Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Winding Down

Hello Everyone & Welcome. -  By now you've probably figured out that I haven't posted in a couple of weeks.  -  I've also noticed that I've lost a few "followers" during that time.  I'm sorry you felt you had to leave but I honestly just did not have the energy or the desire to post much during the month of December.  For those of you still following,  Thank You!

Christmas here was different this year.  I must admit this was probably my worst year as far as "Christmas Spirit" goes.  I just couldn't get into it and strugged with a number of issues during the holiday season.  So that is why I didn't visit many blogs or post anything.  Why put a damper on other's holiday spirit just because you aren't into it that much.

Don't get me wrong,  I enjoyed parts of Christmas but there were some stressful things about it as well that just got to me a little more this year.

Yesterday we took our tree down...we had "issues" with two of the younger cats this year and sadly one of my very favorite, old glass ornaments got broken during the Christmas season. - Here is what I found yesterday after we had everything off the tree and ready to dismantle it......

There she is,  Miss Pepper at the very top of the tree....I hope next year she's older, wiser & stays out of the tree!

I hope to be back on track visiting blogs & posting as the year winds down and a New one begins.  Thanks for your patience, understanding & friendship.


  1. hi ida, i had less christmas spirit this year too, i'm not sure why. i am just a little bit happy it is over!!

    i have missed you but would never stop following you. i have a few less followers as well, maybe some people just deleted their blogs!!!

  2. Hello Ida, it's good to hear from you & I understand that some years it's just harder than others to get into the Christmas mood.
    I just found out myself yesterday that Google has been streamlining its blogger Friend connect & that's why we have lost followers as they have removed any who were following & didn't have a google account eg. those with Yahoo or even Twitter
    Hope you have a fun filled 2016 with lots of photo opportunities! I always enjoy seeing what you find!

  3. I'm still following I just haven't been commenting as much. I guess my lack of holiday spirit got the better of me also. Sometimes it was just too difficult to come up with anything to say at all. In other words I know how you were feeling :)
    My daughter had a fun time with her cat around the tree this year too. At least hers didn't try to climb it

  4. i don't think you lost followers on purpose. i have to believe blogger deleted some old, inactive accounts because over the course of one day i lost a chunk from my block, so don't think folks are abandoning you. we're here, whenever you post. :)

  5. Hello Ida...I'm sorry you have been having a difficult year but I certainly hope that 2016 hold many promises for you and your family! BTW, I'm still following :)

  6. Kitties love Christmas trees! Christmas snuck up on us this year so we didn't even get a tree up. Kinda made it not feel like Christmas but at least there was nothing to put away so I'll just look at that as a positive. :) Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  7. I'm going to be taking down my tree down New Years Day. I've already had it down some years the day after Christmas!!
    Happy New Year to you and your family. : )

  8. You were missed and I hope you're doing well!
    Happy New Year!

  9. I was hoping you were enjoying the holidays.

    I've lost some followers too, maybe someone is just cleaning house.

  10. Sorry things were so stressful, but I hope it returns to more normalcy soon. Our cats like sleeping under the tree, but don't bother it otherwise. Hope you have a happy New Year!

  11. It is good to see a post...I always take time off now and then. Like you, Christmas was a struggle this year. Parts of is just a stressful time no matter how I try to look at it. Parts of it were complete joy...I try to focus on those but it is hard sometimes.

  12. I think a lot of people felt that way this year for some reason! I also heard there's a glitch with Google and the loss of followers. I'm glad you made the best of it and enjoyed your Christmas!

  13. Don't feel bad....I lost about 30 followers about a week ago. Oh well! 'Tis the season I suppose! I didn't even notice the kitty until I read what you wrote!

  14. December is rather a slow blogging month for many. There is so much to do. I hope that you have a wonderful New Year, Ida. I took my Christmas decorations down today, earlier than I have ever done, but I just felt ready for it. I still have a few things up, and the twinkle lights on the mantel are still there.

  15. Oh, my gosh, that is so cute! Christmas trees and cats don't always mix well from their peoples' point of view, but Miss Pepper sure enjoyed it. I'm sorry about your heirloom ornament. I have a few of those, too, and would hate to lose any of them. I can totally understand about the month of December. Seems like it gets to be more of a struggle in the best of times. I went totally off the grid for a while just so it would be one less thing. I hope things get better and your spirit in general returns to a better state. Sending love and wishes for a better year.

