Friday, January 15, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five & Feline Art - January 15, 2016

Happy Friday!

It's time for some random fun with WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tanya (Around Roanoke).

1.  Something funny (at least I thought it was) that my friend sent me.

We drove up to Bennington Lake last week and I snapped a couple of shots of the surrounding farm land and the Blue Mountains.  These are my favorite shots from the drive up there.

3.  Signs of spring already?.....

Robins! - Photo also taken at Bennington Lake.
4. I ordered a new CD the other day The Traveling Kind by Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell.  Thought you might enjoy a selection off the album.
5.  I haven't done any cat art for FELINE ART  here in a while so how about this one of Pepper lounging in the laundry basket:
She is a really hard cat to photograph.  Her jet black fur and those odd golden colored eyes make it difficult to get a picture of her face.  Thank goodness she has that little white streak on her nose.
Original Photo SOOC

Well that's it for me today.  - Nothing real exciting going on around here, just day to day stuff but that's okay as I'd rather have it calm then chaotic.



  1. That was a funny cartoon! I enjoyed the views of your drive through the countryside, especially the wavy pattern in the field.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. love the feline, edited and unedited, its a great image!!!!

  3. The scenes on your trip to the lake are gorgeous!!

  4. I love the contour plowing, a good way to prevent erosion on hills like that.

  5. Your photos are fantastic! Laughed out loud at the dog joke and the farm field is fascinating.

  6. Oh my gosh that cartoon is cracking me up. That's hysterical

  7. Robins-how wonderful! Skittles is hard to photograph too since her face has black and brown and orange-no white on her face. But I still make the effort anyway.

  8. Oh, I love the blue mountain one. Great photo and colorful.

  9. Oh, I love the blue mountain one. Great photo and colorful.

  10. Oh, I love the blue mountain one. Great photo and colorful.

  11. the view is fantastic, love the swirls in the ground. he he he on Carpenter ants. Karen Carpenter was one of Bob's favorite singers and I love Emmy Lou...

  12. Ginger is a lovely looking cat. I have the same issue with my dog. He's jet black and has a tendency to come out as a smudge in photographs. Maybe we could hire him and Ginger out to people who want a difficult subject to test their cameras on ... It looks very wintery in your part of the world. Wishing you a nice warm fire in the hearth to sit beside. All the best, Bonny

  13. Hello Ida!:) I enjoyed the stunning scenary you saw, and your cat images, and many thanks for the funnies!:)

  14. Your cartoon was funny! LOVED the photos...very artistic with the designs! What a lovely drive you must have had.

  15. Blessings....
    Hope all is well with you and yours.
    I enjoyed your photos.

    thanks for sharing
    peace and blessings.

  16. Cute cartoon! I am ready for spring and we really haven't had winter. I like the cat art, and will listen to Emmy Lou some other time...watching TV right now.

  17. Beautiful photographs! I think cats, and probably all animals, are just hard to photograph. The minute mine sees me zooming in on him, he feels the need to get up and come to me.

  18. Hi dear Ida! Lovely collection of photos. The mountain scene is stunning :) Have a wonderful new week. Hugs!

  19. I really like the lines in the photos you took on your way to Bennington Lake.

  20. The mountain shots are beautiful.
    Definitely no robins in sight up here. We just got LOTS of snow. It will be several months yet.

  21. Oh, my gosh, Ida, what a treasure I found here today. That funny made me laugh out loud. I didn't know what was coming, but it's hilarious! Your scenery photos are unbelievably stunning and I love your artistic rendering of the cat photo. I could see that being a focal piece on the wall in a beautifully decorated room.

  22. You did a super job on that hard to photograph kitty!!!!...:)JP

  23. Hi Ida,
    The mountains are beautiful.
    Glad you had a good time, checking out the area and photographing.
    Here is a song with Emmie Lou for you - one of my favorite -
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  24. Love the zig zag in the fields and those mountains! Great shots!

  25. awesome photos... got me giggling with the dogs comments..

  26. Robins? That is the best thing I have heard all week!
    I always love your mountain pictures, so pretty. Glad to see pepper too. Such a cutie.

  27. great photographs and funny cartoon...i love what you did with pepper's picture! thank you for linking ida and have a great weekend!

  28. love the first landscape with the zigzag pattern! Here for good fences (above) - it's not shocking, but unusual -:) Hope you had fun with the celebrations!

  29. I enjoyed this post. Nice shots. Especially the kitty whiskers.


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