Friday, February 26, 2016

In Memory of EG Camera Girl

The blogging world lost a wonderful friend this week in a tragic car accident.  Tina, ( EG Camera Girl) and her husband, Tom were both killed in this accident.
While I did not know Tina personally having never met her I did know her through her wonderful blog and her visits to my blog.  She will be greatly missed.

Thank you Tina for all the wonderful memories you created through your blog.  Thank you for always taking the time to visit my blog and to show that you cared about others.  You were a wonderful photographer.

Rest in Peace my friend.


  1. Hello, lovely tribute to Tina! She will be missed by all of us in blogland.

  2. this is perfect and I second every word you said about her and will truly miss her.

  3. I met a few friends through blogging that I may never meet in person as well. So sorry for your loss.

  4. That is very sad and tragic. Two lives taken far too soon. I'm so sorry.

  5. Oh how tragic. So sorry to hear this about my online friend. Thank you for conveying this sad news, as Tina and her husband will be in our thoughts. May they rest in peace.

  6. How sad and what a lovely tribute.

  7. This is beautiful Ida. She will be missed. Hug B

  8. I didn't read her blog but how sad to read about her and her husband.

  9. That is a shame. I did not know her blog, but did lose one of my readers to a sudden and unexpected disease. You just never know...

  10. Thank you for posting this, Ida. I've enjoyed Tina's photos and blog posts over the years. Such a tragedy.

  11. Oh, no! How tragic. But thank you for letting us know instead of letting us wonder.

  12. This is so very sad for all the extended family. She will be greatly missed in the blogging community. I really enjoyed her blog and photography. Although we had never met we exchanged messages & comments frequently. I am really saddened to see this news today.

  13. I'm so sorry - I heard about this tragedy on another blog. I didn't follow her blog, but I did see her comments on other's. I feel so sad for their families. Saying prayers. x Karen

  14. Love the photo. I didn't know Tina nor was I familiar with her blog but I've been reading about her on several other blogs. Very sad.

  15. You showed much compassion in this memorialized post. I will do the same at my birding blog today [since she photographed and loved birds/birding a lot]. It's a sad week in blog land for 'our' loss and I hope the best for her family she left behind.

    PS...beautiful fence images. Love the vine intertwined in the wrought iron.

  16. blessings....
    Oh wow...
    Tragic indeed.
    May their souls rest in peace.

    Stay blessed

  17. This is very touching Ida, a lovely tribute to Tina. She will be greatly missed.

  18. What a lovely way of honouring your friend. WE do have good friends in blogvile.

  19. how very sad, I enjoyed her Blog and that she was a fellow Canadian gave me a lovely glimpse into home....thank you for sharing this information Ida.

  20. Wasn't it such a shock to hear of Tina's tragic car accident. What a terrible loss for her family and for the blog world. Lovely tribute to her.

  21. Isn't ti a shock? I'd rather go that way, but it is hard for family and friends. My ex-husband died of a heart attack just as my daughter was visiting.

  22. What a lovely post my friend. I have been saddened by the loss of Tina and her husband...what a loss to us all. Sweet hugs, Diane

  23. Such a sad thing to have happen and know that many of us will miss her posts greatly

  24. I am so sorry to hear this. I was not familiar with her blog, and a quick glance shows me that I was indeed missing out on some beautiful photography. RIP

  25. This is so sweet Ida, I wonder if she knew how much we all loved her. She always left me such kind and upbeat messages!!


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