Thursday, April 28, 2016

Good Fences #110 - Every Bird Needs A Home

Welcome! - It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES

One day while Coleen and I were out walking she happened to notice a fence find that I hadn't seen before.  I took a few pictures that day but didn't really like how they turned out (it was an overcast and dreary day) so I decided to walk back another day & take better pictures.

I just want to give Coleen credit for being my extra set of "eyes" because she often spots things that I might pass by and would miss out on being able to share them.

Here is her fence find:

The fence is pretty ordinary and a bit run down but the decor on it is the fun part.  Notice that window in the background...

It's a Window Box Planter.  I should go back and see if they have anything planted in it now.

The birdhouse roofs are old license plates.

The purple color here is fun.

I like the twisted wire on this one.

The Red stands out.  If you enlarge you can see the spiderwebs and the moss on the fence much better. 

Just a view going the opposite direction from the first shot.

I thought it was a fun way to dress up a plain fence and to give the little birds a nice place to make a nest. - I hope you've enjoyed seeing these Birdhouses on a Fence.

Don't forget to stop in at Theresa's blog and check out all the other Good Fences.
Have a great day.


  1. Hello Ida, I love the birdhouse fence. What a neat collection of birdhouses too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

  2. What a sweet post, Ida. Good spotting Colleen

  3. i like it - and i like how rustic they left everything. :)

  4. Cute ways to dress up their fence...

  5. Coleen has done well to spot this sweet fence decor idea! Those are the coolest bird houses !
    Great find,
    Have a fun day!

  6. Love your line-up of photos today - clever use of the license plates!!

  7. Mama used to have a few bird feeders in the backyard, but some cats started visiting our backyard and the birds stopped coming.

    Emma and Buster

  8. The car plate roofs are so cool!

  9. these are really pretty cool and i am all for re cycle all things. i love the window flower os and very cute idea for the tin roof.. i know the birds are happy

  10. Hi Ida, I like this! In both our posts today friends helped us find a "Good Fence." :-) Sure enjoyed your neat photos. Perfect for Good Fences. I'm sorry about sending the rain your way. :-) Will change directions a little bit next time. :-) Wishing you a fine weekend ahead!

  11. Very cool find. :)

  12. At least they utilized a lot of things to make it most interesting. I have seen birdhouses like that, but never a window box on a fence.

  13. I like the birdhouse fence! What a great idea.

  14. Ida, a very unusual fence, but like you said, isn't it fun!

  15. That is a fantastic way to brighten up a plain old fence and give the birdies some shelter options too!

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend Ida!

  16. Very nice. The bird houses add to the fence charm:) Hopefully some birds use the spaces!

  17. That's a fun fence. I like how they used the old window and the birdhouses look great

  18. That's too cool! Love the birdhouses! The planter is really nice!

  19. What a really clever idea to repurpose old license plates.
    I think it is okay not to rebuild the fence until it becomes dysfunctional - unless you have the immense pressures of some HOAs :)
    Great photos and share, Ida!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  20. What a great find! I love all of those birdhouses.

  21. I love those little bird houses! They make the fence something special! Enjoy your evening! Hugs, Diane

  22. Great find, a fence with colorful bird house as decor. I wonder if the bird houses have any occupants.

  23. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog about the Dutch fences. Your fences are wonderful. I like them. All the sweet colored birdhouses. There must be live a birdlover :-)

    Thanks for following me. Makes me glad.
    Best Wishes!

  24. That's an original piece of recycling. Who needs to buy bird boxes when there's such creativity around? A nice find Ida.

  25. That is such a charming fence Ida!
    The addition of those sweet bird houses brings new life to it - how resourceful using number plates for the rooves!
    I've got a boundary fence that needs painting just now too.... maybe I could add the odd birdhouse!
    Special thanks to Colleen for her eye for detail!

  26. Just curious.......were any of the bird houses occupied?

  27. I wonder if birds actually nest there. I love the fence and its decor, though!

  28. now, that is a very good use of any fence :) Love it!

  29. I like the creative use of the license plates. I enjoyed your post very much.

  30. it's so nice to have a fence finder to hunt with, especially if she has a good eye!!! this one is cool, i like the unusual window with the window box, it's a clever idea!!!!

  31. Creative fence shots and love the birdhouses ~ so creative and colorful!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  32. I like it a lot! It has so much character!

  33. Now that's a novel idea! I hope birds use the little houses.

  34. Hey, Coleen is quite a good fence spotter! Love the old window with planter box, and the license plate roofing for the bird houses. Great garden ideas!

  35. Great fence! I love all the fun decorations they have on it.

  36. They are so adorable! I love the idea of giving them a tin roof. LOL

  37. I too love a good fence post. These license plate roofs on the bird houses...adorable!

  38. Good eye Coleen! I adore the roofs on the bird houses, so clever.


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