Thursday, July 14, 2016

Good Fences #121 - Graceful Deer (With Fences)

Hello & Welcome!  - If you are visiting for (Seasons or Tuesday's Treasures) Click on the link and you'll be taken to that post.

Now it's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for,

Click to Enlarge Photos

Last week Coleen, my mom & I took a short drive up to Bennington Lake to look around for a bit.  On the drive back down from the lake we spotted the following....

These two deer enjoying the lush grass.  I shot this through the dirty windshield so as not to scare them off.  They didn't seem to concerned though.

The doe (on the left) moved back across the road and if you enlarge this shot you'll see that the deer on the right is a buck with a spike antler.

He resumed grazing while she kept a watchful eye on me as I eased closer to them.

These next shots I was able to roll the windows down and take them.

Mr. Buck decided I was getting to close so he hopped the guardrail on the other side of the road and stood in the tall grass.  No fence in this shot but let's just say he's "fenced in" by all that grass.

The watchful doe stayed where she was briefly and even posed for this lovely shot.  We believe she's been "tagged" by the mark on her ear or had it torn somehow.  It was hard to tell which.

Then she turned and we noticed a second doe behind the fence.

The first one joined her and as I had cars backed up behind me on the road I was only able to get one more quick shot of the second doe before I had to drive on down the road.

Always a treat for me to see deer in the wild and even better when they have fences in the shots to share with Good Fences.

Don't forget to check out the other participants.


  1. hTey definitely kept their eyes on you. Trying to figure out what you were doing. Glad you shared them.

  2. It takes a high fence to foil these high jumpers. You captured them well. My fence this week also includes deer.

  3. I love solche chances!

  4. I especially like the balanced composition of the second photo. You could not have placed them more nicely in the scene than they did so spontaneously. Thanks for sharing these photos of the beautiful animals.

  5. Your beautiful shots make me feel good, Ida. Thanks

  6. Hello Ida, wonderful captures of the pretty deer and fences. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  7. I's such a treat to see them but then to have them pose next to a fence is even better! You sure got some amazing photos! Hugs!

  8. Best to shot deer through a dirty windscreen than with a gun. Great set of images.

  9. oh, such beautiful stinkers. i was admiring the beautiful grasses, too. :)

  10. Aww, they are pretty! Glad they posed for you.

  11. wow wow wow fences and beatuiful critters all in one place. love this

  12. Once again....just simply outstanding Ida!!!

    And you asked on my comments: "Voting Question...How do you vote when you dislike both of the candiates?" To answer, I don't like either one all. But I'll do my homework and make sure I vote for...even if this time around it's 'party' related in choice instead of candidate/running mate.

  13. oh ida, these are just wonderful!!! i had a very similar experience and i have those deer images scheduled for saturday. my buck had only one antler as well, isn't that odd??!!

  14. Ida, very pretty! Aren't Deer so nice to see!

  15. You got some wonderful shots of the deer with fences. Lovely! Too bad we always have to move on when we are on a road with other vehicles.

  16. Beautiful deer.Cool fence.

  17. You did well there Ida in getting those lovely pictures. Deer as such shy creatures aren't they?

  18. Wow, great shots of the deer!!

  19. beautiful deers and beautiful images as well :)

  20. Oooh! Love deer photography and neat fences too ~ Wonderful photography!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  21. All the pictures, dirty glass, and windows down look very good. I like the detail you were able to capture despite the cars behind.

  22. Very nice shots, Ida. Even through the dirty windshield!

    The deer seem unafraid until people get out of the car. Unfortunately, the cars are much more dangerous.

  23. It is a magical experience to see them in the wild like that!

  24. How beautiful! Those are really nice!

  25. Just lovely!! How lucky are you!? Every time I have a deer encounter, there is never a camera around. I really hope I can catch some wildlife on our camping trips this summer.

  26. Such beautiful creatures, and so polite, too, posing for you like that. The long grass and fences are a real bonus.

  27. They are so beautiful in the grass and thistles!

  28. Always such a treat when the deer hang out so you can enjoy them for a few minutes.


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