Thursday, July 28, 2016

Good Fences #123 - Let's Sit for a Spell

Howdy! - Thought I'd change up my greeting today.

It's GOOD FENCES day so let's join Theresa for some fun with fences.

Shockingly today I'm just sharing one (Yes, 1) photo.

It's summer here in the good old USA and I spotted this cute fence scene while out and about and thought it was a good time to share it.

I love that tiny little green lawn chair.  Looks like a pleasant place to sit and enjoy a summer afternoon.  Except right here it's really HOT now so I doubt people are spending much time sitting outside.

Have a great day, I'm off to the Dentist (oh goodie) so I'll check out your fences soon.


  1. Great find, Ida.
    What a nice way to relax!
    Have a Happy Week ahead!!
    Peace :)

  2. Hello, looks like a nice spot to sit and relax. Great fence find. Enjoy your day and the rest of the week!

  3. love the fence and tiny chairs are cute..

  4. That does look like a nice place to sit and enjoy the summer weather!

  5. I've been looking for chairs like this. These are cute, aren't they? You are right- it is too hot to stay outside very long. Here's hoping for cooler weather soon!

  6. A nice sunny spot to sit! Good luck at the dentist!

  7. I hope your apt went well! And yes, it's hot so what a beautiful place to sit and have something cold to drink! Hugs, Diane

  8. I'm sure it's a lovely spot to sit & watch the world go by on those pretty chairs! The detail in the railings is very appealing also.
    Hope all goes well at the dentist!

  9. Love those chairs. It's way too hot to be outside here.

  10. I have the dentist on Monday for a root canal filling, oh joy!

  11. such a cute family gathering spot. :)

  12. It does look appealing. I had to go to the dentist today too... not fun but necessary.

  13. This is an excellent photo! So creative and colorful! Love it!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  14. Always love a solid looking metal fence

  15. Ida, I'd like a fence like that around my front yard!

  16. Those chairs just look cool, don't they? They do need a big, shady tree above them, though.

  17. I sure is too hot to sit in the sun here!

  18. Don't those chairs look good in your photo too!

    I also enjoyed your previous post, great pictures of the grand-kids.

    Hoping you can keep cool in the hot weather you are experiencing.

    All the best Jan

  19. Those lawn chairs are very eye-catching through the fence. Glad you mentioned the little chair, almost missed it. I would love to get a couple of Adirondacks for the garden. They are on the bucket list. I am back from my blog break and catching up ever so slowly. Could be a little longer before I am completely back in the swing of things :)

  20. How nice! I love wrought iron fences!

  21. Hello, Hope your dental appt. went well. I love the fence shot and the colorful chairs. Too hot to be outdoors here in GA also! I love your header photos too. We got moved last weekend and I hope to be back blogging in a week or so. Take care and have a nice weekend.

  22. A great place to sit and enjoy the surrounding when it is cooler, not when it is hot. Hope everything went well at the dentist.

  23. got a ? what are the blooms in your header ... i know the lily and the yarrow, right? what are the others? gorgeous! hope you are well this week. can't believe is is Saturday already. the week flew by. have a ball. ( ;

  24. i think your dentist had a cooler place so it was nice anyway in the hot day. :) Great fence.

  25. I can imagine the three adults in the pink chatting and a serious little girl in the green chair listening and pretending she is just as grown up! it is hot here in Eugene too.

  26. Oh, that is such a pretty scene and the tiny green chair is so darling! I just love the pink and lime green with the black iron fence. So glad you shared this photo today, Ida!

  27. Perfect summer scene!

  28. That is a cute little chair! Nice photo ♥

  29. Yes this is not the time to be sitting out in the open during the day, and the mosquitoes might be a problem at nightfall, but just think of all those "in between" days when they can just sit and watch the world go by past their very nice fence!

  30. A pretty fence and no doubt comfy sitting spot ... when the temperatures drop. :)
    I love those pink chairs!!! Now I am thinking of spray painting my own ugly green ones.

  31. Hope the dentist wasn't too hard on you. LOL
    I like a wrought Iron fence.

  32. I love the old rot iron fences and gates! That little chair is adorable. Its been milder here, but the humidity is awful and we have been plagued with thousands, if not millions, of sweat bees( hover flies) They drive me crazy, buzzing around you all the time. They do not sting, but are everywhere out there. I have been staying in because of them. I have never seen this many before. Looking forward to a fall frost and the end of the bugs. Have a great day!

  33. Wrought iron fences have always been a favorite of mine!...:)JP

  34. such a sweet gathering spot, behind the fence!! the green chair is adorable!!

    we have been having some cooler temperatures, coming out of a really hot spell!!!


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