Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Randoms & Fill-Ins

Hallelujah it's Friday!

It's time for some "random" fun.


1.  This was the shot I submitted for the 52 Frames project for the prompt,
Blue.  You can check out the entire album here:

This is a sculpture at our local airport. "Illuminated Gateway Arbors" by artist, Koryn Rolstad.   - Check down further for a view of it during the daytime.  - This one was taken just as a huge Thunder and Lightning storm was approaching.  I had time enough to snap a few pictures before deciding that I'd best get back in my car.  I drove home amidst a torrential downpour and a fantastic lighting show.

2.  Just a little "Kitty Love" to make you smile.  This is a sweet moment with Bandit & Pepper.  I had to snap fast before they moved so it's a bit blurred but still cute.

3.  I bought a new shirt the other day.  As you know I bowl (or attempt to) on a League.  Right now we are on a break although we have been bowling just for fun on Tuesday mornings, those of us who wanted to continue bowling.  League won't start back up again until September.
Anyway I found a shirt that I liked to wear on bowling days.

Yes it really is that colorful!

4.  A look at some of the flowers I've been busy planting.  This is my mom's side of our driveway.  I planted our side yesterday.  My knees and back are sore from all that bending over and such but they sure look pretty.

5. Monday starts the new season of the ABC Show, The Bachelorette  Yes, I'm addicted to this show.  I also watch (The Bachelor) as well.  But I think the Bachelorette is my favorite because you get to look at 25 Hunky guys instead of 25 Gorgeous women.

1. Here's the Day time version of the Blue Sculpture at the Airport.

2.  It's (Ant) season and whenever we find huge gatherings of these pesky critters we dust them with ant killer but first we snap their picture!

3.  A Friend of mine sent me some photos created by Artist, Michael Paul Smith.  This is one of them:

Now check out this link because you'll be amazed about what this photo really is:

4.  Tomorrow is the annual Ducky Derby.  I've featured it here before on my blog.  Last year it was such a (boring) event since they didn't race the ducks down the creek due to low current flow (yeah, right) but instead just dumped them into a field and fished around in the pile to pick out the winners.  I've heard that this year they will race down the creek so I'll be there camera in hand to see if any of my 5 ducks win the race. Photo from the 2014 Race.

5.  We saw an "infomercial" the other night for DVD's of Rowan & Martin's, Laugh-In and decided to purchase them as hubby & I both watched this silly show.

Here's a YouTube Clip for your enjoyment.
Finally I'm joining in on Friendly Fill-Ins. Linking in with McGuffy's Reader.

 Here are this week's statements with the blanks:

WEEK 2: May 20, 2016

1. Everyone should read _________________.

2. My first ___________________was a _____________________.

3. My favourite time of day is                 , because                .

4. I think dreams                             .

My Answers:
1.  Everyone should read at least 1 book per year.

2. My first car was a 1964 Mercury Comet (Vomit Green color)

3. My favorite time of day is after everyone goes to work, because
there are less people to interrupt me!.

4.  I think dreams can be very fun or very scary.


  1. the driveway flowers are looking great and the kitties are looking sweet together.. i like the blue you submitted. beautiful photo of the work of art... i like the bowling shirt and i bet everyone smiles with you when you bowl.. i love the house and car that he created..

  2. triple wow wow wow on how he makes those photos. this is something i might have to try .. i am saving that link.. thanks

  3. Hello, the airport sculpture is cool. I love the kitty love photo, they are sweet. Your mother's garden looks beautiful, nice job! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. So cool to see the whole sculpture! The ducks are so cute just floating there.

  5. I'm connecting through the Fill Ins. Nice to meet you. That sculpture is incredible.

    Val from My Virtual Vineyard

  6. Gonna go look at that Laugh In clip, because we loved that show back in the day! (But I didn't want to click and then forget to come back and comment). We hardly watch any network TV nowadays, since we got NetFlix and Amazon TV. Catching up on old shows we missed and some of the newer ones that are only on it. No commercials. Yay!

    The flower border is just beautiful -- so colorful.

