Thursday, April 21, 2016

Good Fences #109 - Snowball Decor

Good Day! - It is a good day.  Let's rejoice and be Glad in it.

Let's also join Tex (Theresa) for GOOD FENCES  It's always a pleasure to visit this meme and check out the other fence finds from around the world.

I was driving around the other day and spotted one of my favorite spring flowering bushes and decided to stop and get a picture of it.  That's when I happened to notice the neat little gate the people had in their yard.

Here you can see the gate and some of the fencing leading into their yard.  You'll also notice the huge Snowball Bush in the back ground.

A little closer look at the cute little metal flower on the gate.

Some of the snowball blooms hanging over the fence.

These bushes get really tall and very full.  The color of the blooms starts out as a pale green and eventually turns white.  Then they look like big "Snowballs" hanging on the bush.

They are so pretty and don't you like the lichen growing on the top of the fence posts.

What a lovely find this was.  I hope you enjoyed it too.

Don't forget to stop by (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) to check out the other Good Fences. 

Have a great day!


  1. That's such a pretty gateway and fence! It looks great with the spring greens all around!

  2. love the fence and love the snowballs and really love the gate.. what good find for us to see... so pretty

  3. Hello, Ida ! What a pretty place. The gate, fence and the blossoms are lovely. Have a happy Thursday!

  4. I love the gate and fence! My grandma had the grandest snowball was as big as that one! They are one of my favorites. Have a great week.

  5. great looking place! love the gate, the corner fence, the growth!

  6. Love that snowball bush. We had several in our yard when I was growing up. I always liked them.

  7. I did enjoy this one. Very nice!

  8. nice, appreciate you sharing

  9. That's a beautiful gate! Nice looking fence, too!

  10. Ida, lovely images! The Snowball bush is so pretty. There was one in the yard of a neighbour and it was always a treat to see in flower!

  11. gotta love a good fence! I love the lichen on the tip of the fence rails as well and the Snowball is magnificent!

  12. I love the fence and the snowball bush. I had a snowball bush at my last house, they're so pretty when in bloom.

  13. Ida,
    This series shows the real beauty of the garden in this home and the nice fence surround the garden.
    I really enjoyed these photos, particularly for their rich, verdant looks.
    Nicely done!
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  14. I love every part of this yard. Right down to the flower decorating the gate.

  15. Strange how even a fence can look loved and cared for. That one certainly does!

  16. A very pretty fence and gate Ida. If I haven't mentioned it before I also think your header shot is stunning and lovely effects too. Have a great Friday :)

  17. Wow! You found quite a find here. I love it.

  18. That snowball bush is cool! Thanks for posting photos of it.

  19. Oh, I love snowball bushes we have one here. LOVE your shots Ida. Hug B

  20. Pretty fence, gate and snowball bush. I have always admired the beauty...but have never tried to grow one.

  21. Beautiful. like a fairy tale! Nice, Ida!

  22. Ida, beautiful pictures. You are so loyal at visiting on Good Fence day. Thank you, Janey

  23. Wow! It is a huge bush and you found the perfect time to photograph it. Love that sweet gate and the fence pics! You did GOOD! Hugs!

  24. What a charming gate! It is really very pretty!!!! Have a wonderful day!

  25. I love snowball bushes and that one's a beauty! Fabulous fence and gate, too. The lichen makes it look as though someone painted the top of each board. Wonderful photo!

  26. Hello Ida. Im glad you put the proper name to that Snowball plant becuase I would have called it a chrysanthemum. Perhaps I should stick to birds?

  27. Olá
    adorei as flores, o portão!
    tudo muito lindo!
    bom fim de semana!

  28. pretty gate but the flower makes it complete. i am still trying to decide how i want to decorate my new fence. i do have one of those flowers that i hung last year!!!

  29. Beautiful photography ~ magnificent composition! and great fence ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  30. I do like the snowball bush! I bet the birdies like it, too.

  31. A very nice gate to walk through :)

  32. That is a pretty gate! Love your images of the flowers.

  33. A beautiful setting. I love those Snowball bushes. I am thinking of putting one in my garden this year.

  34. These would make wonderful greeting cards.

    Just have to tell you I laughed till I cried in the post that had your
    'thong' birthday card!


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