Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday Treasures

I've been hoping to join in with Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for his new meme:  Tuesday's Treasures for a few weeks now but just haven't managed until today.

I just have one photo today and I'm not sure what year or make this Van is but it does seem to be fairly old and I'm sure it's a "treasure" to whoever it belongs to.  Plus I think it's pretty cool looking myself.  I spotted it while out walking one afternoon and just had to take a picture of it.

Please check out the other "treasures" by visiting Tom's blog and clicking on the participants entries.  -  Have a great day!


  1. Something very nostalgic about it. It looks like it's in great condition too!

  2. First off, I'll a guess that this is a '78, I just saw one in a darker blue last Saturday. There are a bunch of VWs here on Maui. Well you indeed found a treasure Ida. Thanks for joining in this week and return real soon.

  3. I would give my right arm to have this. Just love the light blue. It looks to be in fine condition. They were the most wonderful campers. I had several friends with them but no longer Thanks for your blast from the past.

  4. Don't see many of those on the road anymore so likely a treasure for someone.

  5. I would love to have this to drive to work!!!!!!!

  6. it sure is in good shape.. and it is old and a treasure

  7. That is a cool VW and it would be fun to tool around town in...

  8. Now if we saw that in Eugene it would be covered with bumperstickers and have flowers painted on it, just like it was still the 1960s.

  9. Oh, this brings back memories! My Mr. had a '65 Chevy Van when we were dating.....We went everywhere in that van. Thanks for the memories! :)

  10. Is there anything more classic than an old VW van?

  11. I think it looks like an old Volkswagen bus perhaps T4 or T5 but I'm not a specialist.
    Great shot.

  12. I don't know the year either, but I do know when we were first married a friend of ours had one and we thought about buying one.

  13. Totally forgot to say I LOVE it!

  14. That is neat looking van! I used to dream as a child that I would one day own, and live in one band travel the world. I think I may have gotten my ideas from Scooby Dao.
    Have a happy Wednesday Ida!

  15. I love it! Pretty color. Makes me long for a road trip. It looks like an older model Vanagan which came out after the original bus. Wish we still had our first VW bus. Let's see... maybe about 40 years ago. Fixed it up very nice inside and drove it everywhere travelling. Then our son had one about 20 years ago. As old as our old one, I think. He travelled all over with a friend and had some adventures. The bus never gave him a bit of trouble. They're very valuable now. What nostalgia!

  16. these old things are pretty popular!

  17. I can remember going camping in a van much like that one... except it was more pea soup green. LOL
    This shot would look so fantastic with a vintage filter too!

  18. I showed this picture to my husband, and he said he would love to have that. He'd drive it everywhere!

  19. I saw those quite a bit when I was growing up.

  20. Wow Ida... Great shot there!...lots of neat 60s / 70s history with those vans! I always smile when i see those. Groovy!!

  21. That is the same blue of my first semi automatic Volkswagen (1969) bug...I will go over and visit Tom's blog sounds fun.

  22. I like the old vans like that too. They make me think of being out on the road with no particular place to go, just exploring. :-) Thank you so much for visiting my new blog.

  23. Wow, those VW's never die! That's a great Tue Treasure in mint condition!


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