad to hear Colleen's surgery went smoothly. I like your posts that are giving thanks, a good reminder to be grateful for what you have.

  4. So glad the surgery went well and that is behind you.

    I did not know Pat but she touched many lives.

  5. Beautiful picture. So sorry to hear about your blog friend.
    Glad to hear that Colleens surgery went well.
    My daughter said she is boycotting the Hallmark channel for running Christmas movies before

  6. i was so sorry to read about pat, i found out through theresa's blog!!! you do have a lot to be thankful for!! best wishes to colleen, the hallmark channel is awesome this time of year, lot's of great holiday movies!!!

    our weather here has been awesome and our schools have been closed a lot for election day, teachers convention and soon to be veterans day. i hardly hear the buses!!!

  7. Glad to hear it went well -hope she feels better!

  8. So sad about your blogger friend. So sorry to hear this. I'm glad that Colleen has come through the surgery and is being pampered by friends and family. I'm sure that Pepper will enjoy having her there to cuddle with, as well. It is misty and very cool here this week, too. Keep cozy and don't forget to take care of yourself, also. xo Karen

  9. So glad to hear her surgery went well. Not a fun recover, but hopefully it will be quick.

  10. Glad things went well with the surgery.

  11. It was sad to hear about Pat's passing. I do not know her, but I will say prayers for her family.

    I'm glad to hear Colleen's surgery went well, and I hope she will recover quickly. My daughter's favorite cat when she was growing up was named Pepper! I ahve good memories of that smart cat!

  12. I am glad to hear that the surgery is over with and healing can begin. Keeping her away from germs is a good idea. Sounds like you have things well in hand for quiet convalescence.

  13. So sad about Pat!

    Meanwhile, I am glad the surgery went well.

  14. My very best wishes to Coleen. I hope she makes a speedy recovery. And a big hug to little Pepper. Hope she recovers well too. Sorry to hear about your friend. Cicero's words seem very apt. All the best, Bonny

  15. Hello Ida, I am glad Coleen is recovering from her surgery. I hope Pepper recovers quickly too. You have been busy this week. Lovely image and your header is beautiful. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  16. So glad Colleen is doing well. I spent some time this morning over with Rick who just lost his Darling. I can only imagine what it must feel like to lose ones spouse. I've been around those who have,, and I don't know if there is anything out there that can prepare us for that journey.

  17. Glad everything went well, and I hope that she is recovering nicely. Sounds like she has all the comfy things required, and a soft fur buddy for company. :)

    So sorry about your blogging friend. Even though we don't get to meet some of the people we interact with online, they still can touch us very deeply just with their presence. They can still be such a blessing.

  18. Oh my-- I did not know about Pat's passing. My computer has been down and the iPhone is difficult to deal with. That it so sad as I enjoyed her posts. Glad things are looking up for you.

  19. Hi, Ida! I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    I'm glad Coleen's surgery went well and Pepper too.

  20. So glad everything went well! I wish her a speedy recovery.

  21. Sounds like everything is well despite so much craziness. Definitely something to be thankful for :)


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