Thursday, March 3, 2016

Good Fences #102 - Fancy Iron Gate

Welcome! - It's time for some GOOD FENCES.

This awesome meme is hosted by Theresa from,
(The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

Today I am featuring a fence/gate that I have walked by numerous times on one of my regular walking routes.

This first photo was taken way back in October of 2014 at 3:00 in the afternoon.

I listed the date/time because the color of this fence is rather deceiving.  It's looks almost white in this photo but as you'll see in the next photo's it's actually is more gray toned.

Here is a shot that makes the gate look gray.  - This one was taken in September of 2015 as are all the remaining photos.    Perhaps the shade of the trees cast a darker shadow on the gate panel causing it to look more grayish toned.

Most of the time the gates are never closed as you can see from this shot.  I just love the fancy iron work here and even though some of the paint is pealing off I think that adds to the charm of the gate.

Here the gate to the driveway is all the way open and I shot this from the sidewalk where you can see the white wall pillars and the lamps on top.

Finally a shot of the gate across the driveway.  It's old and a bit rusty in spots but overall I really like this gate.

Have a super great day.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. very pretty shots and that is a lovely lovely gate....

  2. Yes, the cast iron work is quite elaborate here on this gate (I love cast iron)! Love the way you capture things photographicall, Ida! And hope to see you back Mon -Wed. for Seasons. It's neat to see the meme grow from week to week:) Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Hello, I like the wrought iron fences and gates. They have apretty design! Great fence shots.
    Enjoy your day!

  4. Beautifully ornate with just enough rust peeping through the peeling paint to add lots of charm!
    A grand find!

  5. Hello Ida!:) I agree, it is a lovely gate, the intricate design is very pleasing, and I haven't seen one quite like it.

  6. Oh I love this IDA it is so beautiful. Hug B

  7. I love that these beautiful gate are open. There is nothing like an iron gate or fence. Your photos are so pretty. How I would love to have some here at the homeplace. Thank you for your visit to my blog. Please come back. genie

  8. Very cool Ida, your images really make it look wonderfully special!

  9. Nice pics, thank you.

  10. neat old thing! lots of character and beauty!

  11. Beautiful fences, article images.

  12. Ida, you get some of the best! I love this one.

  13. i always enjoy fencing like this ... they are usually at older homes. the more pricey ones. wink. wink. you know what i mean. the rich folks. ( :

  14. A beautiful, ornate gate. Interesting how the color changes, probably due to changing light conditions.

  15. Very nice! I love the iron work!

  16. Great shots of that lovely ornate fence ~

    Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  17. It's very nice, I agree about the chipped paint.

    P.S. I like your furry friends, too!

  18. Interesting all the shades of grey, white, charcoal . . .
    Very nice looking fence/gates . . .

  19. Oh Ida, I adore these gates!
    Anything with an aged patina is pleasing to me eye!
    It is a beautiful pattern and the iron work has been done by an artisan I would think.
    My daughter wants something similar to replace old ones but the cost is horrific now.
    Some of these trades are falling by the wayside - it's such a pity.

  20. It really is a work of art. And I know about the's so bright here in Florida that many of my photos are washed out. It's nice to see the difference in your photos. You did great! Hugs, Diane

  21. I really like these intricate details.

  22. It is pretty! I like all the different versions.

  23. I love old iron fences! You took some great shots of this one!

  24. Love the elegance here as well! Beautiful gate, and great photos!

  25. I like it too! Beautiful detail!

  26. Hi Ida, what a wonderful and charming fence/gate. Love the color and the patina of it. You captured some great shots with the changing color.
    Love your header. Have a nice weekend ahead. xo

  27. I like the intricate design of that gate. Craftsmanship at its best.

  28. May show age a bit, but ever so ornate and beautiful with a lot of character.

  29. What beautiful works of art! It must have taken days to create them. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. That's quite an ornate gate. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Ooooooh!!! I love it! I would so love to have that in my garden!

  32. Its a beautiful iron gate and fence. Have a great day!

  33. Its a beautiful iron gate and fence. Have a great day!

  34. The elaborate design makes the fence and gate very attractive. Light has made the color elusive, but dark gray looks good.

  35. i really like the rustic look of the old metal. beautiful photos of them. the way the light hits things changes their look completely and these are proof of that.

  36. These wrought iron gates are very photogenic Ida, you took great photos.

  37. So ornate but so pretty! Lovely!

  38. I can certainly see why you love to photograph this fence. It's beautiful! The ornate ironwork is lovely even though it's aged....I think that's partly why it's so beautiful.

  39. That is a beautiful ornate fence.


  40. Aged wrought iron has a special character, doesn't it?
    Stopping by from Good Fences and I'm glad I found you. This is my first visit.
    I hope you'll come share at

  41. Very nice shots. I think the peeling paint and the rust just add to it's charm. A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts forever, right?

  42. It's a real conundrum. Getting accurate colour reproduction is tricky. So much depends on the light. If it's too bright it can bleach the colour right out, and if it's not clear it adds tones that weren't there to begin with. It's a problem.

  43. Love that gate! I love walking around our city and photographing old gates. Thats a really pretty one...I love the old weathered chippy rusty ones best

  44. Pretty gate! Such a beautiful walk you have.


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