Friday, January 29, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five - January 29, 2016

Happy Friday! - Wow it's the last weekend of January already.  Time keeps marching on for sure.

Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for,

1.  Have you ever noticed how cats seem to enjoy cramming themselves into cardboard boxes.  This one was on the floor the other night and several of the cats decided to get inside.  This is Harley one of the "larger" cats we have.  I love how his paw is draped outside the box.

Did you know "Big Cats" like boxes too?  - Check out this video


So I'll also be using this photo for FELINE ART - Altered to this version:

2.  We haven't had a lot of snow here this winter (I'm so thankful for that) but we have had some and lots of rain lately.  A couple of weeks ago I showed photos of Bennington Lake and the mountains but I did share this shot I took.  It's part of the lake itself.

I don't think many people are going to head out onto the lake with thin ice but hey the warnings signs are a good thing.

3. During one of the better weather days last week Coleen, her mom & I took a little walk around the neighborhood.  We spotted these bushes in someones yard.  The white things looked a lot like blooms from a distance but actually turned out to be white berries.  Reminds me of popcorn.  It could also remind one of snow I suppose.  Sort of "artsy" I think.

If you like snow and art check out this LINK - You'll be amazed for sure.

4. Last week Coleen turned 11 years old.  Hard to believe she's almost a teenager. -  With part of her birthday money she bought a watch.  On the way home she suddendly says:  "Well that was rather insulting!"  - I'm think what are you talking about so I ask her.
She replies:  "The box says,  This is NOT a toy.  Not intended for children under the age of 12!"  Yep, I'd say they goofed on that warning for sure.
This is her and her mom laughing before she blew out the birthday candles.

5.  Finally I was nominated yesterday (McGuffy's Reader) for a Quote Challenge - I love adding quotes to my photos so I had to participate in this one.
I've always liked that quote by Anne Frank every since Junior High (now known as Middle School) when I read the book,  The Diary of Anne Frank.
It amazes me that even with all she went through and dying at such a young age she was so wise beyond her years.
The rules of the challenge are simple. They are as follows:
1. Post for three consecutive days.
2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day.
3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day.
My nominies are:
Sandra:  The Mad Snapper


  1. #1 ...and in a hat?
    #2 on thin ice?
    #3 Symphoricarpos or snowberry.
    #4 Belated Happy Birthday Coleen, my granddaughter is 12 today.
    #5 Congratulations.

  2. i've never seen berries like that and they do look like popcorn, i like it! i never knew that about big cats and that was a cute video...happy birthday to coleen, her photos are always so cute! thank you for linking ida and have a great weekend!!

  3. Great Anne Frank quote Ida. . .
    I sent you an email . . .

  4. Great Anne Frank quote Ida . . .
    I sent you an email . . .

  5. I love when animals try to cram themselves into small spaces!

  6. A wonderful birthday and a smart girl. Insult, indeed.

    Love the moss and the quote.

    Have a blessed evening.

  7. Happy birthday to Coleen who is fast becoming a lovely young lady!
    I enjoyed your post & the quote is really good with a great picture!
    Happy weekend!

  8. Hi Ida, I am back at blogger as of today.. It will be easier for me to respond to bloggers here. Cats and boxes go together. I really like your header.. very nice! Eventually I will redo mine. We had quite downpour today at different times. I enjoyed your fence photos. To bad they had to take out the bush but the fence looks good. I hope I have set everything up right. I will find out. Take care and have a good weekend and I can't believe your granddaughter turned eleven...

  9. I enjoyed all of these...always love seeing your kitties.

  10. Harley looks pretty comfy in that box. Thanks for the nomination. I'll try and participate. So long as I don't end up forgetting about it LOL

  11. Hello, Happy Birthday to Coleen! I like the cute kitty in the box! Have a happy weekend!

  12. I love how cats cannot resist climbing into a new box or bag!

  13. Well, that bush sure had me fooled! I could have sworn someone had scattered popcorn on it. Even up close it looks like popcorn. Coleen is growing up before my very eyes and becoming quite a young lady. Again, I enjoyed all the photos, Ida.

  14. That is so true about cats and cardboard boxes.

    One of my cats loved climbing inside Christmas bags. Lol! I always had to make sure they were stapled well.

  15. Happy birthday, Coleen. So, is that you with the cake, Ida?? Cute picture! I knew you would like the quote challenge!

  16. Happy Birthday to Coleen! I hope she had a lovely day. She shares her birthday with one of my uncles.
    I love the black cat with the great yellow eyes.
    All the best,

  17. I thought you had discovered a popcorn bush!! I was so happy for a moment. LOL
    Even if not popcorn, it's still very pretty.
    And true true true: beauty is all around us. We just have to stop and notice it.

  18. Hello Ida...lovely photo's. I love the cat in a box! Your Word inspiration qualifies for my word challenge too. The word this week was Beauty and you have to have 6, 12,18 or 24 words...or 6 lines. Take a look here

  19. I just love the cat in the box, so beutiful and so is the edit.. Coleen looks so very happy. that is a great shot of her.. sorry i missed the challenge on my time off. i might still do it.


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