Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Season's - Time for Planting

Welcome! - You may have noticed I've been absent from my blog for a few days(explanation to follow) but I'm back today.

It's time to join Jeanette (St Germain's) for SEASONS

Okay as I mentioned I've been gone a few days from the blog due to the fact that it's...
Flu Season and yep, I caught the bug.  Last week Coleen had it on Thursday and Friday.  Then hubby, daughter and son-in-law all came down with it on Easter Sunday.  I waited until late Monday night for my turn.  It's not been a fun few days but I'm feeling better today and hope to get caught up again on visiting blogs.

Now to something better:

It's the season to get out and plant things.  I captured this field of new wheat growing last week before the bug hit everyone.  Isn't that green pretty.  Soon I'll be out planting in my flower beds and enjoying lovely flowers (after I get them weeded).  I hope we all remember that we can plant seeds of happiness, hope, success and love.

Have a beautiful day.


  1. Lovely photo! And so glad you're back! Wishing you well!

  2. A beautiful day, sunshine everywhere, spring is here.

  3. planting a garden means we believe in tomorrow!!!! it's a beautiful image ida!!!!

  4. Oh, so sorry, and that during a holiday. Hope you are feeling a bit better? Wishing you a speedy and full recovery! This field is beautiful Ida! Every time I come to your blog, I enjoy your photos - they have a distinct personal style! Thank you for being a part of SEASONS, an hope to "see" you back next week!

  5. oh no! So sorry you all had it!!

  6. Ugh - the flu is no fun. Glad you're well on the road to recovery.

  7. AW - sorry that you all caught the flu. It does spread like wildfire! Lovely to see the green field and beautiful quote, too. Hope you recover soon. x Karen

  8. Hello Ida, I hope everyone is feeling better soon. The flu is awful. Lovely image. Enjoy your evening and week ahead!

  9. Beautiful picture of the field Ida! You really do lovely photogragphy, and I'm so happy to meet you! I love the changing of the seasons as well, and was just working today on transplanting some plants that I had started from seed. A fun time of year! I look forward to getting to know you better :)

  10. Pretty photo. I am sorry you guys have been sick.
    I look forward to the trees and flowers putting on new growth.

  11. Not a fun way to spend Easter. Hope everyone is feeling better now.
    Love the picture. Very pretty

  12. It is beautiful, Ida.
    Not all of us get to enjoy these beauties first-hand, so thanks a bunch.
    Great snap!
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  13. That was a sweet touching comment that you made on my blog. Unfortunately, I accidently deleted it when I tried to publish it with my touch screen, the two buttons are so close together. Thank you for your warm thoughts. I really miss my dad a lot.

  14. Hello, Ida! I hope the flu season has ended now.
    Lovely image and thought and oh how your header photos make me smile happily! So beautiful. :)
    Have a good day and a happy new month!

  15. Sorry to hear you've been laid low with the flu.
    Your wheat field looks so pretty. I love the fresh, young greens of spring.
    All the best with your gardening,

  16. Great photo of the wheat field Ida. The golden grass on the green is beautiful. I also enjoyed the quote. Sorry to learn you have all been hard down with the flu and I wish you a very happy and healthy weekend :)

  17. Lovely green of spring in your photo. I am looking forward to planting, too. I love the quote!

  18. Such great light on the wheat, and against the green -- this is lovely! I'm glad you're on the mend. My whole family has had the flu this season. Here's to hoping for good health now!

  19. Such great light on the wheat, and against the green -- this is lovely! I'm glad you're on the mend. My whole family has had the flu this season. Here's to good health now!

  20. Yes, those undulating waves of green are so pretty, especially with the edging of gold. What a beautiful photo and quote! Hope you're all feeling better now!

  21. Glad to hear that you're feeling better! I thought I might be getting sick last week too, but I think I just move too quickly and constantly these days for the bug to catch me! I feel kinda yucky for one day, and then seem to be fine the next.
    Loving your beautiful header. It's still to early to do any planting here. I am not sure the ground is completely thawed. But I love seeing everyone else's ideas before the time comes to do my own garden and planting.

  22. Hope you and your family are all recovered.
    Pretty wheat field. We traveled a bit west last week and saw fields turning green, wondered if they were wheat. After seeing your photo, I suspect we were right.


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