Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tec Cup Mug Exchange Reveal

Today is the day when we reveal our partners from the 8th annual Tea Cup/Mug Exchange hosted by Stephanie for The Enchanting Rose blog.

First I want to say that this is such a fun event and how awesome Stephanie is for hosting and putting this altogether.  Thank you so much Stephanie for all your hard work in making this event a wonderful experience.

I had such a good time picking out items to send to my partner: Marilyn Moseley
She blogs at:

She is a wonderful woman that I am enjoying getting to know.  We've exchanged e-mails with each other and found out that we live fairly close to so maybe one day we'll be able to meet in person.  Do stop by her blog and check it out.

The partner who had my name is: Pat Rutledge.  She blogs at:  - She's also a wonderful lady that I am enjoying getting to know more about.

This is what she sent me in the exchange:

A really nice Polka Dot Mug (the dots are a Navy blue color), Some yummy Brookside Candy.  I had been wanting to try those after seeing the advertisement on television so I was delighted when I discovered she had sent some in my package.  I like them a lot.
She also sent some wonderful French Vanilla Coffee and Earl Grey Tea (one of my favorite flavors.)  Along with that she sent a pretty gold candle holder.  I love to burn candles so that was a perfect little gift.  And look at those lovely dish towels.  Both in shade of teal which I love. -  Thank you so much Pat for all the wonderful goodies and for being a very nice person to get to know. 

If you have never participated in this exchange you don't know what you are missing.  Be sure to check out all these ladies blogs and have a wonderful day.


  1. That's a beautiful package. BTW we love your header image.

    Emma and Buster

  2. How wonderfully sweet and lots of fun, too.

  3. It is such a wonderful exchange & your new mug is pretty, I'm sure you'll enjoy many a cuppa from it!

  4. What a lovely bunch of goodies! Love those dogwood header!

  5. sounds like all of you had a lot of fun with the exchange. and a great way to make friends. hope the two of you get together sometime

  6. You received such a pretty mug from Pat! Love those sweet polka dots on the mug. Lots of things to make you happy. I was given Pat's name to send a mug to her ;) Have a great day!

  7. what a nice package you got. Love the color of those towels

  8. Hello Ida~~your treasures are all wonderful! Oh I love those chocolates, hard to eat just a few though. What a fun mug with those polka dots.
    By the way, I must tell you that the mug you gifted Marilyn with is so her. :) Very cute!
    Have a beautiful day~~

  9. I came over from Gypsy Heart to see what she sent you! How fun is that to exchange cups??? OI love Pat and so does everyone who visits her blog!!

  10. I'm continuing to enjoy the lovelies that you sent to me Ida, such a rich treat it was to know that you picked out such a darling rooster mug for me even before you met me! I've enjoyed so many cups of hot tea with that cup, and every time it reminds me of this special exchange and friendships that have been made! Thank you again Ida, you are such a dear to have sent such a beautiful package to me! Hoping you are enjoying lovely weather this week, as we are here. I will respond to your email hopefully later on this evening :)

  11. How fun and I love your goodies and the cute dot cup. Wishing you a nice rest of the week, Ida.

  12. Hi Ida, oh how pretty. You received lovely goodies in your gift and the mug is really special. I love anything with polka dots.
    The tea is s favorite too. Lovely post. Be blessed sweet friend. xo

  13. This sounds so fun Ida, I thought about doing it but I was afraid I would not be able to fulfill it the way I would want to. If I got sick like you did, or didn't have time to buy the special things I would want to include......and since I can't drive, I worry about those things. I scooted over to see what you sent, very, very nice, your package was very personal and special!!

  14. Ida, this sounds like a fun exchange! Pat sent you wonderful gifts along with the pretty mug. I hope to join in next year!

  15. Isn't it amazing how God orchestrates our lives? I love the beautiful gifts you received and also what you sent to dear Marilyn. I found your blog through her post tonight! So thankful to meet you, and I will be following you now. God bless you!

  16. What a lovely surprise to receive in the mail. Your partner has excellent taste.

  17. How nice to share something in common and get to know someone. :)

  18. Good evening, dear Ida! Oh, what a joy to see what Pat sent you. The mug is quite cute with its polka dots and the extra goodies she sent along are wonderful!

    I just LOVE the mug you gave Marilyn - it's so her {{smiles}} Thank you for joining the exchange as it's a joy to have you participate. Hugs!

  19. I love your tea cup/mug exchanges! It prompted my friends and I to do a Christmas Cocoa mug exchange last year. We had to do a mug and plushy socks. It was so fun! This is a lovely gift you received!

  20. Oh, Brookside, how I love the treats you make for us! What a lovely package you've received Ida. And I have to add that I love the rooster mug and items you sent out. Very well chosen by the sounds of it!
    Have a great weekend!

  21. I've always been a fan of polkadots! I'm a tea towel holder and firmly believe that you can never have too many tea towels!

  22. What a lovely gift package! I love the colour of the towels too. This is such a great idea.


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