Monday, February 29, 2016

52 Frames - My first submission

Sharing today my first submission for 52 Frames. 

This weeks theme was patterns.  Here is the photo I submitted:

Just so you know what this is.  It's actually shadows from slats in the back of a wooden bench on the seat of the bench.

Here is a link to the Album that shows all the submissions.  I hope to learn a lot from participating in this group.


  1. Simply amazing, my friend! I would have never guessed those were shadows....I thought the wood was painted that way :)

    Have a lovely week! Hugs!

  2. this is PERFECT and i really like it a LOT..

  3. there are a lot of awesome photons on there and none are better than this one. great job

  4. Wow!! This is so grand! Well done! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Very cool shot. I thought at first those were stripes painted on the boards

  6. Neat! Really like the contrast.

  7. Very nicely done, Ida!
    This is truly a beautiful capture.
    Have a Happy Week!!
    Peace :)

  8. Wow, cool shadow shot. Well done! Have a happy day!

  9. Great eye for finding these patterns. I have a real fondness for shadows!

  10. That looks like they're painted in black stripes! Very sharp looking photo! And your blog looks so happy and Springy too!

    Have a great week!

  11. how cool is this, I didn't even come close with my the shot!

  12. I love that shadow play photo! (I've been away a long time - haven't been blogging: long story. Hope you're still following)

  13. Ida, this a a really excellent pattern shot!

  14. That's a great view of frames!
    Just a reminder that I have my link open Mon -Wed.till 7 pm for Seasons - this week the word got around and some more linked. I am grateful for your prompt response last week. Hope to see you there again before the link closes:) (you may use this pic if you like)

  15. Brilliant!!! I love it. Would look great as an art piece on the wall. Very clever capture. :)

  16. Very cool, I would have never guessed that!!

  17. Great photo. You have a such an eye for catching the perfect picture.


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