  7. I am so happy you joined the friendly fill-ins hop. Nice answers, your first car sounds as bad as my bright blue Gremlin :) I remember that vomit green color.
    Your kitties are adorable and great job planting the flowers.

  8. Love that kitty love! We have had a duck derby here too. Always a lot of fun!

  9. the sculpture is so unique and beautiful, your capture of it is really stunning!!

    "we" are planting here too and my whole body aches and my back is burnt to a crisp. i like the shirt but i thought they were balloons. it will be PERFECT for bowling nights!!!

  10. Great fill in answers. The Kitty Love pic is so sweet. Have a great weekend!

  11. I love your pictures! I like your answers for the fill-ins a lot too. Yes, everyone needs to read, there is something out there that will appeal to each person, reading should be exciting, not a chore. I agree that dreams can be really fun or really scary, I've had both kinds. I love the ones you wake up from and wish you could go back to sleep and start them up again, because the were wonderful!

  12. Lots of fun photos in this post, Ida! Your new bowling shirt is perfect, your flowers look so pretty -- and I know how hard it is on back and knees to plant, as I had the same pains this week, plus a blister on my palm even though I wore gloves to dig.

    The duck race sounds like fun--glad it can go in the creek again!

  13. I agree, reading is important...just do it! Even one book a year is fine!
    My first car was a 1971 Camaro. I wish I could see a picture of yours!
    I can see why you like your time! You are busy!
    You are right about dreams!
    I am glad you joined for Friendly Fill-Ins!
    Hugs! Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  14. Your kitties look so content! Love that bowling shirt, hope it brings you luck!

  15. I loved Laugh-in growing up! :) Say, I wonder... I've been trying to find *for years* some version of what I remember as ... "Miss Snooky Lansen" I think it was Jo Ann Worley all dressed up like she was going to sing and then her song is all laughter in various forms... I loved that skit but I can't find any mention of it anywhere. Do you remember that? Did I make it up?

  16. Your top looks great - love the colours.
    Your flowers too - a lovely selection of colourful blooms, well worth the back ache!

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  17. You led me to take a very interesting detour to the 52 Frames album and Web page, with some very interesting and informative videos! Thank you!

  18. Great post Ida and a fun one. Enjoyed all the photos, specially of your cute kitties and the link to the photographer and what he does is so impressive. Like your bowling shirt. Wish I had one of those when I was on a league.

  19. Love the ducks! The sculpture is wonderful. You like color (I do too) --- your shirt and your flowers. Have a great week!

  20. I bowl a lot too but not in a league

  21. Hi Ida, I enjoyed all of this post. The link to the story of how the photographer uses models to create old-looking photos is amazing! Thanks for sharing all!

  22. Love the sculpture. Great capture of the kitties! The duck derby sounds fun. Hope you have a great week!

  23. Gosh, that sculpture is way bigger than I thought! Love the first photo against the dramatic night sky. And the kitties! So adorable loving on each other. It's what makes the world go 'round. You can keep the ants, though. We don't seem to have that kind here. Got those itty bitty ones that want to come inside, and sometimes the big black ones outside. Of course, you know I love the pretty flowers. It's raining here and doing a nice job of finishing off the azaleas. Other things coming along, though. Oh, and you found the perfect shirt for bowling!

  24. Love the sculpture photo! Very creative.
    And your garden looks lovely - such bright colours. I did my garden pots and some wedding yesterday too, and then I went to get up out of bed this morning and OUCH! I can't believe I forget every year that I will be sore the next day. But it's just proof that gardening can also be exercise! :)

  25. Great to see you here on the Friday Blog! Hoping to join in soon on that

  26. What a fun post, Ida. Your cats are precious. Such a sweet photo. I also love the flowers you have planted. I can get down, I just can't get back up! lol

  27. Cool stuff, Ida! I enjoyed your Five. That sculpture is so interesting!

  28. That's a lot of ants. Made my skin itchy just looking at the photo!

  29. Neat sculpture. Beautiful cats! Pretty flowers. The model photography is amazing! That's a LOT of ants!


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