  16. The Christmas season can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.'s alright to have a season of just not having a whole lot of spirit. I've been there myself. Hope that the following days will be better for you and that you will find a lot of JOY. I missed blogging for about three weeks and even before that, I had kinda slacked up quite a bit. I'm now ready to get back to being a more frequent blogger. I consider my blogging friends to be great FRIENDS and I may not be a daily reader.....but I always try to catch up and stay in contact with all of you.... Blessings!!

  17. Cats definitely add a whole separate challenge to decorating.
    Happy to see you back :)

  18. You blogged much more consistently than I did and came up with some wonderful photographs and thoughts. I think you did great! I'm sorry Christmas was stressful for you this year, For sure, you are not alone. May 2016 bring good health, peace, love and laughter to you and your loved ones!

  19. Hello, cute shot of your Pepper. I hope things calm down for you in 2016. I think we all lost followers, Google might have deleted old blogs not in use anymore.

    I wish you and yours all the best in 2016, a Happy, Healthy New Year!

  20. We learned to put little bells all over the tree, to alert us of cat mischief. The ones that were stray tend to be very tree conscious. I recommend squirt bottles to help break bad habits. No one gets hurt, nothing gets broken, and it works. Losing followers happens. The ones that stay make it worthwhile. Just remember, perspective. Happy New Year, my friend!

  21. Oh no, I am sorry that one of your favorite ornaments broke. I hate it when that happens, there can be so many memories tied to them. During the times that I had cats I was always extremely careful with the Christmas tree. Also, I had times when I was a bit absent from blogosphere - it happens. Life happens. I hope by now you are feeling much better, relaxed and are looking forward to the new year.
    Happy New Year, Ida!

  22. I have to admit, I was a bit worried about you, but I just chalked it up to the craziness of the season. It affects each of us in a different way.
    Some followers were lost all across blog land. There were some issues that couldn't quite be resolved apparently, and we are expected to find our way back to any blogs that were dropped off our list.
    I have a very close friend who goes into hiding during the holidays, and comes back out right around now. She loves when Christmas is over. I experience the holidays in waves of ups and downs, so I understand.
    Anyway, glad to see you back online. I've missed you.

  23. Oh, my you had three kids instead of your daughter! Am not a good one to advise you how to handle the cats, but I am glad you are back! The December celebrations can be stressful sometimes. Hope next year it will be better! Wishing you an awesome 2016 with lots of good unexpected surprises!

  24. Cats are such interesting creatures and if one lives in your house you understand the phrase, 'Curiosity killed the cat!' Don't worry about getting around to answering everyone, my bloggy friend, we will still be here when you have time--real life is much more important!

  25. Hello Ida, My email was hacked a couple weeks ago and I lost it and my blog so I am slowly finding my favorite bloggers and starting over. If you click on my name, you should be taken to the new blog.
    John and I have struggled this past year with a number of health issues; we love the meaning of Christmas, but we do not decorate, exchange gifts etc. and we have NO family to visit.
    I look forward now to Spring...even though it is winter. Praying you are feeling better. Your friend, Mildred

  26. Hi Ida, oh my we've two black cats like your miss pepper and they are why we do not have Xmas trees anymore. I think a good number of us could have written this post, I hope 2016 is lighter and brighter for all of us. All the Best :-)

  27. I marvel at anyone who had time to post over the month of December!! With my 3 kids home for 2 weeks straight and all the preparation for the holidays, I had neither time to write or read! I just stored all the posts I wanted to read in a folder and today is finally a calm enough day to sit with a cup of coffee and catch up.
    Thankfully our cat prefers to lie BENEATH the tree! LOL

  28. Don't worry about followers leaving Ida. They'll come back I bet! around the holidays it always drops off, people get so busy. I'm not an official follower ( of anybody) because I blog on a different platform, not Blogger, but just speaking from experience, commenters always drop off at the end of the year, around the holiday time. I am sure you all had a wonderful Christmas !


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