Thursday, July 21, 2016

Good Fences #122 - Fences in the "Blues"

Welcome! - It's been quite a week here.  After switching my e-mail address I started having some issues with e-mails and yesterday I called our ISP provider to see if they could fix the problem.  As it happened they accidentally deleted a file that I needed to use the e-mail program and I lost all my contact information.  Needless to say I was not a "Happy Camper".

Anyway it's been fixed "sort of" as I had to switch to a different email downloaded system and am not trying to get people's e-mail addresses back on file. - It's a mess but alas there isn't much I can do but start all over.

 Just wanted to explain why I haven't bee visiting blogs this week.

"Whining" over now....

It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for some....

So last Sunday I took my mom & Coleen for a drive up in the Mountains.  We took a road known as Blue Creek Road and at the top you get this view:

Click to Enlarge all photos

 That's the Walla Walla Valley below.  If you look closely there are fences in this shot.

Mind you this is a "primitive" road (lots of gravel, rocks, ruts etc....)

I had planned to turn around and head back down the way we came but my mom said, "Well this road has to go somewhere so let's see where it goes."
I should have known better but I decided to keep on driving. The bad part was that I told my hubby I'd only be gone a 30-45 minutes.  And I forgot to take my Cell Phone with me!

Prior to that I took a few photos of some fences:

Looking "up"  at a fence from the road below.

 This is all private property so you can only be on the road itself without trespassing on someone's land.  They have signs posted everywhere from the Sheriff's Department so I made sure to only take pictures from the road itself.

Looking "down" at a farm house below (no fence in this shot)


Look closely at the left side of this shot and you will see a road way off in the distance...yes we are heading that direction.

Lots of barbed wire fencing in this area.  This one looks pretty "wicked" to me
Some of the fencing was in need of repair but it looks pretty cool all rusted and such.
Off in the distance you can see storm clouds forming and yet I'm still driving on to who knows where.
I liked the lone tree in the wheat field.
So after several miles of bumping over this rocky road I finally notice a car behind me and I stop to let them pull along side.  It's a Service Car for the Watershed.  I tell the guy that I'm sort of lost and ask where the road leads.  He laughs a bit but tells me that I need to keep driving about 5 more miles and then take a left and I'll end up on a road that will lead me to the small town of Dixie, WA.  The road will be Biscuit Ridge Road.
What he doesn't say is that once I reach the left turn I'll have to wind around and around back down more bumpy, rutty, and rock road to finally reach pavement.
On the way down we spotted this pipe fencing across someone's property.
Last but not least we spotted this entrance to someone's property:
Their road actually looks nice compaired to what we were driving on.
We eventually reached a paved road that lead us into the little town of Dixie, WA and I made the 30 mile drive back to Walla Walla.
What an adventure!


  1. So nice! I love your pictueres. How nice is your country! Is Walla Walla the real name? Cute. What is the meaning of it?

  2. this is a wonderful adventure, what beautiful views you saw. i love the rusted fence best of all. glad you did not get really lost. i know it made you feel better after you talked to the service guy, so you knew you would eventually find your way back. bet hubby was getting worried..
    the easiest way to add addresses to your contacts is to double click and add when and email comes in, like this one. you can ask people on your blog to email you, when it comes in just add. that is what I did when I lost mine.

  3. This looks similar to my area! Love that rugged fence in your second pic, and also the pipe fence. How they put that last one together I've never seen! Well, your little adventure paid off with a whole post! Have a great weekend and see you very soon for SEASONS:)

  4. That was quite an adventure but it was well worth it as your pictures are fantastic! Rugged mountain views and rusty barred wire fencing make great photo

  5. What a great adventure! I would have been right there with you to see where the road goes!

  6. That's a gorgeous scenery, Ida!

  7. Sounds like your "short drive" turned into an all-out adventure! But you got some nice photos out of it.

  8. That's quite an adventure! You saw some amazing scenery so I'm glad you kept going! Hugs, Diane

  9. well, i liked your mom's spirit of adventure, but with no cell phone, that made me very nervous for you! glad you made it with some beautiful photos to share, too!

  10. Wow - you must have been a little bit nervous but still got some good pics!

  11. Ida, great images! You were definitely off the beaten track! Looks pretty dry around there!

  12. I love those close ups of the fence! What a beautiful place!

  13. I like the close ups of the barbed wire. I don't envy your situation with the email. Technological problems are always a pain.

