Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Seasons - That's One Big Spud!

Joining Jesh (St. Germains) for SEASONS

Way back in 2012 I had a post about a Giant Potato sighting and a missed opportunity and a save by a friend.

Guess what? - The Potato was back!

Yesterday I was driving past the local grocery store (Harvest Foods) that we shop at and low and behold there was the Potato truck in their parking lot. I hurried home to get my mom, Coleen and of course my camera and back we all went to take some photos.

So without further ado I give you...Spuddy Buddy and the Famous Idaho Potato Tour. - Lots of photos - Be sure to click to enlarge.

I should have moved further away because I couldn't get the entire truck into the picture.

Coleen next to the potato.

Of course I wanted in on the fun so I had Coleen take my picture.

Another view of the potato and truck from a different angle.

Now for a few details of the truck...

A closer view of the potato and it's chain.

The cab of the truck

One of the logo's on the truck. - The funny part is that people see the words,
"It's Real" and think that the actual potato is a real potato!

Where you can find more information.

Some fun potato facts listed on the back of the truck.

You'd think people would realize this fact but I know - "legalities."

"Spuddy Buddy"

Finally a couple of postcards we were given inside the store that list fun facts about the potato.  - My favorite:  If this were a real potato and you baked it, it would take 2 years and 9 months for it to bake!

Hope you have enjoyed my potato post. 


  1. Wow that's one big potato. Can I have the french fries now? Having Colleen in the picture makes shows the prospective. Glad you took pieces of the truck I like them as much as the potato

  2. LOL, now that would make a lot of mashed potatoes. Fun photos. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  3. That was fun - love it! My hubby works for a local potato chip company - he would get a kick out of this - I'll have to show him. Cute photos of you and Colleen, too! x Karen

  4. That's some spud :) If that was a real potato and I had to wait over 2 years for it to bake I would be needing quite a few snacks while I was waiting...lol

  5. LOL, yes that IS one big tater. Is it really real?

  6. OIC, not real, can u imagine if it were?

  7. too cute. very clever advertising.

  8. Good for you to go home and get everyone and head back! Great fun!

  9. Oh, I love this! Great photos and funny about the info on the postcard!

  10. This is pretty cool! Wish it would take a tour around here!

  11. What a find, Ida! You are good in that:):)
    Loved looking at these bright photos of the truck of the big potato! My goodness, you do need an oversize load for that huge one!
    Many thanks for sharing this with SEASONS! It sounds lately you are able to handle taking care of your mom better? Happy that you seem to have more energy! "Se"e you soon:)

  12. That'd be a lot of french fries

  13. O this is really cute! never seen such a large car ( and potato) Nice photos.

  14. This was so much fun, Ida! Lots of color and great signage on that truck, and those pictures of you and Coleen are priceless. Coleen, especially, will cherish these photos one day.

  15. I don't want to wait that long for my spud to bake, lol! Great photos Ida, glad you and Colleen got your pictures taken. The truck was a lovely red color, and shined up so prettily. Loved the swan hood ornament too. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week :)

  16. What a fun post - I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great pictures - I especially like the detailed one of the front of the truck with the mirrors.

  17. Beautiful header shots. That is one cool potato!

  18. such fun facts and awesome images!! you did a great job photographing it!!! i wonder how many french fries it would produce!!!

  19. French fries for life!!! LOL
    But you can you imagine the size of the oven though? ha

  20. That potato would feed a big crowd!


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