Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good Fences #93 - Christmas Lights

 Wow it's the last day of 2015 (Where did this year go?) and it's time to close the year out by sharing with GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from: (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

I miss last week (which I hated to do) and so here is what you would have seen last week:

These our the Christmas lights on our fence and my mom's fence next door.  Not the best quality photos as I have trouble shooting night scenes with my camera but I think they will work.

 This is the Chain link fence at our house.  See that big snowman?  Someone stole it a couple of nights before Christmas.  We replaced it with a different one but it sure makes me upset that people feel they have to steal from other people and especially at Christmas.

My mom's front yard and side fence.  - We love Christmas lights!

 This is in her back yard.  It's where all the old light sets got that don't quite work right anymore.

And for a different view of the same lights/fence....

 Pretty wild looking!

Wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!  -  Thanks for a great year of blogging with you.  -  See you back in 2016.


  1. I love seeing all the lights at Christmas and you and your mom have done a great job!
    So sad that someone stole the snowman.
    Hope 2016 will be a fun filled happy and healthy year for you all! Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  2. we LOVE christmas lights too, yours are pretty!! i have always had trouble with nighttime photography and just lately and i have no idea why, my nikon has been taking much better pictures at night!!!

    happy new year ida, i hope 2016 is kind to you!!!

  3. It sure makes for some pretty fences! Happy New year! Hugs, Diane

  4. I love those fence shots! And I've always liked Christmas lights and scenes in front yards. Running lights, not so much. But all are festive and Christmas gives us a Reason to be happy!! Blessings in your new year, Ida.

  5. Nice collection of Christmas lights, and the last photo is cool! Happy New year to you and your family!

  6. your images works nicely :)

    Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year to you :)

  7. Hello Ida, pretty collection of Christmas Lights and fences. I wish you and yours a very happy, healthy New Year!

  8. all the lights are fabulous....
    Happiest New Year..

  9. Happy new year to you Ida! Thanks for coming to my front porch blog all this year!

  10. Very nice light displays! Sorry about the snowman...I hate thieves! Happy New Year!

  11. i like the swirly look - that's what the last 6 mos felt like to me. ;)
    sorry about the stolen decoration. but a merry 2016 ahead for you!

  12. What pretty lights! Happy new year!

  13. Wonderful Xmas lights and fence in the background ~ fun shots!

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year,
    artmusedog and carol

  14. Wow! You go all out. So bright and happy. It is so darn hard to get great photos of Christmas lights, I know, I tried many times and failed.

  15. Love the lights. I wasn't very festive with my decorating this year but I always love seeing what lights people put up.
    How sad that someone would steal your decoration. I just can't understand how people can do that.

  16. Happy New Year Ida and family. How sad about the snowman.

    Such a joy to know you thru blogging. All the best to you in 2016.

  17. Christmas fences are so wonderful and colorful too.

  18. I like your abstract shot. Sorry your holiday did not go as planned.

    Happy New Year.

  19. Beautiful Christmas scenes. Sorry to hear someone was a Grinch.

  20. Whaow! What great lights! I love it when people celebrate Christmas with outdoor lights. Sorry to hear that some low-life stole your snowman. And how lovely to have snow for Christmas. We've been basking in the warmest winter temperatures since records began, which is starting to make me worry: all those animals and plants that need to hibernate are waking up way too soon, which can't be good. All the best, Bonny

  21. I do love them, specially the wild looking one!

  22. Great creativity in the last shot. Happy New Year!!

  23. Festive in spite of the thief's mean and selfish act. Love that you turned right around and got another snowman. There didn't seem to be so many lights around this year. Probably because it was raining so much for days on end during the light hanging season. I know Rich didn't want to climb a ladder in the rain and wind. We hung a big, bright, pretty snowflake at the front porch, and with an evergreen swag it looked inviting and Christmasy.

  24. I missed this, during my on again off again blogging and commenting. it looks great, even the back yard left overs looks good to me. 2 houses on our street have that snow man. sorry yours was stolen


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