Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Randoms - April 15, 2016

Happy Friday!  - First I want to thank everyone for their,
Concern and Get Well Wishes over the "eye issue" that I had earlier this week.  I'm happy to say that my vision is almost totally back to normal!

Now Let's join Nancy (A Rural Journal) and Tanya (Around Roanoke) and Cath (Cath @ Home) for some Friday Randoms.

1.  We had a hail storm yesterday! - The morning started out pretty decent but by afternoon it had clouded up.  As I was sitting at the computer I heard a noise outside and looked out the window to see that hail was coming down.  I grabbed up the camera and snapped a picture of the hail on the lawn.

2.  I'm participating in 52 Frames and last week the theme was the "Golden Hour" - This is the photo I submitted.  I just loved the lines, colors and textures in this shot of a farmers field.  This week we are doing "Food" as the theme.  I haven't yet figured out what I'm going to do for the challenge but I have an idea.

3. Coleen and I went out for a walk last night (the rain had stopped) and we took my mom's dog Pixie with us.  Can you find her?  No....well you'll have to wait until further down to find her.  These people seriously need to mow!

4.  On the walk I was looking at different trees and happened to see this limb on one of the trees and thought that the peeling bard and bumps on the top of the branch were really interesting.  I hope you do as well.

5.  One more photo from our trip last week to McNary Dam.  These are scale models of Salmon.  They are huge when you see them up close.  We hope to go back in August when the Salmon should be returning up stream to spawn so we can actually see them in the viewing room.


1. Spotted this cute little scene on our walk last night.

2.  This was my (2nd choice) for the Golden Hour but I went with the one of the field.  I still like the sunset here and how it is bathing the valley in golden light.

3.  Where's Pixie?

Here she is!

4. We almost had another cat last night (We don't need anymore cats!!!)

This sweet little thing came out from some one's yard while we were on our walk and wouldn't stop following us.  I ended up taking it back to the yard that it came out of, I tried knocking on their door but no one was home.  The cat started to follow me again but finally gave up and moseyed back the other direction.  Whew!

5.  Redbud blooms.  The trees here in town are spectacular this spring.


Since this post is already so long I'm not going to include 5 more photos but I will share just one more Dogwood Photo with you as I simply love how this one turned out.

I told you the trees here were spectacular and I wasn't kidding.

These are all great meme's.  I hope you'll check them out.  Have a great weekend.


  1. An impressive collection of pictures. I like the high grass-hidden animal on the leash picture the best.

  2. A whole bunch of eye candy Ida.

  3. Love your 52 frames photo. The redbud blooms are amazing. Cute little pup and pretty kitty ... you sure you don't need another cat???!!! Happy Friday!

  4. Cute little stone cat and a hidden Pixie! The last photo is marvellous.
    I have such a cat-follower too...
    Have a nice weekend

  5. Hello Ida, these are great photos and randoms. I like both of the Golden Hour images. The shot of Coleen is cute. Pixie is a cute pup! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. A great collection of subjects and photos, Ida.
    I absolutely adore Pixie and the Kitty.
    The lines in the field and the dusk photo are very beautiful also.
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  7. Really fantastic photos Ida! Cute photo of Pixie & your golden hour shots are super! I love the lines curving over the fields.
    Happy weekend!

  8. thank you for sharing this

  9. Your entry for 53 Frames is wonderful!! WOW!

  10. so much beauty here today, Coleen and her invisible dog is adorable and i love Pixie peeking out of the grass. the golden shot you submitted is gorgeous, i agree about the light and lines, amazing photo...

  11. Love all your photos. Colleen is very photogenic.

  12. Love all your photos. Colleen is very photogenic.

  13. Look at her playing in the grass - that is a great shot!

  14. laughing at the disappearing dog. :)

  15. Ida! Simply gorgeous images...all of them....but I love the one you chose of the fields for your Golden Hour pic..... I also love the last one that you chose for Fun Friday pretty! thank you for sharing and linking back. Till next time...Cath:)

  16. Good morning!
    Beautiful shots! The photos of Coleen and sweet animals are my favorite.
    Have a nice weekend!

  17. Gorgeous colors on the trees. Whew is right- we get cats dropped off here all the time, and unfortunately half of them are pregnant. Have a great weekend!

  18. What a beautiful series, Ida! Pixie is adorable! I'd love for you to share it with Friday's Hunt.

  19. wonderful photos! Coleen has grown!!! and love the no Pixie then the Pixie shot...your header is stunning...our village is a popular place for dropping off cats as we've a lovely couple who take care of them in all the corners they gather...he works with the SPA and has them spade, then returned to our village...

  20. Beautiful series of the striped field,great composition and colours.
    Happy weekend!

  21. Love your photos. Poor Pixie disappearing into that tall grass lol!

  22. I love Pixie!!!!
    And the cat was a cutie too!

  23. Your golden hour photo is so gorgeous with all the lines and shadows and textures! And I love the peeking Pixie! My pink dogwood is finally going to bloom, but it's slow and the petals still look so dark. I hope someday my baby tree will look like the one in your photo. Beautiful!

  24. That second photo is amazing! Such patterns and light! Just love it. Also loved golden hour ad the dogwoods...oh how I love dogwoods in the spring! That branch was so interesting and the peeping dog so cute. Great post!

  25. Great Photo's. I especially love the "Golden Hour" photo.
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  26. Wow ~ fantastic photos ~ all very creative ~ hard to pick a favorite ~

    Had minor surgery this week so behind in commenting and not sure where I left off returning comments ~ ^_^

  27. That first shot for golden hour was the better of the two I think. I did submit this week now that I have my member i.d.-mine is titled Bourbon Chicken.

    That cat is pretty and was just lonely since it is obvious she is well cared for. wow you sure do a lot of Friday memes!

  28. The sunset shot is fantastic. But I love how you edited the meadow photo too. Poor little doggie is almost lost in that grass!!
    Ah, the poor kitty is probably lonesome if no one is home.

  29. Ola Ida
    adorei suas imagens!
    Coleen muito bonita
    tenha uma semana feliz

  30. I love your 52 frames shot. Such interesting texture and lines. And your animal pics are adorable.

  31. Great shots, especially the golden field. I also love the animals and the dogwood.

  32. Your image for 52 frames is spectacular!! And the dogwoods, very beautiful. Mine will bloom in a day or two!!

  33. These are a lovely variety of shots. The tree limb caught my eye--interesting to see.

  34. I am so envious of your dogwood trees. They look amazing.
    I loved both of the golden hour photos: the one of the farmer's field looked really surreal - a work of art.
    All the best, Bonny

  35. The Golden Hour shot of the farmer's field is amazing!!! You live in such a beautiful place!I also love the one with the bark on the tree limb. Aren't trees something else!!!?


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