Thursday, January 21, 2016

Good Fences #96 - New or Used

Welcome! - It's been a "busy" week here with back-to-back birthday celebrations so I haven't been on the computer much.  - I'm joining GOOD FENCES today hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Today you are just getting 1 (I know shocking) photo.

I spotted this fence while walking down an alley one day.  -  What's your take,  do you think it's a "New" or a "Used" fence?

I'm going for (used) myself.

Don't forget to stop by and check out the other particpants fences.


  1. Hello, I would say it is used. The stakes look like they have been in the ground already. Great fence find. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Hmm. Cool fence. I think new/used. Doesn't look to worn to me. But it is very cool. I would have wanted to take it home!
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I vote used, wish i had it, looks like the stakes just stick in the ground, we have a spot i could use it

  4. Love the color of the fence and original to find one upside down! I'm going to go for used as it looks like mud on the base.
    Hope you have a more restful week!

  5. Looks new to me Ida and it needs someone to stick it in the ground. That would be hard here until the frost goes away:) Hug B

  6. Old or new, looks in good shape.

  7. We have a few of the green posts but nothing as nice as that picket.

  8. Well it depends. It's definitely used, based on the mud residue but . . . Might have been a thrifty find and waiting for its new home.

  9. Hello Ida!:) Even placed upside down, one can see it's a good looking fence, which could have been used before, but there's a lot of wear in it yet, and I wouldn't mind having one like it on the farm.

  10. I think used, too...I would almost take it off their hands if they wanted. It matches the color of my glider on my back porch almost.

  11. Now, THAT is an interesting fence shot! I'd say used. :)

  12. Ida, I'm with you! Used I think! Probably waiting a paint job!

  13. Always fun to come across something like this, and a great photo for Good Fences. I think it is an old fence but recently painted? Maybe :)

  14. I think it's used. But I like it.

  15. It may be new...or used...but what I see is a job of work ahead!!!

  16. It looks like someone used garden stakes as the supports for the wooden part - at least from the photo. Maybe it was used as a garden fence. Pretty clever!

  17. Our Sheltie Rescue just posted that they are looking for fences to be donated. They, in turn, donate to people with Shelties who need fencing. This is recycling at its best. Dogs need loving homes...and fencing.
    You always have unique captures, Ida. Thanks!

  18. Hmmmm, it looks used to me, judging by those bottom edges. I love how you chose this fence, even though it's not in use at the time. Creative thinking!

  19. looks used but ready for recycling at a new location

  20. I think used but about to be recycled.

  21. Oh it looks like a used fence just waiting for some tlc! The pink is awesome!

  22. Based on the dirt in the green post parts, I'd say it's used. It's certainly still in great shape though!

  23. I think it looks new. You find the most amazing things!

  24. I think it is used, but sure wish it was mine! Happy Birthdays to your celebrants! xx Karen

  25. definitely a used fence!

    enjoy your weekend~

  26. Great shot! Hmm ~ hard to tell ~ bet it is used ~

    Happy Sunday to you ^_^

  27. I would definitely say not new. But I like it - especially the colour and I would definitely use it in my own garden if I could. It seems in great shape still.

  28. The subtlety of the red and the green in this photo is quite remarkable.
    I love it.
    Good work, Ida!
    Have a Beautiful Week!!
    Peace :)

  29. this is used!! taken down in one place, to be reinstalled somewhere else. another cool find...finding an upside down fence!!!!

  30. i wanted to ask you, have you noticed missing any more followers? i have, it has really gone down even more. i guess i need to not take it personally but it is tough when you wish for folks to follow your blog not go away? i wonder what is going on? have you heard any news? have a great week. happy Fence day. ( :

  31. i wanted to ask you, have you noticed missing any more followers? i have, it has really gone down even more. i guess i need to not take it personally but it is tough when you wish for folks to follow your blog not go away? i wonder what is going on? have you heard any news? have a great week. happy Fence day. ( :


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