Thursday, November 5, 2015

Good Fences #85 - Eaglecap Fences

Hello & Welcome.
It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa, (The Run-a-round Ranch Report)

Today I'll be sharing some fences taken on our recent (Oct.17) trip to Elgin, OR to ride the Eagle Cap Excursion Train. - Mind you all of these shots were taken from a moving train (which had dirty windows) so they aren't the best quality photos but I think they turned out okay.

 Both of these deer shots were taken just as the train started moving out of town.  The deer are actually standing in peoples yards.

 Not exactly sure what this gate is used for.  Those of you who "ranch" will know what it's for.
 Saw this beat up sign and an old moss covered fence post and had to get a photo of it.

 Lots of barbed wire fencing along the way. - I like this shot because of the bright red post and the lovely "bokeh" that is in the photo.

 We passed an RV park along the way and I snapped this photo of the fence around it. Note the picnic tables on the left side of the photo.

We pulled into a small town an I snapped this charming little gate.

I spotted this fence on a hillside as we were heading back into town on the return trip.

 Here is a scene heading back into Elgin, I thought the trees were really pretty and spotted that old house behind the fencing so I zoomed in for a closer look at it.  Guess what.....

 It's "abandoned." - I think it looks really moody in this shot.

Today's Things to be Thankful For:

1.  Being able to take this train ride (my first time on a train) and getting some great photos.

2.  Good Fences

3.  Wildlife - We saw, Deer, Turkey & my most favorite of all a Bald Eagle!

No fence in this shot although there was one is another photo of the eagle that didn't turn out very well (blurred).  Taking a photo of a Bald Eagle was on my "bucket list" so I am sharing this today along with my fence shots.

4. Good Friends,  My friend (Teresa) from Spokane is visiting today so I'm looking forward to spending time with her.

5.  That my cat (Captain Cuddles) is starting to get better.  He has a bad case of Feline Acne that we are dealing with.  It's starting to clear up but having to wash his chin every day is hard on him so I'm happy that it's looking better and the antibiotics the Vet gave him are clearing up the infection from the clogged pores. 

I will try to get by your blogs this weekend.  Since I have company today and tomorrow Coleen is having surgery I'm not sure when I'll be able to pop in but I'll get there sooner or later.


  1. Oh your first train ride how exciting. I love the views from a train and I love all of yours. Nice moss fence and nice deer fence. Great shots Ida. Hug B

  2. Wonderful photos - each one very beautiful! I love the fence on the hill and the abandoned farmhouse. Nice that you got the photo of the eagle, too! Enjoy your visit and hope Colleen has a quick recovery. x Karen

  3. Hello Ida!:) It's great that you saw and photograph the eagle, on your first train ride, and I really enjoyed your captures along the way. Lovely deer shots and some unusual fences and gates.

  4. Fabulous pictures......My favorite of all is the one with the red post. It sure caught my eye!!!

  5. Wow, what a great series ... and from a train with dirty windows. Would never have guessed the windows were dirty because the pictures are clear. I love all of this ... being and animal/bird lover, you can which are my favorites. But, I have to say, I like that moody house ... looks like there should be a little ghost coming out of the window or something. Great post, Ida ..

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. I was thrilled when I saw an eagle for the first time! Glad you enjoyed your train ride.

  7. Ida, you got some wonderful shots...I think that house has an 'air' about it, too. Congratulations on getting the shot of the eagle. Hope Coleen's surgery goes well...I was going to say I hope it isn't serious, but it must be for her to have surgery.

  8. lovely snaps all along the way. sweet gate, nice wire fences, and i'm guessing some sort of loading pen/chute.

  9. Love all the pictures. Looks like my kind of place.

  10. Lovely fence and visitors, Ida!
    Your photos are really beautiful and comforting - there is some calmness in them that I absolutely love.
    Nature - what a gift!
    Have a Great Weekend!
    Peace :)

  11. Love those shots with the deer! Great variety of fences! I especially like the wooden ones. Congrats on the eagle! I've never photographed an adult in the wild.

