Thursday, August 4, 2016

Good Fences #124 - Rusty Beauty

Welcome! - It's been a (rough) week here so I haven't had much time to visit blogs or post. 

Hopefully next week will be better.

Today I'm joining in on the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

One day a while back Coleen and I went out for a walk and we spotted this fence in someone's yard.  The yard was very overgrown so you really couldn't see a lot of the fence but what we did see was rather interesting.

Look at all that rust, it's really cool looking.

Zooming in for a closer view....

Finally a really close-up view of those (pinecone or pineapple) details at the top of the post.  I couldn't decide which one they reminded me of the most.

I may try to find this fence again and see if I can get some different views of it as it's quite intriguing.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing this rusty beauty.

   I'll try to get by your blogs this week.  - With my hubby and Granddaughter being gone all this past week I've had a lot on my plate.  Taking care of my mom isn't always easy with her "memory issues" now.  She gets confused easily & it's been hard on her having Coleen and Mike gone for so long.

I'll eventually get around to your blogs though.  - Have a great day!


  1. Hello Ida!:) I have missed your gates and fences, this one is most unusual, and a great find, as always.

  2. someone spent many hard hot hours creating this fence in a forge. looks hand made. i know it was beautiful when new, but I think i prefer the rusty versions best. a real find is what it is

  3. Hi Ida! Another really unique fence find! It's a great antique fence & I love the crown post topper. I'd say they look more like pine cones - very pretty!

  4. There is something really cool about rust!

    PS I am not sure if you ever linked up with Kim at Little Things Thursday, but I am going to be hosting that from now on! Hope you'll also post your great fences posts there, too!

  5. Hello, great shots of the rusty old fence. I hope things get easier for you and your mom! I've been there with my Dad too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. I love the rust and textures of this fence. Nice find...

  7. Thinking of you, sweet Ida. I'm sorry this week has been a bit trying....know that you are in my prayers.

    Your photos are quite beautiful! Hugs!

  8. How beautiful and it would be fun to get it in different lighting maybe. I'm sorry it's been such a difficult week. I'll pray for you my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Really like this picture. Rust can be so pretty.

  10. I love rusty stuff and this certainly is a beauty.

  11. That's fantastic! I love the rust!

  12. This fence looks quite old, Ida! So many people seem to be going through what you are dealing with now - stay strong and try to find some time for yourself.

  13. A little paint will restore that beautiful fence.

    Emma and Buster

  14. the fence is really cool! hoping things settle back into 'normal' for you soon.

  15. Hope next week is a better one for you.
    Liked the rusty fence. Nice little pineapples on top. I think they mean welcome.

  16. I love the rust and the finials are classy!

  17. I'm sorry about the rough week, Ida. It's not easy dealing with aging parents. The fence you found is a beautiful one - full of intricate details that stand the test of time. I hope this week is a better one for you.

  18. It certainly is intriguing.. Now I wonder what kind of house is behind it..Looks mysterious.. lol! I understand the parent, mom forgetfulness. My sister took care of our mother for years. Not easy.. Take care Ida!

  19. Dearest Ida; Wonderful fence and Yes, the rust is adding quite chic atmosphere♡♡♡ Love the pinecones very much♪
    Your last phrase reminds me of my late parents. I think your mother is a happy lady having sweet daughter, Dear friend.
    I always appreciate your kind comments.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  20. That is an impressive fence! Hugs to you and your mom.

  21. These are great angles too! even Though It' Rusty, It Has Style (sorry am on the iPad - kind of tricky with capital letters:) see you in a few days, friend!

  22. I do like this but a lick of paint might improve it

  23. Absolutely lovely fencing, and it's something I'd love to have too!

  24. Great fence find. They reminds me of pine cones and I can even see spiderwebs on the metal posts.

  25. What a shame to let the metal rust like that. I'll bet the fence was beautiful when new.

  26. this is a nice one ida and you did a beautiful job photographing it!! i think they are pineapples, a welcoming sign. did you notice the cobwebs??!!

  27. I love the fence section and I have no idea, either, if its pine cone or pineapple...but so pretty. Hope you are keeping up doing it alone there. Blessings to your mom.

  28. now, that was different. Seem old today but must have been gorgeous once :)

  29. Wow ~ fantastic fence and excellent captures!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  30. That is a neat fence.
    Hoping next week is better for you :)

  31. I'm going for pine-cones.

    Sometimes life does give us very 'full plates' to deal with, and things are not always easy.
    Just take your time, family must always come first ...

    Sending positive thoughts your way.

    All the best Jan

  32. Very nice fence, Ida. I hope your week gets much better!

  33. Fantastic! That rusty fence just goes to show how sometimes age brings beauty with it. I love it!

  34. That fence has seen better days but has retained so much of its splendor! Relax and take things one day at a time.

  35. I love that rustic look! I wonder if it was maybe painted red once upon a time too? Either way, it looks so nice with the green vines climbing all over it. You certainly could get some great shots of this fence in the future -- such interesting details.


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