Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Seasons and 52 Frames

Hello & Welcome.

Today I am sharing in the SEASONS meme hosted over at St Germain's blog.

Following that I'll be sharing my photo I submitted last week for the 52 Frames theme:
Rule of Thirds.

What a gorgeous season Spring is.  I love this time of year.  I decided to do a collage of blooming trees and shrubs.  I even captured a bee in one shot (white flowers in right hand center).

Here is the photo I submitted for the Rule of Thirds challenge:

          This is our kitty, Bandit enjoy a "season of sleep" - He's such a sweet cat.

It's been a super busy week here so I have not had time to visit many blogs.  I will try to catch up through the week.  Thank you all for your visits and comments.


  1. You make me hear beautiful music Ida!

  2. I am loving the buds and trees! And your kitty looks so cute!

  3. Those flowers are gorgeous. We're waiting on spring here!

  4. Both lovely captures, Ida! And serendipitous - as you will se in my post "A Promise" (for Easter I believe) I show a painting with the almost the same blossom as the cherry one! Appreciate you being a part of Seasons, and hope to "see" you there next week, if our comments don't cross paths before:)

  5. That's a great photo of your sweetie of a Bandit. The season collage is gorgeous, too.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  6. Love all the trees and flowers that are blooming right now!

  7. Gorgeous spring images. I just love this time of year in the PNW so much! It feels like spring on steroids : )

  8. Great choices for these themes Ida. Wonderful photos in the collage of flowers and your cat is such a sweety.

  9. I love your blossoms photo collage, Ida! It portrays a beautiful spring!

  10. I love the many kinds of blooms, so so pretty.

  11. That's a most beautiful collage of spring blooms Ida, how lovely, and an adorable image of your cosy sleeping cat.

  12. Hello gorgeous blossoms and images. Bandit is is a cutie! Happy Thursday, Enjoy your day!

  13. aww, what a cutie. some one is taking a nap. i love spring for this reason, all the blooms & so cheerful to look at. some one said there is a chance to snow this weekend, weather moments are odd too. you never know what you might get? the winds have been ok though, & usually March is great for windy day??! we will see at the days go on??! ( :

  14. Bandit is sooooooo beautiful. love this pic... in Florida we have bees year round, not good in my book. love all your gorgeous spring flowers

  15. Bandit is adorable. I love your photography.

  16. Oh, so love Bandit! Like the collage, too.

  17. Bandit looks so peaceful!
    Your spring flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  18. Love all those spring blossoms. We don't have any here yet but I'm so looking forward to it.
    Your shot of Bandit is excellent. Such a sweet looking cat.

  19. I hope to join the 52 challenge this week of chair. Bandit has grown into a handsome boy indeed. The flowers are all so pretty.

  20. The flowers are so pretty! What a variety of color. Cute kittie, too!


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