Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Seasons & BW Wednesday

Today I'm joining Jesh (St. Germains) & Adrienne (My Memory Art) for their memes:


Saturday there were 2 festivals going on at once.  One was the Return to the River Salmon Festival.  Featured here are some of the Native American Dancers that performed during the event.

Some pretty grass that I decided to photograph on our walk up to where the ducks (rubber ones) were released for the Ducky Derby.

Izzy The Camel is a popular attraction at the Ducky Derby

A view of a farm across the creek from where the festivals were held.  It was a cloudy day but only a "sprinkling" of rain fell so while it was windy & cold the rain held off to everyone's relief.

A sea of colorful ducks floating down towards the finishing line.

A lone duck that drifted away from the pack.

Hooray because the first Klicker Strawberries of the Season were ready on Saturday so we had our first shortcake of the summer.  Yum!

Just because he's too cute not so share,  Bandit enjoying the sun streaming into the living room.


  1. Beautiful Bandit... so sweet. so is the lonely little ducky all by himself. love the photos... and would like to see the Native American dances and he ducks floating down the river

  2. What a fantastic collection of photo's.
    So many ducks floating down towards the finishing line - but I loved the lonesome one too!

    All the best Jan

  3. Hello, the festival sound like a fun time. The ducky derby is cute, I do not remember them wearing sunglasses. The camel is a cool critter. I love strawberries, the shortcake is yummy.
    Adorable shot of your sweet Bandit. Have a happy day!

  4. The B/W lone duck photo is great!

  5. Love the photo of all those rubber ducks! And hooray for strawberry season!

  6. Your photo for SEASONS made me laugh - so funny -many thanks! Love everything about Native American art, and the second costume from the left is just gorgeous!
    See you had some fun at these events - kudos to you:):) "Talk" to you soon!

  7. What a wonderful variety of photos, Ida!

  8. Love your photos! Bandit is so sweet, asleep anyway.
    Glad the rain held off.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog, it was a great time with my daughter. Looks like a nice festival--great Indian costumes.

  10. Hooray for fresh local strawberries, and for rubber duckies - I've never seen so many all at once!

  11. It looks like fun in your area! I really like your black and white shots a lot. And all those ducks are just too cute! Izzy looks well cared for.

  12. Hi Ida, Oh how I love the sweet napping Bandit! The photo of the dancers is so colorful and the girls' smiles are so pretty. Love the ducks, the camel, and especially the lone duck! Wishes for you and yours to enjoy the weekend.

  13. Great post Ida, and before I begin I would like to say how much I loved your header photo. That collection of chalk drawings, so cute! Great captures of the festivals. I have always enjoyed the traditional clothing of Native Americans. The black and white photos were all really neat and if I had to pick a favorite I would say it was your last shot of Bandit, but truly I loved each photo. They showed what a great day it was. Thanks for sharing them.

  14. these are just lovely! I especially love all the black-and-white images! wow!

  15. Bandit is too cute! Pretty photo. That strawberry shortcake looks amazing!

  16. Great photos. The one of Bandit napping is our favourite.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Bandit is enjoying that sunpuddle! How fun to see a camel! That's a lot of little yellow ducks!

  18. Gorgeous photos, Ida. I loved them all, but that black and white kitty photo was epic. Your strawberry shortcake also looked pretty epic! Any chance you could mail some over to us hungry folk in London? 😍

  19. That Bandit B&W shot!!! That deserves to be enlarged and framed. What a great capture.
    I bet that lone duck was the winner. LOL
    I think our own duck race is coming soon - I should get some pics of my own, because that looks really cool.

  20. You've really mastered the art of black and white. Wow!

  21. Beautiful series of images! Love the bright colors of the Native American costumes and the shortcake in contrast with the black and white grasses. I have to say the cat is my favorite image.


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