Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday Randoms - April 22, 2016

 Joining Nancy (A Rural Journal) today for RANDOM FIVE FRIDAY

1.  Bought a bunch more flowers to plant this week.  Still haven't planted them as it "rained" today.  Here is one of them.

2.  I've had a craving lately (no I am so NOT pregnant) for.....

3.  Took a walk this morning (before the rain started) to take some Macro photos.  Walked down this alley and heard a lot of buzzing noise.  I realize that the tree I was standing under was loaded with blooms and bees!

 You can only see 1 bee in this shot but believe me there were so many that I actually thought there was a swarm somewhere, they were that noisy.

4.  Speaking of flowers....My Azalea had 3 blooms that decided to wait until the proper season to bloom this year.  For the last couple of years it's bloomed in October instead of April.  These buds survived the winter and I've been enjoying them at the proper time of the year.

5.  I posted late today because I wanted to get a picture of Coleen before she left for her big weekend.  She is heading up to Tacoma, WA to bowl in the Youth State Tournament!  She received the jacket she is wearing for having the highest series for girls in her division on the league she bowls on here in town.

 It's going to be a big and tiring weekend for her.  Team event on Saturday and Doubles/Singles Sunday morning then a 5 hour ride back home.  We are so proud of her though.

WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE:  Also joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) with a collage of some mailboxes from around the world.  A friend of mine sends me stuff like this all the time so I thought I would share them with you.


  1. I used to love to bowl but only bowled in a local league while in uni so many years ago. I love all the colourful blossoms you've shared. Like you I haven't planted new things in my garden because it is raining and will rain all weekend. But I am thankful for the rain as the ground needs it.

  2. lovely flowering bush! congrats to colleen! awesome! like the flamingo mailbox. :)

  3. Good luck to your daughter! Hope she does well. Love your beautiful flowers.

  4. It's so nice to see the flowers this time of year, and all the bees, too. Congratulations to your Granddaughter! What a fun experience! I wish her luck! x Karen

  5. Best wishes to Colleen at the tournament, she is so grown up looking! Nice shots of your azaleas & those mailboxes are so much fun!
    Have a fun weekend!

  6. Congratulations to Colleen and best of luck to her this weekend.
    Those mailboxes are too funny. The one with the fingers cracked me up

  7. Nice flowers, funny mailboxes... never seen Cinnamon Bears before -
    Good luck for Coleen!
    Have a quiet relaxing weekend

  8. congratulations to Coleen... and what a fun trip... i bet the five hour ride will be fun to with all those other people. that first flower is amazing, it looks like someone took a morning glower and painted yellow stripes on it...

  9. Hello Ida, lovely pretty flowers and blossoms. Congrats to Coleen, I wish her well in the tournament. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. I've never favored cinnamon candy. The bears look cute and tasty though!
    Colleen looks so grown up in her team jacket!

  11. Best wishes this weekend

  12. All great randoms.

    I love Azaleas but have little luck growing them.

    What an honor for Colleen.

    Gotta love bees. I wish we had many more.

  13. Congratulations to Coleen and lots of luck. Hope she has fun, too! Lovely yellow pansy and yellow azalea -- too pretty. I haven't had a cinnamon bear in ages -- wow -- memories! Have a lovely week.

  14. Love to see the pretty flowers. Coleen is beautiful! Wish her the best for the tournament.

  15. Always love yellow flowers and these both are wonderful -- that candy-striped yellow petunia is one I've never seen before. It's wonderful. Congrats to Colleen ... life sounds good for both of you!

  16. Mmmm, I love cinnamon bears and, of course, flowers! Yay, Coleen, too!

  17. Parabéns sua filha Collen! muito linda!
    Lindas flores amarelas!
    Gostei do ursinho em formato de balas!
    Tenha uma semana feliz!


  18. how did coleen do? she looks so much older in this photo! she's beautiful! i haven't thought of cinnamon bears in the longest time! my mom used to get i have a craving not pregnant either :) oh my goodness, i love those mailboxes, how unique they all are!!! beautiful azaleas! thank you so much for linking ida and i hope to see you tomorrow!!

  19. Yummy!! I love gummies -- the cinnamon ones, the sour ones, it's all good. :)
    That flamingo mail box is priceless. But the chiropractor one is briliant!


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