  14. What beautiful country! I love the first fence photo...very nice!

  15. Simple road through a great landscape... and unique fences you've found - thanks for sharing.
    It's often a trouble with digital things, sigh!
    Have a nice weekend

  16. What an adventure! I love taking off down roads like that, not knowing where I will end up. You always find the most interesting things! Love your photos!

  17. Yoru outing really paid off with perfect sights.

  18. Walla Walla Valley looks beautiful, Ida!
    Love the lone tree in the wheat field.
    The farm house surrounded by so many trees looks gorgeous.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend. :)

  19. I didn't know that could happen by an email server, sheesh! Glad it's all fixed now. Wonderful photos and story today. Sounds just like something Rich and I would do. Hope your hubby wasn't too worried.

  20. Beautiful scenes with good fences Ida!

  21. Quite an adventure but it still sounds like fun. : ) And you got some beautiful pictures.

  22. What a beautiful, but lonely-looking drive! Thank goodness you ran into someone to give you directions. Lovely photos!

  23. Beautiful but quite a desolate road to venture out on. I too lost all my e-mails when I reinstalled Windows 10 after having problems with the upgrade. Did not realize that the mail files were all deleted by the re-install but not the upgrade, and Microsoft retains the old files only 30 days after upgrade. I reinstalled 35 days after the upgrade!

  24. Oh Dear! I would say that's an adventure, especially without a phone. What if you were going to have a flat tire? But it was a beautiful adventure as the place looks really beautiful. Hmm...why do they have barbed fence? Not good for wild life.

  25. I love adventures and this was no exception. Beautiful. I enjoy not knowing what is going to be around the next corner or over the next hill.

  26. That was quite an adventure! Thanks for taking us along!!

  27. loved your first image. My first thought was: prizewinning!

  28. Hah - that sounds like quite the adventure, Ida. You live in a very beautiful part of the country, really like it. Your photos are beautiful, I especially like the first one.

  29. I always say "Yay for adventures". What startling beautiful pictures you took. I love that country. Thanks for the tour.

  30. Wow! What a place and your photography is fantastic! So creative and clear!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  31. I so, so love these...and love your adventurous drive! Sounds like something we might have done.

  32. Exploring back roads can be an yours. I am glad you found your way back. My gps in my head is not dependable. Great photos Ida!

  33. Beautiful shot of the Walla Walla Valley below. Pretty fence and farm views and I love the wheat field with the lone tree shots. I enjoyed taking this adventurous drive with you. Now you know where this road leads to and I am glad you are safely home!

  34. Your mom reminds me of us, always ready to explore. I've never seen pipe fencing like that. What do they fence in (or out)? You found some great vantage points for landscape photography. And that looks like a LOT of fencing in the first photo. I think I'll get a tetanus shot for just looking at that rusty barbed wire! LOL Glad you found your way home, and hope your hubby wasn't too worried about you.

  35. What a great adventure with some wondrous views though!! I'd love a day like this - to just wander at will, camera in hand. The rustic fences and landscape are just beautiful.

  36. A shame you got partly lost Ida. But at least it was a scenic if slghtly rocky road. What a shame that such lovely areas are off limits to prople who might just want to enjoy the landscape and take photos without doing any harm.

  37. Grrr Computer / email problems are not good!

    But I loved your post, a lovely series of photo's.

    All the best Jan

  38. these are really beautiful ida, like i always say, you have a great eye. it sounds like a fun adventure, and i'm with your mom....pressing on paid off!!!

    the storm clouds are awesome, they don't look real!!!!

  39. Oh boy does this remind me of our childhood homes (I probably have already told you that we were both born and raised in Clarkston) ... whenever we went to visit our families there after we moved to Oregon, we'd drive through Walla Walla and then eventually Dixie -- and then on and on -- Clarkston is really the most remote place EVER! Of course those trips were on the highway, but I know about those remote roads too. Bill has always loved those kind of adventures and we've traveled a good number of them in our day. (Sounds like your mom is quite an adventurous lady too -- good for her!)

    The wheat fields are really really wonderful this time of year (I miss them). hope you get your computer back in working order soon. I hate hassles like that.

  40. That was quite an adventure but what beautiful views! Love the street name too! We love Walla Walla onions! :)

  41. That adventure certainly gave you some amazing images!

  42. What a shame about losing your contacts. Technology sometimes really sucks. I always back up info like that on another helps in cases like this.

    As for your images and fences.......absolutely breathtaking!!
    And extraordinary trip you shared.
    I'm late, it's been a weekend from H E double L for one of our cats and a trip to the VET ER. Now we're trying to take care of it at home and recouping from the scare.


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