Thursday, February 25, 2016

Good Fences #101 - Intertwined

Hello & Welcome!

It's time for GOOD FENCES  hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Last week I featured a Wrought Iron fence with little curlicues on it.  You can find that fence HERE  if you missed seeing it.  The reason I mention this fence is that someone mentioned in the comments that perhaps they would let vines grow on it.  I replied back saying I didn't think so but that the house next door did indeed have some vines growing through their fence and that I would feature it today.

So here is the house next door:  Click to Enlarge Photos.

I don't know what type of vines these are and they were only on sections of the fence, not the entire fence. - This fence isn't quite as fancy as the one with the curlicues but it's still really nice.

I liked the way the vines were draped over the fencing in this shot.

More vines and a closer look at them....

As I started to turn the corner I thought this view of the fence and the way it curved around their yard was really nice.  There were no more vines on the fence at this point though.

Finally I thought it might be neat to actually show you the house this fence surrounds.

The homes in this neighborhood are quite nice and fairly new.  I like the brickwork on the chimney of this one.
I hope you have enjoyed today's fence selection.  Don't forget to check out the other participants fences.  You won't be disappointed. 
Have a great day.


  1. i love the curved part of the fence and the house is so beautiful. i like that stone to. and i was surprised to see the fence looks about 3 or 4 foot high with the house in it and i would have guessed it at 5 plus feet from just the fence pic.

  2. What a beautiful fence - and home! So pretty to see the vine growing along it, too! Hope your day is lovely x K

  3. lovely new header and I love the fernforgé fences

  4. Hello Ida & looks like you found another lovely wrought iron fence to share with us! I love the shot of it curving around the property!
    All told, it's a very nice place!
    Have a great day!

  5. I love when vines crawl over fences. As long as they don't obscure the fence.

  6. Hi, Ida! I love wrought iron fences, and this one is very pretty. I like how it curves around too. That's kind of unusual--usually you see them cornered off.

  7. I'm all in favour of vines Ida. All the better if those trailiing branched have bunches of grapes that can be made into red wine.

    I've included a likk which tells you all abour the ringing/banding of wild birds.

  8. Hello, Ida! I like teh curvy fence and the ivy plants. Have a happy day!

  9. That is very nice.

    Clematis make for nice fence vines, I've seen them growing on iron fences in Columbus, OH.

  10. The fence looks nice nice. love from Europe

  11. What a nice fence around a nice house!

  12. Great Good Fence post!
    Love last weeks fence, this weeks, the vine and the house with the curved fence.
    Very, very nice . . .

  13. Wonderful photography of a lovely wrought iron fence ~ thanks ^_^

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  14. Love the look of that house and their fence. I really like the way it curves rather than having straight angles at the corner

  15. I think vines and fences just go together so naturally! Great photos!

  16. I like the way it curves around the corner!

  17. Do not recall ever seeing a curved fence like this. Very nice and unique.

  18. This is a beautiful looking fence, Ida. I'm sure it cost quite a bit to install but it looks like it can last for many decades.

  19. Wonderful shots of that fence Ida!

  20. I like this one, too...not quite as much as the curly-cue one but almost.

  21. Hi Ida, this is really a nice fence and I love the fleur di lis on the tops. It sure surrounds a beautiful home. Like the vines growing on it too. Have a nice weekend. Blessings

  22. Beautiful! I love the curve in the fence!

  23. You have some very nice fences in your community, I love the house too! I love the way it curves around also, very striking. Enjoy your evening, Kelly.

    Thanks for making the guess on my post, it was a lot of fun.

  24. I love the way the fence curves like that!

  25. Hello Ida, I like the vines draping over the fence shot. I too like the one showing the curve of the fencing. Have a beautiful day!

  26. The vine looks like Eucalyptus gum leaves, very Aussie indeed.

  27. The house and the fence are very stylish. Nice pictures.

  28. Hello Ida!:)When I first saw the fence I had imagined it to be much taller, but small is beautiful too. It's a neat fence, and your photos of both fence and house ( which is lovely)are great. If the vine looking plant flowers, it will look gorgeous on a fence like that.
    Have a great Weekend!:)

  29. the home is beautiful and that's a great fence. i love the look of the vines but i also like the look of the fence. one day, it will be covered completely!!!!

  30. Fancy fancy! I love that fence style and what a pretty house to go with it!

  31. I wonder how cucumbers would do on that fence?

    Very cool fence.

  32. That house has some very nice curb appeal! I really like the fence design as it doesn't distract from the architecture of the home. But what I really love here is the shot of the vine twisting on the fence. It's such a great example of something modern, hard, permanent versus the softer way of Nature. It's an essay on Man vs. Nature in a single shot!! Brilliant.

  33. That is a very nice fence. Love its simple but elegant pattern.

  34. Oooh, it's a clematis and it will flower later. Love the curve. Beautiful!

  35. I like that they made a curve instead of a corner on the fence :) Looks good!

  36. Really nice! I like the close-ups of the vine.

  37. Lovely fencing, especially liking the one with the plant growing on it. Great photos as always Ida.

  38. I love how the fence curves at the corner. I've never seen that done before. Neat.


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