Friday, June 17, 2016

Willy-Nilly Friday Five - June 17, 2016

Happy Friday!

Joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) today for,

1.  I haven't shared this photo yet for the 52 Frames project that I've been participating in.  This one is for the challenge, DOF (Depth of Field).

The link above takes you to that album where you can see some amazing photos.

2. Sharing this photo taken last month of one of the Indian dancers costumes at the Return to the River Salmon festival that Coleen and I attended.

3.  Yesterday's Good Fences post was all about cats & fences.  Coleen complained that I hardly ever share photos of dogs so while we were out walking I snapped a photo of this little dog in someone's yard.  Love that crooked smile it has.

4.  Also while out on that same walk I snapped some Yellow Yarrow growing in someone's garden.  It's another of the DOF shots that I was practicing on.

5.  Last night Coleen and I took a short walk down to the school as I wanted a clear view (no power lines) of the pretty pink clouds that were in the sky.  This is one of them.

6. Bonus Shot - Another of the 52 Frames challenges that I haven't shared.  This one was for: Negative Space.  My hubby was doing some welding and I decided to capture the sparks from the gun.  I love how it turned out although as far as the "negative space" it could have been a bit better.

Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.


  1. really nice takes. beautiful yarrow and love the sparks.

  2. Hello Ida, wonderful captures from your walk. I love the cute doggie. The sky shot is gorgeous, the Yellow Yarrow is a lovely photo. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. These are wonderful sister Ida!

  4. You and your new camera are on a roll! These are great.

  5. You always delight us with the BEST photos....

  6. wonderful photos. you're doing great with your depth of field shots. glad to see you gave dogs equal

  7. This is a lovely assortment of shots. I really like the shot of the yarrow.

  8. Brilliant photos Ida, each one great to see. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I did actually get your other one, but I am late moderating this week. Don't have a lot of computer time but am trying to catch up now. If you don't see your comment it usually means my time is extra busy but I will publish as soon as I can. Have a great weekend.

  9. oh I love the flowing dress, the yarrow and of course the clouds! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. you must already know that i will say the fire is my favorite... all the photos are beautiful.. love the sweet pup... and beautiful DOF shot

  11. Wonderful photos, Ida, and I love the dog!

  12. Great photos, Ida! Beautiful yarrow, and love the tassles of the dancer, and the sparks! They were all wonderful!

  13. Wonderful series ... each different and lovely. The yellow yarrow is a favorite -- there is something about the color yellow that makes me smile. Cute pup. Lovely skies. Hope your week is fun!

  14. Wow! Ida, you are such an accomplished photographer. These are all great and I especially love the friendly little dog!
    Happy Father's Day Weekend.

  15. A great selection of photo's you've shared, thank you.
    I do love the one with the pink clouds in the sky, such lovely colour.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend

    All the best Jan

  16. Wow, that 'bonus' shot of the welding is absolutely terrific. Of course I'm a cat lover so the cats photos are always a treasure...but I must admit the doggie is so darned cute.

    LOVE the sky.

  17. I really love all of your shots this week! Hope you have a great week.

  18. Hi Ida - I love the variety of your great photos here and of course the little doggy made me go arghhh. He's got the same cheeky look as the crazy poodle!
    Wren x

  19. I really enjoyed the welding spark photo. I guess I need to hang out in the shop with my husband a little bit more.

  20. blessings....

    great shots.
    Have a fabulous week


    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

  21. Great photos. I especially like the Yellow Yarrow one.

  22. You have such a good eye for composition and color and finding interest in what others might see as ordinary. I so enjoy your photography. These are great shots. Of course, I love the dog photo. Beautiful sunset and flowers, and the welding sparks photo is superb!

  23. Very cool post! Love each picture...but the welding one was very interesting!! I loved it! My Tom was a welder, so makes sweet memories!

  24. Gosh what super photos - every one a winner. I love the yellow yarrow. I wonder how slug-resistant it is. I've been nursing some lupins - I love lupins SO much, only to have 2 of my 3 plants devoured by slugs. They just mowed them off leaving a stalk where the wonderful flowers should have been. I'm so disappointed. All the best, Bonny

  25. You have a nice variety of images in this post. Good work too.

  26. Thank you so much for sharing all this photos. I like the Indian dancers (costumes). Do you have more photos from the dancers? So beautiful and their costumes are so intersting for me in Europe. never see, you know!

  27. your challenge photos are wonderful ida! i can't decide which is my favorite! excellent pictures! thank you for linking to willy nilly....i am taking a short break so there won't be any willy nilly's for the next 2 fridays! save up!!

  28. You have some great shots here...I am trying to go back through but don't know if I am going to make it back to where I last visited! I feel like Colleen is growing up. I tell you, I think I see Lorelei change almost daily part of the time...


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