Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Fences #106 - Panel Fence

 Welcome! - Well I think I'm just about recovered from that nasty "flu bug" - Sadly my mom is down sick with it and at her age I hate to see her get sick like that. (Prayers for her recovery would be appreciated.)

So let's join in on the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-round Ranch Report.  It's a super fun meme and I know you'll enjoy seeing all the great fence finds.

I've driven past this fence several times and thought to myself that I ought to go take some pictures of it to share but somehow I just never got around to it.  Then yesterday as the sun was shining and I felt somewhat better I decided to hop in the car and go take those photos. 


At first I just thought the fence was all the different staggered panels but if you look closely you'll see that behind then there is a shorter set of fencing.  You can see it best by the brown shrub in this photo.
It covers quite a bit of property.  The next shot shows more of the fence line and the pretty pink tree in the next door neighbors yard.

The panels look dark green in this shot but they are actually black.

Through the panels I spotted a pretty Lenten Rose blooming.  This photos doesn't really show how pretty it was but for some reason I felt like I was being "watched" and I didn't want to get closer for a clearer view. 

Here you can see the same plant but I also realized they had a little creek running through their property and I wanted to share that as well.

Lastly I captured the nice gate they have as well.

I hope you have enjoyed this unusual panel fence.  I'm glad I finally decided to take some pictures of it.
Don't forget to check out all the other Good Fences. - Have a great day.


  1. I love this unique fence panel look. I'm glad you're feeling better and prayers for your mom!

  2. I love fences with gates. Like a secret garden!

  3. Wow, Ida, I really like this. Love the staggered sections of fencing...I would have did the opposite I think and put the short sections n front...and the taller sections behind...but then maybe not. Probably depends on what they were attempting to do.

  4. Another great fence find! I love lattice work trellises & how they've staggered these panels. The garden looks very well tended & full of beautiful plants.
    Have a great day & hope your mom recovers quickly.

  5. it is nice! very artful with maybe an asian feel to it. :)

  6. Gello Ida, pretty fence scenes and photos. I will keep you Mom in my prayers for a quick recovery! Have a happy day!

  7. glad you feel better and so sorry your mom has it. also glad you went out to find this fence. i love it and will file it in my Senior Memory for future reference was a honey do list. it is beautiful and i love that gate. privacy but pretty to

  8. there is a lot of work in that fence.

  9. Oh wow....this is so very attractive!!! I want this in my yard now. LOL

  10. So many beautiful fences in your area and I love them all! Looks like a gorgeous garden behind this one, too. Thanks for sharing some of those shots, as well. It's a gardening week for me with it being so beautiful and sunny. Rain coming this weekend so I'll enjoy it while I can.

  11. Enjoyable post thank you

  12. Nice property and very interesting fencing...
    Glad you felt good enough to get out and about.

  13. this is a very attracktive and unusual fence, glad you did take photos, and I hope the flu bugs doesn't stay long and doesn't touch your Mom. Gorgeous header.

  14. I like that! It's beautiful with all of the vegetation!

  15. I like the fence and I really like their property! Funny how you sometimes can sense someone watching you. Hope your mum recovers quickly!

  16. I´m glad you finally did take some shots of this fence. It is really interesting and beautiful. Love what they created with the fence and the trees :)

  17. I love that third shot and I know about that being "watched" feeling. :)

  18. That's a unique fence ..I like it. Never heard of a Lenten Rose, but I'm guessing it's an early blooming spring rose ... That would be welcome in any Northwest garden! Didn't know you'd been sick,and I'm glad you're better!

  19. Great series of fence shots and wonderful photography ~ Quality work and creative! Great eye!

    Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

  20. Ida, such lovely colours of Spring!

  21. Sorry to hear that you have not been well..ans your family too. I really like your photos of the cool fence.It's a funny thing about taking pictures and sometimes we may feel uneasy. I can relate..I hope you are feeling better. I am having to do blogging usibg my phone or ipad. It's not as easy or fast, but works.

  22. Definitely a different fence. No matter, as long as ti serves the purpose.

  23. A very pretty and unique fence and I love the gate. So sorry your mom is now sick. I will pray for her.
    God bless you all this weekend. xoxo

  24. What a beautiful setting and interesting fence. And I hope your mother is better soon.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  25. Those panel fences are so this one. xo

  26. Beautiful trellis fences - love the colour they've used too!
    Happy weekend Ida.

  27. Now that is a very interesting gate. It must surround a very fancy property.

  28. Love the gate! I imagine that lattice requires regular maintenance.

  29. Hi Ida, I really enjoyed these paneled fences you photographed. You couldn't zoom in too much in case people think you're peeping! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comments ; my big Labrador is good with dogs behind fences. Yet just before I took those photos, Eddie, our aged Jack Russel had run up the road snapping at all the dogs along the way. At home my husband says he can hear where I am on my walk, by the dogs barking! Have a great day. Jo (PS I'm going to join in following your blog)

  30. Prayers for your Mother's recovery, Ida! This is a very pretty ence--gives privacy but allows the breezes to pass through!

  31. Hello Ida!:) You always find such unusual fencing, and this one is both unusual and lovely to look at. It would look perfect in my garden, in fact I think I'll copy this idea! Thanks Ida!:))

    I didn't know your mom was ill, I'm so sorry, and wish her well again very soon.
    All the best.

  32. I like the structure of the fence. Each of the panels are very similar, but they are seemingly random in placement, a nice visual twist.

  33. Yes, I did enjoy this fence. We had neighbors who had a fence like that and they grew climbing roses and clematis on theirs! Thank you and have a grand day!

  34. it's an unusual fence ida, i have never seen one before. i do like all the shrubs/greenery around and through it, your images of it are wonderful!! you always make these ordinary fences look extraordinary!!!!

  35. The fence is great, but I love that gorgeous pink tree in the background!

  36. Panel fences are so unique and can be pretty. Nice.

  37. Hope you Mom will recover quickly. Beautiful fence and plants.

  38. I really like this fence! I think when the time comes for us to redo our own (because it is looking so awful now No One would take a photo of it) I would do panels like this. It really seems to set off the gardens.


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