Thursday, February 4, 2016

Good Fences #98 - Corgi's and Calico's

Hi!  Hope you've all been having a good week.

It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.
Click to Enlarge Photos.
While out looking for some fences one day last year  Coleen & I spotted this sight dog by a fence and we just had to take a photo to share.
In the next shot I just cropped the above photo so you could see the dog and the sign a little better.

I wonder how good that security system works.

We looked around for a bit and then as we were walking back to our car I happened to notice that the Corgi had been joined by company......

Isn't that sweet little Calico cat just adorable.  They really looked cute together there by that gate/fence.
Don't forget to stop in and check out all the other Good Fences.  Have a wonderful day.


  1. Aww! They do make an adorable colour matched couple!

  2. Hello Ida, cute doggie and kitty. Great fence photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. they are so sweet and cute, great find for fences. love the colors in the photos to. looks like the cat could get out easy though. under or over... love the pics

  4. Great fence photos for Theresa's meme Ida. Love the little corgi and cute cat. Have a great day :)

  5. That is so cute!!! And they look almost the same color.

  6. You found some fun subjects with your fence shot. It looks like they could get out easily under that fence.

  7. A dog and a cat looking after the place.

  8. I like dogs, sure, but my heart jumps with delight seeing the Calico!!!
    Terrific, sweet photos Ida.

  9. They sure look curious about you! Happy fences! Hugs, Diane

  10. adorable partners in anti-crime. :)

  11. LOL! I bet the security system works pretty good when it's not sleeping or eating!

  12. The Calico Cat is free to come and go, so it is not intimidated!

  13. What beautiful animals and great photos! Wonderful fence and great composition!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  14. Oh, so cute! I love that last shot....

  15. Yeah, I saw the doggie immediately, and nice that kittie came to look too! Love also the post below of your daughter, she looks so grown up from the last pic I saw of her:)

  16. Yes they do look cute and seem happy in each other's company. :)

  17. That corgi looks about as threatening as the kitty.

  18. Oh my - what a nice security system!
    Nice find, Ida and I like the photo and the subjects (fence, cat and the Corgi).
    Well done my friend!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  19. Hello Ida!:) I think that's so funny to have a dog with he same name as the Security System. The Corgi is a plucky little dog. When I was a girl we had a Corgi. and it was a good little hunter. I love the last picture of the Corgi with his companion.

  20. A dog and a cat .... this property is very well guarded! Nice scene!

  21. Their colorings are so similar. We don't see Corgis very often in Texas. Lots of Chihahuas!

  22. I like the progression in these pictures. I think with both a dog and cat they are safe.

  23. I wonder if the dog can squeeze under the fence.

  24. That is one beautiful calico! Enjoy your weekend Ida.

  25. Awe, that last one is a sweet photo.

  26. Both animals are so cute, I love the markings on the cat. They seem to be colour coordinated. Have a great day, Kelly.

  27. Hello Ida! My, it has been simply too long since I stopped by - I have not had much chance for blog reading of late, I do apologise! I hope all is well in your home today, and I do wish you a happy February!
    Aww, I love calico kitties, we used to have one called Bianca, and I spotted her one day when out driving with my dad...she was a stray, and we picked her up. Do you know, she was the sweetest tempered cat we have ever had, and we cried many tears the day she sadly was run over by a passing car...
    It was so long ago, but I remember her!
    And these dogs!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear Ida...hugs to you!

  28. Oh, that is cute! I'd think they would attract visitors rather than keeping them away.

  29. Made me smile! Looks like that Corgi could almost squeeze out under the fence, but maybe he doesn't want to.

  30. They are both so cute. I never thought of Corgi's as much of a guard dog, but who knows. lol

  31. Those are some very adorable watch-animals! The calico kitten is just wonderful. And so is the corgi -- and these people seem to have chosen their pets to be color coordinated; I am glad they are friends, they look great together.

  32. Our cat is pretty fierce in protecting his yard. Nothing gets too close. I don't have a Corgi, but since the Queen does... maybe they are great personal guard dogs. Fit for royalty. ha.

  33. The Corgi and the Calico seem so peaceful together.
    Enjoyed the sign, and would also like to know how well that works.

  34. That calico is pretty and I like the way she and the corgi match!


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