Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Seasons - The Dogwoods


Some of you have noticed (thanks Jeanette) that I've been absent from the blog for a couple of days.  -  I had a busy weekend and then on Sunday I started having some problems with my right eye hurting.  Monday when I woke up it wasn't any better and I noticed that my vision was seriously blurred in that eye.  I made an appointment to see the eye doctor that day.
At my appointment I found out that somehow I had gotten a tiny piece of rusty metal stuck in my eye!  -  He removed the ointment and gave me antibiotics to take to prevent infection.  Of course the eye still has to heal but I'm happy to say it's no longer hurting and my vision in it is slowy returning.  - I am trying to limit time spent on the computer though for a few days.

Just wanted to join Jeanette (St Germains) for SEASONS before it was to late to particpate for the week.

It's Dogwood Season here right now so I'm sharing a few photos that I took yesterday of some of the beautiful trees/blooms around the neighborhood.

After all, I don’t see why I am always asking for private, individual, selfish miracles when every year there are miracles like white dogwood. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

                           The poetry of the earth is never dead. ~John Keats

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. ~George Washington Carver
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. ~e.e. cummings

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu 

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Author unknown
Have a beautiful day!


  1. Oh how I love dogwoods. You found some beauties. Lovely photos...

  2. Such a pretty time of the year!!

  3. Gorgeous blooms! Glad your eye doctor found the problem.

  4. GORGEOUS dogwoods!!! they are not in bloom here yet, but they will soon be showing off their pretty blossoms!!! we have a pink one in the front yard....last year it did not bloom well, i am hoping it does better this year. i have heard they are "off", every other year!!!

  5. the pink one you photographed sure is beautiful. i had to come back for a second look!!!

  6. Sorry for having to go through that! Am surprised it did not hurt (I know because part of my first official job as a teen was to take out splinters, also metal ones in the eye. Am glad it's out now. Many thanks for showing these beautiful blooms for SEASONS:) and hope to see you back between Sunday and Wednesday:) Wishing you a better half of your week (smile)
    By the way, I mostly go by Jesh (shorter!)

  7. Hello, I love the dogwoods. Beautiful blossoms! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  8. Hello kindred..what a gorgeous feast of flowers/nature/Spring! Your blossoms are making me dream of this beautiful season. We have had an unusual April..the snow I am looking forward to the beautiful scents of fresh Spring blooms soon!
    So glad your eye is getting better..take care!
    thanks again for such beautiful images!

  9. Yep, the dogwoods are blooming in full force here in Portland too. So beautiful!

  10. Your photos are stunning, Ida! Dogwoods, especially the pink ones make my heart flutter. Hope your eye is better soon!

  11. gorgeous trees and love the flowers to.. so sorry you hurt your eye, years ago I had that happen and I can still remember how painful it was. glad it is healing. we will be here when you are back

  12. I hope you heal and feel lots better soon. Love your photos! What a beautiful time of the year! Sweet hugs, Diane

  13. lovely, appreciate you sharing

  14. Sorry to hear about your eye. I don't blame you for limiting your computer use. Looking at the screen can be killer on your eyes.
    Your pictures are all so pretty.

  15. I'm so glad that you eye was fixable! Don't worry about being gone when you have to be, we will be here when you get back :)
    I miss dogwoods so much! When I lived in GA, they became a favorite of mine. I love seeing your photos of them!

  16. beautiful blooms. glad you discovered and had the source of trouble rectified!

  17. I hate to think about having something like that in my eye...I hope it heals soon and that you can not tell it ever happened.

    Before I forget I love your header shot. And love the others and the quotes! Thanks for visiting my blog, specially taking the time with your eye feeling like that.

  18. Ouch! glad you are better and are able to photograph the blooms around you.

  19. Sorry to hear about your injury, Ida. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Love the dogwood photos. What fabulous trees. We don't have many of them over our way, so a treat to see yours!

  20. Oh my, your photos take my breath away! Thank you!

  21. As always, your photography is exceptional. Love these dogwoods. So thankful the dr. could see you right away and glad you are not in pain. God bless you.

  22. Hello Ida, I've come across from Eileen's blog.

    Glad your eye is getting sorted, I'm sure it will heal soon.

    Lovely photographs you've shared here, super colours in them.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  23. I love spring. These are beautiful images. Enjoy as long as they last. The Dogwoods are especially beautiful. Glad you are okay!

  24. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye, but glad you went to the doctor before infection set in! Do hope it is feeling better. Your pictures are gorgeous! The dogwoods are starting to bloom out here, as well as the fruit trees, and it is a simply gorgeous sight to see! Enjoyed your beautiful pictures! Sending hugs and wishes for a speedy healing of your eye!

  25. Gorgeous images! I LOVE number 2 + 4! Have a lovely day!

  26. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
    The dogwoods are gorgeous!! I can just imagine the heavenly scent too. And you picked the perfect quotes for each one. :)

  27. Oh, my gosh, look at those trees! Isn't spring wonderful? Rusty metal in your eye does not sound good. I hope it's feeling better!

  28. They are beautiful, Ida! I love your blog header, as well! It's so nice to see all the comments on your post, too.


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