Saturday, April 9, 2016

Friday Randoms & Saturday Critters

Hello! - Yes, I'm a day late (and always a dollar short) for posting for both:

Still trying to catch up with Good Fences - If you need to see that post click on the link.


This week was Spring Break here and I've had Coleen home all week so we've been busy doing different things and I just haven't had much time for being on the computer.  I hope you'll all forgive me for not getting around to your blogs on time.

Anyway I'm joining in now with my Randoms for this week.

 1.  We (Coleen, Me & my mom) took another drive the other night as I was needing to get a photo during the "golden hour" before sunset.  We drove up this steep dirt road where you could see down into the valley on one side and on the other was farm land.  We happened to spot some animals in a farmers wheat field.  They turned out to be more deer (yes I like to photograph deer).  There are 28 of them in this picture.  It's cropped so you can see them better.  They were quite a way off so it's the best I can do.


The flowering trees are still in bloom around here.  This is the neighbors apple tree in the yard next to my mom's place.  I love the blooms but we hate when they fall off (looks like snow and is a mess to clean up) - Worse yet they nerve do anything with the apples and then they rot and fall off the tree into my mom's yard where wasp get in them and we end up having to clean them up.

 Yesterday we drove down to McNary Dam for something to do other than sit at home.  Since it was Coleen's Spring Break she was able to take her friend along to enjoy the day. - This is a picture of the Dam's spillway.


The day before (Thursday) I took the girls out to Rooks Park so they could play and look around.  I happened to spot a Heron and decided to try and get pictures of it.  I managed to get 3 decent ones before it decided to fly off.
5.  I enjoy Rooks Park as there are lots of pretty things to look at like this fern that hadn't yet unfurled.


1.  I've been busy this week clearing the weeds out of my mom's flower beds (and mine as well) and planting flowers.  This is some of her tulips blooming.  I love the color and the way the sunlight seems to glow through them. - It's a lot of work keeping up with 2 different places but I'm managing a little at a time.
2.  Coleen and her friend, Emilie enjoying the walk through Rooks Park.

3.  We had hoped to see some Salmon at the Dam yesterday but it's the wrong time of the year for the Salmon run.  Instead we did see this Crawfish in a tank inside the Dam's Visitor Center.

4.  We still have lots of cats come to visit and eat the food we leave on my mom's front porch.  This is the neighbor across the street's cat, Tiger showing up to see what was in the food bowls the other night.

5.  I don't mind seeing snakes if they don't startle me and while we were at Rooks Park the girls spotted several snakes and I was lucky enough to get a picture of one before it slithered off into the rocks.

Linking up also to SATURDAY'S CRITTERS

Oops I forgot to link to FUN FRIDAY FAVORITES as well.

Might as well include a bonus photo for this meme.

One of the signs just as you get ready to enter the Dam that tells about some of the history of the area.


  1. The deer may have been a distance but a couple of them have there eyes on you too. The herons have arrived here too.

  2. Blessings...
    busy week indeed.
    nice shots of the cat and the girls.

    have a great weekend.

    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

  3. Beautiful collection of subjects and photos, Ida.
    I particularly enjoyed Mr. Tiger and the Golden Hour.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  4. i am amazed at that many deer in one spot. i did not know they stayed in herds like that and far off or not i would love to see them... love the tulips and kitties and glad you could take Coleen and her friend out for a fun day. I am with you on the snakes, as long as they don't bother me i don't bother them. lots of interesting things today. glad to see you back. does your mom live next door or close to you

  5. Hello Ida, what an action packed post. I like the shot of the deer off in the field. Coleen and her friend is a great shot. The snake is cool, I do not mind seeing them. The flowers, ferns and blossoms are pretty. I always enjoy seeing the GB Herons. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. I love the water gushing through the dam, gorgoeus!

  7. What gorgeous tulips!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hi Ida! Hope you are enjoying the weekend after a busy week! Thanks for dropping by to leave comments!
    You have a great assortment of photos today and i especially liked seeing the water gush from the dam!
    Best wishes!

  9. You got some great pictures on your walk.
    Snake don't bother me either.

  10. Beautiful tulips and you have captured some nice scenes!

  11. Lovely post, and your photo's are always a joy to view, Ida.

    Blessings for your weekend~~

  12. Hi!!! What Terrific Photos . . . Herons - aren't they some kind of cool?
    The flowering tree looks kinda magical.

    Sending Wishes for a Terrific Week!!!

