Thursday, March 17, 2016

Good Fences #104 - Mill Creek Flood Control Channel Fences

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!   -  Had to throw in some "green" here today just for fun.

Now it's time to join Theresa for GOOD FENCES

Coleen and I took a walk over around Whitman College recently and we spotted a bunch of different fences a long the way.  Today I am sharing the ones we saw along the Mill Creek flood control channel.

Here you can see the channel and there are plenty of fences from the homes that are built by the channel.

 More fences and the spillway into the channel.

After we got to the college we crossed over a little bridge that goes over the channel.  We spotted this sign on the chain link fencing that borders a walking trail on the college campus.

Be sure to enlarge so you can read the signs.  This is actually an "art" piece.  We found this plaque nearby stating the artists and the name of the piece.
While I was standing on the bridge which had chain link fencing on it I spotted something written on the bridge.  I wasn't able to completely focus on the words but the message is clear.
Apparently someone died (I'm not sure if they jumped off the bridge into the channel or what) but someone wanted to make sure they were remembered.)

We walked back over the little bridge and took the walking trail back to the college campus.

Coleen spotted this next fence on the way and pointed it out to me.

Huh?   Makes you wonder doesn't it. 

One last view of their (odd) fence decor as we concluded this tour of the Flood Channel fences.

Don't forget to stop in at The Run-a-Round Ranch Report and check out all the other Good Fences. 

Have a great day!


  1. Happy St Patrick's Day to you also. I love the variety of fences you have shown us today.

  2. Happy St. Paddy's Day. Kitties are you going to have corned beef today?

    Emma and Buster

  3. A great assortment of fences! I assume the last fence is decorated with flower shapes? It looked fun anyway!
    Have a super weekend!

  4. double wow... you hit the fence Jack Pot for sure and I love every single photo of every single fence... my favorite photo is the first of the spill way, I love the fluidness of the concrete fence that keeps the water in... these are all amazing and that includes the art sign. I could read most of it

  5. great stuff ida, always a pleasure to see your fences!!!!

  6. The control wall looks interesting ....and effective no doubt!
    Happy Thursday!

  7. Wonderful tour of fences...I can't decide if like or dislike the last one. One time I think how cool, but when I come back to it, I sort of think tacky.

  8. This is really cool- don't have anything like this around here anywhere. Thanks for sharing! All of your photos are awesome! Have a great day!

  9. Thank you for your comment on my blog Ida - these are all very different -town or even city (?) fences. The art installation along the fence made me smile - artists are 99% of the time bold about their opinion (don't get me wrong, I'm one of them, chuckle) Have a great and enjoyable weekend, friend!

  10. Wonderful fences and walls for us today Ida.
    I read all the interesting signs too!

  11. That last one is very unique. Wonder what it is?

  12. Great dam makers, not as such a Beaver can do it, ha ha.

  13. Such unusual fence finds Ida! Unfortunately I couldn't quite read all the words of the poem towards the end of the fence. Your daughter spotted a good one.:)
    Have a great weekend!:)

  14. That first picture is phenomenal!

  15. you've got quite a selection of fences today. I was trying to figure out what they used to make those flowers on that last one

  16. What a wonderful variety of fences and great photos!

    Happy Weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

  17. What a great selection you gave us today, Ida!

  18. some unique 'art' all the way around.

  19. great pics, happy St Patrick's Day

  20. Hi Ida, great variety of fence shots. Love the graphic too. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  21. That is definitely an area that should be fenced in. An interesting location, but can be a dangerous one as well.

  22. Those are some odd circular fence decorations!

  23. Interesting that the channel/drain is divided in some sections but not in others. I wonder why?

  24. Well, that's an interesting way to decorate a fence! Perhaps they knew your were coming with your camera!

  25. Some interesting pictures for the day!

  26. Hmm...Valentine's Day decorations since they are red? I liked the curving fences of the water flow channel.

  27. Hi Ida, What an interesting collection of fences. The channel fences are very interesting!

  28. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    I like those pink designs on the fence, they're whimsical.

  29. You had quite the interesting walk. Happy weekend ahead.

  30. love these fences and other things.

  31. I really like how you found the art in the ordinary. The last couple are art unto themselves (if that makes any sense to you!)

  32. Interesting fenc s! Have a beautiful weekend!

  33. Interesting photos of fences. I'm sort of baffled by the sign, but it is interesting. Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. A lot of interesting fences. Wonderful pictures.

  35. That is very odd fence decor. I always like to see something different though. Enjoy your weekend!

  36. I love those curved me some ideas.

  37. I kind of like that whimsical decorated one ... Probably wouldn't want to live with it, but it's fun to stuff see once in a while!

  38. Those flood control fences are very interesting. We live on higher ground - even though we do have two big rivers around our little town, there isn't much chance of big time floods. Sometimes it depends on the Spring thaw - a winter of a lot of snow can have a big flood impact. So far we've never had one though.

    I rather like those artistic fences! What a great idea to hang some poetry. I wonder what the pink flowers (??) are all about?

  39. Love the images of the channel. Very interesting. I love the shadow of the tree. That last fence does make you wonder.


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