  12. I liked seeing that deer and then that old house! Love it!

  13. Quite the collection of fences. I like the snow fence.

  14. Hi Ida, what great fence shots. Love the country side scenes. The deer are beautiful.
    Enjoy time with your friend and I hope your cat gets better. Hope Coleen's surgery goes well.
    Have a nice weekend. xo

  15. Charming collection of fences! I would be excited to see an eagle so close.

  16. Fabulous fences Ida....and from a moving train....well done!! What a shame that house has been abandoned....I think it is just lovely....wish I could somehow spirit it here onto my block of land...but in better condition of course! your new header!

  17. So many wonderful shots, Ida and a great variety of fences! I am amazed by the beauty of the deer blending right in with the grasslands and the eagle is a fantastic capture! Well done!

  18. so many nice fences. Love the little gate and the eagle :)

  19. Loved taking that little train ride with you. I love trains, but passenger trains are not common up here. That little gate looks misplaced, like they forgot to build the rest of the fence. Love that huge, old house. Yes, very moody indeed.

  20. i think your images are beautiful, a train ride with a lot to see, you can't beat that!!!! and congrats on the bald eagle, it's awesome to see them in the wild!!!

  21. Thanks for sharing your train ride with the trains, so very nostalgic. Great shots along the way, especially the eagle.

  22. great photo shots, I really like the tone in them and impressed that this was your FIRST time on a train, you must be rare, did you enjoy it? Our Yola gets feline acne under her chin, it comes and goes but never so bad that she suffers to date, though she doesn't like us cleaning she allows it.Glad you see improvement..

  23. Your train ride was very good for your picture taking. Despite the moving and dirty windows you got excellent pictures. Well done.

  24. I love the "feel" of these pictures, and wow for that bald eagle shot.
    I am not a rancher per say, but I did grow up spending a lot of time on my grandparents farm, and we used those little pens for whenever we needed to separate an animal from the rest of the herd. Maybe it had to take some medicine, or we would check it for an injury, or a pregnant animal. It just keeps the animal from escaping, and/or keeps you safe from other animals that might gather around.

  25. A whole series of great shots Ida. I liked the ones with the deer and the eagle especially, but all of them are lovely!

  26. a pity that home is abandoned. it would have been lovely.Love the variety of fences in this post. Have a lovely weekend.

  27. Oh great fencing Ida. My computer is giving me problems. So bear with me if I am late.

    A guy is to see what is the problem o Sunday.

    As soon as a phone call come sin. My computer shuts down for hours.

    I thnk you kindly for your comments to my blogs always.

  28. so beautiful... I wish I was there

  29. Looks likr that was a excursion train worth taking!

  30. Happy that Captain Cuddles is better. You captured some unique and great shots on the train ride. I love that fence post covered in moss. Wishing you and yours a great day.

  31. There are just so many fabulous photos in this series that it's hard to choose one for a special comment! What a great eye you have! It has been a delight to spend time here!

  32. Those deer look very comfortable. Love the bald eagle!

  33. Great series of photos and love the fences and deer selections!

    Happy Week ahead,
    artmusedog and carol

  34. Isn't it fun to take a train ride? Some longtime women friends and I rode a train from Denver to Glenwood Springs, CO to celebrate a 75th birthday. It was wonderful seeing the views from the train. You got some great photos, Ida - I know what you mean about dirty windows!

  35. What a fun train ride. I think your photo's turned out really well, and you captured so many neat things! Glad you were able to get a bucket list item too :)

  36. The fences are all great, and wow, that bald eagle!

  37. Hope Coleen is doing well. I'm in agreement with TexWisGirl on what the fence is for--sorting/loading. Love the images of the deer and the moody house.

  38. A fantastic array of fences and wildlife! Would love to see a bald eagle one! And that old abandoned house is so intriguing.

  39. Great photos of some very interesting scenery, fences and animals. Love the old house.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  40. These are great photos, Ida! The dirty windows make them look more rustic, I guess. I don't see that the windows or the moving train compromised the photos at all, really. I enjoyed this.

  41. Wonderful photoseries in my most beloved colors, especially #2 and #10....


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