  13. Oh it was so lovely coming along with you folks!

  14. cute critters. (and girls). love the deer!

  15. that is a bunch of deer! Who doesn't like photographing them...they are just so pretty. And it is outstanding to see this many and get a shot of them!

  16. Lovely tulips and tree blossoms!

  17. and I thought that I often see a bunch of deer! nature makes an ordinary day special.

  18. Lovely pictures! Especially all the flowers! And the deer! And Tiger the Cat!

  19. Great critter shots and the fern is cool! Nice picture of the two girls.

  20. I do enjoy your Friday Randoms Ida, lovely photos :)

  21. Lovely series, it seems, you had a good real time , the digital world can wait...
    My favourite is the cat photo and the blooming tree. Our trees and tulips will begin after some days - I can't wait for this! The falling snow is another chapter...
    Have a nice new week

  22. You had a busy week. I enjoyed seeing the deer and that pretty fern. Glad your Mom could get out with you guys. John would love to visit the Dam. We used to keep up our yard and my late parents and it is quite a job. Your mom's tulips are so colorful. We've had a lot of wind lately. I'll be glad when the days are warmer. John has seen one snake on our property this spring, so far. Nice to see Coleen and her friend enjoying their break. Take care, Ida.

  23. I love the ginger cat:)
    Busy and happy.

  24. Wonderful variety of beautiful landscape, floral and critter photos! beautiful!

    Wishing you a happy week ahead ~ ^_^

  25. lovely post and photo's Ida! Thanks for linking up :)

  26. I love Heron's so much, they are one of my favorite large birds. Beautiful photo.

  27. isn't it great how these challenges get us up and out of the house, for a drive around adventure!!?? i love a ride in the car, with no destination.....

    a nice set of pictures, i favored the first and of course the one of colleen. she's looking very grown up!!!

  28. Wow, you sure do have alot going on...and it is great to be out of doors for it all! Thanks for sharing it! Aloha!

  29. Great shots Ida -- looks like you did alot of fun things during Spring Break. :)

  30. Nice collection of critters, blooms, and young'uns, Ida!

    I like your cute little snake. They don't give you much notice to get that pic in before they're gone!

  31. What a great series of images. It looks like you had a great spring break!

  32. What wonderful photos....well, most of them anyway! heehee! Love all those deer. We rarely see them here. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  33. Olá
    imagens maravilhosas!
    o gato é muito lindo!
    tenha uma ótima semana

  34. Beautiful blooms! I would love an apple tree because the blossoms are so pretty, but I didn't think about the mess of cleaning up fallen apples. And we don't have any deer around here to eat them up. Although a racoon did try to get into my compost last night. Poor guy, we still got snow on the ground, so I am guessing his "Take Out" was frozen. LOL
    I assume that snake is harmless?? But it does have a beautiful pattern to its skin. I'm okay too as long as I can see them. Nothing worse than something slithering under your foot!!

  35. Such a pretty collection of pictures! I do so enjoy taking pictures in the "golden hour" too! Your visit to the dam and local park was lovely, and wasn't it a beautiful spring break week! You got some great shots of the heron up close, they are hard to photograph as they spook so easily. I am like you, with spring being here, I am struggling to keep up with my blogging visits, and I enjoy them so much, but there is so much to do outside too, lol! Hope you are having a lovely week so far :)

  36. Spring looks so pretty in the Pacific Northwest. This time of year I get a bad attack of wanting to be in two places at once. It's still really nice here in Florida, but not the same as Spring at home. (Life is full of compromises.)

  37. such wonderful photos ida and i've never seen so many deer in one place, how neat!! i too don't mind seeing snakes as long as they don't startle me!! thank you so much for linking and i hope to see you again soon!! hope your week has been great!! oh and p.s....i don't homeschool but my husband and i love to visit historical spots! we've always had "family sunday" and that has always meant the kids could not make plans for that day as we'd use it to go do that my older 2 are adults, it leaves just the twins so "family sunday" has just fallen on any weekend day with good weather lol...funny though how my oldest, my daughter who will soon be 22, complained and complained about family day and now misses it!


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