Friday, July 15, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5

 Welcome and Happy Friday!

Joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) today for:


1.  Splish Splash

Took Coleen to the Splash Pad a couple of weeks ago for a Photo Shoot for the prompt (Water)  for the 52 Frames project.  This shot was one of the ones I considered for my entry but I went with something different.

2.  Can You See Me?

We spotted this doe in the middle of a wheat field while out on a drive.  She's actually standing up in this shot.
3.  It's a Colorful World

 One of my lilies.  I shot this with my rainbow whirly-gig in the background of the lily.

4. Here Kitty, Kitty.

One of the neighborhood cats.  I love the way this shot turned out.

5.  Home is Where Your Heart Is

This sweet birdhouse is located at my brother's cabin.  I used this shot for the 52 Frames prompt,  Architecture.
6.  Seaside Art

 This is my artistic version of a photo I took of some seagull figures on the back of someone's garage here in town.  The original SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot is below.

Hope you have enjoyed my Randoms.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Coleen comes home today after a week at Church Camp.  It's been quiet here without her so I'm looking forward to having her back today.


  1. Yes yes yes, i enjoyed your randoms. they are ALL Amazing.... i can't pick a favorite. LOVE THEM ALL.. really creative for the prompts and Coleen looks adorable

  2. These are all amazing! The lily with the rainbow of colors is a stunning shot!!

  3. I like your photo of the teeny tiny deer head in the huge field of grass.

  4. Love the deer in the wheat field. Fabulous lily, Enjoy a wonderful weekend Ida.

  5. Each and every picture is great -- so detailed, focused, crisp and with a beautiful theme. I don't know which one is my favorite; I would say the deer.

  6. Love the birdhouse and the rest of your pictures were wonderful too. That deer!

  7. Lovely images ... each so different. I love the kitty, and the bird house and the yellow lily and ....!!!!!!!!

  8. How did you ever spot that deer? I really like the splash park photo.

  9. Fabulous photos! All of them are wonderful!

  10. Fantastic photos.

    For some reason when I reply to your comment/email the letter is returned to me. Computer gremlins at work, I guess.


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  11. Those are fantastic pictures. Love the deer in the middle of the wheat field. The flowers are so pretty. Love the cat too. Have a great week end.

  12. Nice variety of shots :) I will definitely let you know next time I'm out your way! Thanks!

  13. Such awesome shots! Just loved that cut doe in the field! The lily and whirligig is wonderful...really exemplifies "A Colorful World" which of course I am partial to. :-)

  14. What fun pics, Ida! I love the one of the water umbrellas, and then the lily with that colorful background!!! and those seagulls on the siding. Just such fun shots! Thanks for sharing them with us today.

  15. I love that seagull shot!! Beautiful edit.
    My kids have not wanted to go to the local splash pad this summer yet, and I have to admit that I am terribly disappointed! It's so much fun... what's not to like?

  16. What a neat shot of the deer! Great photos for random Friday. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  17. Coleen found a way to stay cool. Those splash pads are so inviting on a hot day. The deer head is too cute poking out of the wheat. Your whirl-i-gig makes a colorful backdrop for your pretty yellow lily. The lighting is perfect in the cat photo, and it is a great shot. Adorable birdhouse. Cool gulls, you added a nice touch. Have a great rest-of-the-weekend.

  18. Ohhhhh, love the colorful shots and that fantastic photo of the deer in the wheat field! All wonderful photos!

  19. Fantastic photos !! I love the deer in the middle of the field !

  20. What pretty photos. love that birdhouse :) I'm so happy that you are interested in following my blog. If you will go down the right-hand column and look just under the photo of the spools of thread you will find it :) Welcome! I love making new friends :)
    Have a happy week!
    Connie :)

  21. It's hot, hot, hot in New York City. I'd love to be under the splish splash. Great Pictures!

  22. wow! some great pictures there!! love what you did with the garage one and oh my!---that deer one is so so neat!

  23. Lots of beauty here! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  24. These are all wonderful shots, Ida! Love the one of the deer in the wheat field :)

  25. Such good pictures Ida and some so colourful too.
    Love the splish splash, and home is where the heart is!

    All the best Jan

  26. love your header shots. so pretty. i love the blooms in the post too. the water fun looks like a great cool adventure. hope you had a great weekend. we got back from West VA ... did a bit of camping, kayaking and fun. take care. ( ;

  27. I really have enjoyed these...and meant to tell you thanks for a leaving a comment a few days ago. Summer has been sort of crazy...we have Lorelei most of the time through the week...and for some reason I am just worn out all the time. Had other stuff going on besides...hoping to come day get back to blogging.

  28. this is a great set ida, but the deer shot is such a winner, wow, what an opportunity and image!!!


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