Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Randoms - April 29, 2016

Joining today for the Following Memes: Fun Friday Favorites, Friday's Hunt, Random Five Friday & Willy-Nilly Friday Five.


1. I received a surprise package in the mail this week from a good friend of mine.  Inside was a card that I just had to share:

On the inside of the card it said:  Just a little card to "crack" you up. - How funny is that!

2.  Along with the card was this T-Shirt that she saw on sale and she just had to send it to me:

It's Bat Cat!  - I just love it.  It's a bit large but I don't care because it's just to cute not to wear.

3.  Does that cat remind you of someone?  - If you've visited the blog you are familiar with our cats,  Check out this one...

Now I want to find him a little Bat Cat costume!

4. I enjoy feeding the birds & squirrels (yes I actually feed the squirrels) and even have some of them named.

This is, "Notch" which apparently is a common name for squirrels with missing ears.  He visits regularly along with one who is blind in one eye.

5.  The weirdest thing happened yesterday.  I was sitting on my mom's front porch with her & Coleen when a car drove by slowly and a man waved at me.  I waved back but didn't really know the guy.  Pretty soon he drives back around and slows down in front of the house and yells out his window,  "Did you know you look just like Peggy so-and-so?"  I said, "No I didn't, but I'm not her."  -  Then he says,  "Well you should know she has a Federal Warrant out for her Arrest so you might want to be careful."  Then he drove off.   Geez!!!

I wonder if he planned to turn me in!


1.  My 52 Frames shot for the week when the prompt was Food.  I wanted to do something different and decided to go with a Fairy Tale (Guess Which One).

2.  Pepper was enjoying a game of "Grab that Tail" yesterday.  That's Harley on the table and Pepper just eye-balling his tail.  He didn't really enjoy the game as much as she did!

3.  Took a drive about a week ago up Scenic Loop and here is the farm land from the view on top.
4. Thought I would share a photo of my White Bleeding Heart plant.  Most of the time you see the Pink/White variety so I thought it would be nice to see the other one. 

5.  Since last Friday I mentioned that Coleen was heading to the State Youth Bowling Tournament I thought I would share how she did today.

These are all the ribbons she won. - She bowled Team Event with scores of,
88-120-119.  Then she bowled Doubles with scores of, 125-165-95  (that's her highest game ever in red) and finally the Singles with scores of, 110-86-136.  She did extremely well and we were so proud of her.  She had a blast!  Wish we could have been there to watch her bowl.

FRIDAYS HUNT - Starts With R (My mom's yellow Rose blooming) It's one of my favorites.


 Texture:  I like the texture of the fuzzy poppy bloom.  As you can see it's been raining a lot this week.
Weeks Favorite:
Not necessarily my favorite photo I've taken this week but it is one of my favorite yard decorations.


  1. Hello, Wow! I would be worried about your look-a-like. Congrats to Coleen on her great bowling scores and ribbons. Your card is funny! Your kitties are adorable. I like the yard art too.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Gorgeous captures! I love your cats and all the flowers. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh...that bleeding heart image is just like one of mine! :-)

    Great Random 5, Ida. That's rather humorous about the federal warrant gal! I'm guessing that guy is looking for a bounty??

  4. Oh Ida I really enjoyed this post!

  5. i love the yard decoration and the photo of it.. wow and congrats on all those ribbons and high scores.. your three cats are so pretty, i can see the mischief Pepper is about to get into. i love the name Harley.. awesome view looking down... and i wonder if there is a reward out for you and how big it is... that is really wild... do you think it is true or that he was messing with you.... if you disappear we will look for you in the news

  6. That card is too funny!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I'm late getting around to visiting with you today...

    LOVED your bird house fences!!!

    AND this post is really fun. I so enjoy your kitties...of course I'm partial to cats. THEN....the food prompt. FANTASTIC with the Wicked Witch's Hat. Of course, again, I'm partial to OZ [and Halloween] lol

  8. That card is funny. I bet that guy was thinking he could collect some reward money for turning you
    I like how you chose to photograph the apple. Very clever

  9. There is just nothing better than getting a package in the mail--that card is a trip! I love your farm land scenic shot! And I hope you can continue to avoid the 'wanted' mistaken identity! Too funny!

  10. That card is too funny. Snail mail is the best. I'm always curious how squirrels get little chunks missing from their ears...we've had a few over the years missing parts and tips of ears....i'm sure fighting. The thing with those furry rodents....they ruin everything we own on our patio. It's hard to find a redeeming quality about them!

