Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday's Critters and 3 Day Quote Challenge

Joining Eileen today for SATURDAY'S CRITTERS and participating in Day 2 of the Quote Challenge


Meet....Gwen.  She belongs to the same people who owned Eric the cat that sadly we lost last year when he was hit by a car.  He was featured many times on my blog.  -  Gwen is very "shy" so it's hard to get good pictures of her.  I caught this one of her from across the street.  As soon as I tried to get closer she took off and headed back around the corner of the house.

I followed her around the house though and very caustiously snapped a couple of close-up photos of her.

Isn't she a beautiful cat.  Those eyes are so pretty.

So today I am not going to nominate the following people for the quote challenge.  Remember you do not have to take up the challenge if you don't want to.

Cathy:  Grandma's Little Corner
Tete:  Beyond The Garden Gate
Felicia: Fotography by Felicia

The rules of the challenge are simple. They are as follows:
1. Post for three consecutive days.
2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day.
3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day.
Have a great day & thanks for stopping by.


  1. Looks like Gwen enjoys watching you. She is a pretty cat.

  2. Hello Ida, Gwen is a pretty kitty. At least she let you take some photos before she run away.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. She is very pretty- I have always loved black cats. Have a super Sunday!

  4. Wonderfull portraits cat, greeting from Belgium

  5. Beautiful pictures of the cat.
    Well done.
    Best regards, Irma

  6. So sorry to hear about Eric. Gwen is a pretty cat and you took great photos of her. She does have pretty eyes

  7. Hello Ida!:) I like all black cats,...used to have one called Sooty. You did good with these shots. I know it's not easy to photograph cats that are camera shy.Have a happy Sunday!:)

  8. Oh, Ida...I LOVE IT...the post, the quote, the meaning (and I love your header shot!!!)...:)JP

  9. Makes me think of my black cat. I miss him even after all these years. - Margy

  10. She is beautiful and that is a great quote.

  11. She is a gorgeous kitty! Those eyes indeed. I had a black cat when I was little, and I had picked out a little black kitten last year when we were at the shelter. But I was over-ruled regarding the little tabby kitten we know call Cashew. I am not sorry though. :)
    Great quote.

  12. That is a great quote for a beautiful photo! I love the pose and I love black cats. Win win! I hope you enjoyed your weekend and have a wonderful upcoming week!

  13. That's so sad about Eric.
    Gwen is a pretty girl. I love how you got her eye's and nose in the same square of fence. Well done.


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