Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Seasons - Recent Happenings

 Welcome! - It's been crazy busy here the last couple of weeks.  Summer has arrived!

We've had record heat this past week with temps in the 100's already.  Thankfully it is supposed to cool down later this week.

So for today I'm joining, Jesh (St. Germains) for SEASONS

My dad would have been 96 on May 27th and is our tradition we always take flowers out to his grave on his birthday anniversary and then refresh the bouquet again for Memorial Day.  This is the birthday bouquet we took.  Flowers from my mom's & my gardens.

 We took a trip up on Saturday the 28th to my brother's cabin for a family gathering and BBQ.

 This is the view they have from their cabin. - Isn't it gorgeous.

Two of my brothers, Richard (L) and Russell (R) - Getting ready to grill the hamburgers.

Coleen entered her school's talent show and sang, Hurricane.   She did a really nice job with the song.  I'm so proud of her.  I would have been scared to death at that age to stand up and sing in front of other people.

 This week has been filled with lots of activities related to her end of Elementary school days.  One more to go with tomorrows Recognition Ceremony for the 5th graders moving on to middle school in the fall.

 On other news I got a new camera!!! - A Canon 70D - I've been spending time trying to learn how to use it.  The above shot was taken the first day I got the camera.  There's a lot of different things to learn as the buttons are all different from my old one but I'm having fun with it.  Cats here are Harley and Callie-Jo.

I've been busy watering and weeding and taking care of flower beds.  I shot this pretty photo of the Hibiscus plant that Greta gave me for May Day.  It's really been blooming up a storm.

With summer comes an abundance of fresh fruit and produce in our area.  Here are the summer's first Bing Cherries that we've been enjoying.

Hope you've enjoyed a little glimpse into the Seasons around here.


  1. A new camera -congrats! Always so exciting! Have a Canon too, a light weight Rebel, so it's not so heavy on the hiking trips in the mountains:)
    Lovely to see Colleen to venture out where you haven't gone (yet, haha)
    Many thanks for that beautiful view from the cabin for SEASONS! Knowing your busy schedule, it's even more appreciated! See you next week with one of your experiments of your new Canon!

    PS I'm leaving the comment with "the open URL" -let me know- if you can get back to my blog with that-thanks

  2. I am with you on singing in front of a crowd, at any age let alone 5th grade. wow you got the big kahuna of cameras, i am trying not to be jealous. you will love it and probably already do.... i miss having the dslr. did you get two lens, long and short?
    and with that view from the cabin plus eating burgers, my favorite food, nothing could be better

  3. Hello Ida, your photos are gorgeous, and I especially love the cats and the yellow Hibiscus!

  4. So much happening! Congrats to all on Colleen's promotion to 6th grade!
    Enjoy the new camera, too!

  5. You kitties seem to be having a great summer so far. You too humans.

    Emma and Buster

  6. good for colleen. congrats on the new camera! the cabin view is gorgeous. i like that you took your dad home-grown blooms from the heart.

  7. What wonderful pictures. Summer is here indeed.

  8. I can't get past that amazing view from the cabin! WowWowWow!

  9. I think a gym would be stranger to be comfortable. We had one in our gym but they basically transformed it and turned off the lights to make it seem like we had a real stage.

  10. It was cookin' hot here last weekend, too, but now (Wednesday) it's cooled down considerably and we even had a little rain.
    The view from the cabin is amazing - good to get together with family. Colleen looks confident and poised in front of the mic.
    There is a lot to learn with a new camera,but it can be a lot of fun, too!

  11. beautiful beautiful images! that view is just awesome! <3

  12. Very heartfelt and warm post. Thank you for sharing!
    And the view is fantastic!!

  13. Loved all your photos Ida. I will mention Colleen first. I am impressed with her confidence. I also would not have been able to do that at her age. A special time for you all with her finishing up with elementary school. Happy Belated Birthday! The flowers are very pretty and how lovely to get to be with your family at such a beautiful sight. This year my Dad would have been 100 years' old. Congratulations on your new camera. You took great shots with it. Loved the hibiscus and those bright red cherries, and Harley and Callie-Jo are so cute. Have a great day!

  14. Looks like it's been a fun time lately. Good for Colleen! The view from the cabin is lovely. Congrats on the new camera!

  15. Great photos, it takes a while to get used to any new equipment and I'm sure you will be fine once you grasp the basics. Greetings!

  16. Just catching up with your posts ...
    It's always good to remember our loved ones, made better if the family can get-together too.

    All the best Jan

  17. that view doesn't even look real!!! such a beautiful vase of colorful flowers!!!!

  18. Ida, that view is stunning! Perfect setting for a cabin.

  19. That's so beautiful that the flowers are from your own gardens. Very special.
    A new camera!! I can't wait to see all the pictures you're going to take with it. Especially blooms and cherries: to my favourite summer things. :)

  20. The bouquet of roses from your and your mom's gardens are delightful.
    That view from the cabin is spectacular. Oh, that must have been fun to have a cookout with family.
    Congrats to Coleen; I did not realize that she sings too.
    Those cherries look so good.
    Hope your weather has cooled down some. We are very hot here in GA.

  21. p.s. forgot to say congrats on the new camera. I adore the kitty cat pics.

  22. Sounds like busy times but that view should make things a little better! Good on your daughter for her bravery! The cats and the flowers are really great. A new camera is such a great thing. There's so much to learn but I know you won't have any problems!

  23. That is beautiful scenery. Two guys doing the cooking is always a welcome sight! LOL I disliked getting up to do book reports, I couldn't imagine singing in public when I was that age. I wouldn't do it now!


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