  11. Great post Ida. Very strange about that guy, a little freaky to say the least. Your wanted poster was cute. That bird art is too. I enjoyed all your photos and your fives. Have a great weekend.

  12. Congratulations to Colleen on her bowling tournament.

  13. Lots of fun photos and lovely ones too! I love the landscape from your drive and the bleeding hearts. The card is a bit naughty but funny!
    Well done to Coleen, she did great!

  14. Great variety of photos to share this week! Congrats to your bowler :) Love the yard decoration, too!

  15. Oh, yes, I've been told I look like a lot of people, but, as far as I know, none were wanted by the Feds!! It would be interesting if the Feds paid you a visit!!!!

  16. Your post was so fun. I loved everything you had to share but that darn bird/whatyoumaycallit thingy at the end was just too cute. Have a great weekend.

  17. Love the pictures! Hope you don't get "turned in" The yellow rose is beautiful. I too chose a rose for my starts with r. Thanks for joining!

  18. Wonderful! Rich was looking over my shoulder and we both just love the landscape shot. Beautiful!

  19. Lots of lovely photographs and quite a few giggles from your post today. Thanks for sharing with Fun Friday Favourites.

  20. Lovely series....thank you for making me smile.....
    Happy May day!

  21. Wow - I honestly don't know where to start to comment, there is so, so much in your one post that is beautiful and awesome. The gift and the t-shirt, your cats and the squirrels (love squirrels - and cats!), not a reward on you - ahem - Peggy :), the landscape photo is gorgeous as is the poppy close up. Great shots, Ida!

  22. It's been a rough weekend. the thong picture gave me such a huge laugh. THANKS!

  23. How funny about your criminal doppleganger! :-) Love your beautiful photos. And that hummer yard art is so cute! How sweet of your friend to send that T-shirt! It's purr-fect! :-) And that card was a hoot!

  24. Oh, I hope you find a bat costume! That will be a hoot!
    Way to go Colleen!

  25. That card is funny! Love the cute kitties! That guy driving by was odd. Really odd!

  26. Love your garden decoration and the Poppy is a marvelous illustration of texture

  27. Congratulations to your daughter for her great results in the bowling! She must be very happy. Your cats are very cute, love that grey face beauty. We haven't got any flowers blooming yet, and it's still fairly cold (6C). Waiting patiently for some warmer and drier weather.
    Enjoy your Sunday :)

  28. That is a very fun yard decoration. Your take on the food prompt was great and congratulations to Colleen on her ribbons.

  29. Your cats are gorgeous. And that card really cracked me up. I'm still laughing :-) the way, don't your cats chase the squirrels? My dogs can do that throughout the day but I don't allow them. Let the squirrels and birds eat their food first.

  30. I am sure I left a comment here before! However I will try again.Loved your decoartion for the garden and the Poppy shot is fantastic for texture.

  31. We have a nephew who won a full scholarship to college (WSU) for bowling. Colleen might want to keep that in mind (if they still do that -- he is in his late 40s now, so it has been a while).

    Busy and nice week . I adore the white bleeding heart; have never sseen one before!

  32. Wonderful series! For all the prompts! I had to laugh at the card, and I'm glad you didn't get turned in as a criminal. Congrats to Coleen on her ribbons. The rose is beautiful, as is the bloom. I can see why that yard decoration is your favorite. It's very fun. Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt!

  33. Wow, that would be shocking to see your pic with a warrant for your arrest! Hello friend, you have here some pics you use for SEASONS this week.

    Hope you see this comment and link to SEASONS before Wednesday 7pm, Pacific time:) The flowers are also beautiful!O f course, you could link up your warrant pic:):) (joking!)
    Have a great week! Hope to see you there!

  34. Beautiful pictures from the scenic loop! Loved the lazy cat picture too :) Hope you are enjoying a lovely week this week!

  35. That card is a hoot in the shoot. Literally!

  36. How nice to have a friend with a sense of humor.

  37. that was kind of weird and scary about the guy driving by! what a great friend you have, funny card and cute t! wow, colleen did great, congrats to her! great shots ida!! hope your week has been good to you and thank you so much for linking...sorry again for visiting so late! these last couple of weeks of school are killing me! hope to see you again soon!

  38. The card reminds me of a comedian who was poking fun of how he called sandals by that word and his kids were grossed out when he said he and his wife would wear some to the beach.

  39. Just saw your blog - great pictures, and I love the comment from Amalia, who said "how nice to have a friend with a sense of humor." Ha!


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