Thursday, June 2, 2016

Good Fences #115 - A Fence Going, Going, Gone.

Welcome! - It's been super busy with activities recently and I've not been posting or visiting as much as I would like to.  - I am joining Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) today for:  GOOD FENCES

There is a house about 2 blocks down the street from where we live that is used as a "vacation" rental house.  Down one side of the yard there was a White Picket type fence bordering the property.  It made no sense since the rest of the yard wasn't fenced in but who knows why they put it up.

Anyway little by little I noticed that some of the slats of the fence were missing. Apparently it's a "thing" to pull them off the fences.  I just don't understand the thrill of destroying someone else's property but it happens.

So one day I was driving by and I noticed they were removing the fence.
I went home and got my camera to take some pictures.

As you can see here there was a hedge behind the fencing and most of the fence was already gone.  I never did get a picture of the fence while it was up because it really wasn't that interesting of a fence.  Just one of those metal white picket fences that you see quite often.

An angle view looking down the street towards the direction where we live.

 Same view but you can see the wooden posts behind the white fence.  They also had a wooden fence bordering the back where the garage & alley are located. 

Just a few pieces of the fence hardware that was lying around.

All stacked up and laying against the garage.

It took a couple of days for them to take the fencing down.  This may be the reason why......

 Hope you've enjoyed today's post.  Don't forget to check out the other Good Fences & have a great day.


  1. today your post gets the "most interesting fence" award... i wish i had those pieces hanging out on the wall, we have the perfect spot for them...

  2. Oh that's sad that people do that to a person's property! I do like the posts and the tree look though!

  3. Hello, it seems an odd place for a fence anyway. I guess it is good to take it down. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  4. It is sad to think this is vandalism. Hope it is fixed soon as I'm sure it looked a nice enough fence and tidy for the area.
    Have a fun weekend!

  5. Glad they were able to put a new fence in. Wasn't aware of the "thing" to pull out fence posts! Of course, I live in a neighborhood where strangers stand out and people see everything, and neighbors warn each other.

    PS Am leaving my comment in a different setting, could you please try out if this is also a no-reply setting, or if you can reply (please let me know - thanks). I really want to be more accessible for the participants of SEASONS - see you there soon:)

  6. maybe they got fed up with painting the posts, i know i would.

  7. GREAT post for this meme, Ida! I know what you mean; as we spend valuable rich time in the real world, we feel a pang that we cannot visit all of our true blog friends! Thanks for posting

  8. I've always liked those kind of fences

  9. I wonder if the hedge had gotten so big it was pushing the fence apart? You should have offered to take it off of their hands! Oh boy, what I could do with those! ;)
    Have an awesome day!

  10. That hedge will keep people out!

  11. Maybe it will stand again one day.

  12. Such a perfect way to show the fence leftovers...all the angles here and there. Trash collecting behind the fence line? Between the trees and street...not fun to keep cleaned out I'm sure.

  13. That really is too bad. People can be so senseless.

    I hope you are enjoying the start of June!

  14. haha. i like the row of tightly grown trees as a hedgerow. hope they find a good place for the torn-down fencing.

  15. LOL! I wouldn't have thought of that until the last photo! The hedge itself is quite nice!

  16. Good "fencepost" ... and I absolutely love your chalk art header photo. REally fun.

  17. Your last picture does show why it took them so long to take down that fence!!

  18. Interesting post. It really is too bad what people do to other's property these days.

  19. I agree that its a shame that people were vandalizing that fence, Ida. I wonder if it will be replaced by something stronger? The tall shrubs were nice for privacy--I hope no one destroys them.

    Have a good weekend!

  20. Goodbye, useless fence!

    It looks nicer with just the evergreens.

  21. Great and thanks for sharing. Warm greetings!

  22. Well, that's something you don't see every day. Very good photos my friend. (remember...don't drink and drive...hahahaha! You KNEW someone was going to say that, didn't you?) Sweet hugs, Diane

  23. Creative shots of the 'down fence' ~ think the trees make a great fence too ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  24. Love all the pinus behind the fences!
    Great photos!

    Thanks for your visit and nice comment on my post.

  25. What a shame. I don't understand the thrill, either. We had vandals on our property a few years ago. Broke our lamp post and a few other things and dumped out some large bags of compost I had on the deck. Those kids are gone from the neighborhood now. I think at least one of them was sent to detention. Now all is peaceful, thank goodness.

  26. It looked like it may have been a nice fence but fences do hide things and one might not want that. It would be nice to have those panels of fencing. I would put it around my cutting garden make it look pretty.

  27. I like the hedge so much better. I have never heard of this type of vandalism, what will kids think of next. That's downright shameful!!!

    And as for the stone pony, it is world famous in these parts, Bruce made it famous and vise versa!!!! I have seen many concerts there and saw Bruce there once. It was a drop in, unexpected performance and he rocked the place, I will never forget it!!!!!!!

  28. I like white picket fences (or any fences for that matter). Too bad that they had to take it down. However, I think a green fence might have been better as it was going to merge with all those nice evergreens.

  29. It is terrible that people are so destructive to other people's property! Sad to see a pretty fence being taken down, but maybe they have another plan for something that will look nicer instead. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  30. Well - these were certainly a different, and excellent, set of photo's for the Fences link up.

    Wishing you a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  31. I imagined it was a beautiful fence once. I hope someone else will have good use of the taken down fence. Have a great weekend!

  32. Hi Ida-'-so glad to see you had stopped in. I liked those old doors propped up on the fences--- can do fun decor prohects with those! I loved your ducks picture----my oh my!-----so many bright yellow cheery ducks all at once! Fun event. Is it hot there yet----it sure is here

  33. Hello,Ida,
    It is an interesting post. Actually,I like the first photo. The green fence looks like they are proudly showing up there! The green fence reminded me of my old fence" Chinese pyramid juniper". That was around 1970-2000! Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a good weekend!

  34. It's sad when people destroy things like that. but I believe the fence became more interesting and made for better pictures in its less perfect state. I love pictures of old and rusty things.

  35. Now that is an interesting fence! I would also have had to take some photos and speculate about what exactly was going going on there. Nice pics! I'm signing on as a follower...

  36. You took very interesting photos and I liked your perspectives. Never will understand the need to destroy another's property.

  37. Loved your last photo....gave me a laugh this morning

  38. No, I don't get property destruction either... but it did make for an interesting series of shots...

  39. Guess they decided the fence was too good of a target for vandals. That (vandalism) is for sure one thing I absolutely do not understand. What do the perpetrators get out of it? You wonder what their mindset could be, just destroying things for the sake of destroying. Just nuts.

  40. Beautiful fences. Tree fence looks great!

  41. Oh that's terrible that people threw litter AND stole the fence pieces! What's wrong with people. But that is a beautiful hedge behind it so perhaps the fencing was only meant to be temporary until the hedge grew tall enough. I could use those extra pieces though! Our fence is looking very sad this year.

  42. I must remember to post there, I am always taking pictures of fences! Love this post!

  43. When you see all the hard work that goes into making something, it is all the more shameful that someone could casually destroy it.


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