Thursday, August 11, 2016

Good Fences #125 - Twin Sisters Fences

Welcome! - It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for:

In yesterday's post  I showed you photos of the Twin Sister's Rock formation and promised to share some fence shots today so without further ado here they are:

The grass was very "dry" in the area as you can see from this shot.

The barbed wire fencing in this shot beminds me of "patchwork" quilt with the way it's bent into different shapes.  Notice the wild Sunflowers blooming in the background.

Finally a close up of the fence post.

This fence was very "rustic" but I liked it.  I hope you do as well.

Please if you are a "praying" person say one for me today as I take our old cat, Snickers to the Vet this morning.  She's been having some issues the last few days and we aren't sure exactly what the outcome will be.  At 16 1/2 we know her time is limited but I'm just not ready yet to say good-bye to her. 


  1. Rustic fences are the original and the best! These are gorgeous shots of the fence!
    Here's hoping your dear cat is with you a good while yet.

  2. Hello, I like the rustic fence, the dry grass it pretty. As long as there are not wildfires. I hope you kitty will be ok, sending prayers. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. prayers for Snickers and for you. i hope she is ok today. my DIL cat lived to be 20 and I hope Snickers does to... i can see how that grass would blaze in a fire with it that dry..,. it is beautiful and so were the 2 sisters rocks... i love the close up of the fence. and it looks like maybe they put those boards there to form a quick ladder to climb over the fence without getting stabbed by barbs

  4. Hello Ida!:) So so sorry your cat is not well, I wish her well, and hope she will be all right. I love this rustic type of fence and posts, and like these shots with the dry grass in the background.

  5. I like the fence posts embracing, Ida. You frame nice shots

  6. That is so dry, I'd be afraid of it catching fire.

  7. I hope things went well with your appt this morning my friend. LOVE your photos today. The dry grass makes a perfect background for the rustic fences! Hugs, Diane

  8. Love the colour of the grass very "dry" and the rustic fence too, Ida!
    I am sending to you warm and positive thoughts and I hope your dear cat Snickers will be well very soon! Sending kisses to Snickers.

  9. awww. hope all went okay...

    lovely old fence, but the grass is a tinderbox...

  10. Ida, very nice images! I does look dry there!

  11. I like the rustic-ness of the barbed wire fence too! I don't see them much anymore. That grass looks so dry! Wow!

  12. I hope Snickers will be OK. That grass is dry! Rustic fence, but it looks like it's still in working order.

  13. I just love the close up of the fence post, the colours work so well together. Hope everything went OK with Snickers!

  14. surrounding you with good thoughts!

  15. Good thing there's a stile there Ida. Climbing over that fence to go for a walsk looks a little scary.

  16. This looks like OUR area of the country, so dry.
    Yes, I do see the sunflowers.

    Extraordinary images of the landscape and patchwork fencing.

  17. The parched grass looks like home.

  18. Very rustic indeed! I like the rolling fields.

  19. Very interesting photos. Keep taking more

  20. Sorry to hear of Snickers not being well. Having had pets, I know how devoted one can become to them. Hope your cat is "right as rain" again and hope it actually rains in your neck of the woods because it looks so very dry.

  21. Pretty "patchwork" fence. Hope your cat is feeling better now.

  22. Very creative photos for Fences ~

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  23. The barbed wire and fence post makes for a good photo.

    Thinking of 'Snickers' ...

    All the best Jan

  24. Oh I am so sorry about your cat. I hope the vet can make her more comfortable! I know it's really hard. I'll pray for you. Thanks for coming over to my fence post. It was nice to see you visited. I'm glad I can get comments now so I can see who's visiting so I can come over.
    Praying for you to have a wonderful weekend.

  25. It looks very dry there, nice wire fence.

  26. Prayers for Snickers. Hope she gets a good diagnosis.
    Your fence is interesting to me. Around here barbed wire fences only go "across". Must be a difference in what the farmers are trying to keep in or to keep out.

  27. Oh Ida, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! I will be praying, because I know just how our precious animals become part of our family! Your pictures are lovely too... the old barbed wire and posts truly are a delight to photograph aren't they! Hugs to you today my friend!

  28. i think this is one of the most amazing fences i have ever seen. i love the colors of nature surrounding the fence, the earth is beautiful!!! i was going to say the last one is my favorite, but it isn't, i really love them all!!!!

  29. wow, I love these, both fence and shots. Beautiful composition and colors.;)

  30. Fantastic photos! Those are my kind of fences! Beautiful!

  31. Good thoughts and strength for you and your sweet kitty. I like the rustic fencing; it reminds me of my childhood in Eastern Washington (not too surprisingly, since that's where you are!)/ It does look dry around those fences, but dry is kind of to be expected in your part of the PNW this time of year. The thing is, our area here in WEstern Oregon is just about that dry as well. And so hot! Sigh!

  32. The grass on both sides of the fence seen the same, so I guess it is not containing any grazing animals. I hope Snickers will be OK. It is so difficult to make a decision at this stage of her life if she is suffering.

  33. I like that patchwork analogy. I was admiring their twisted and jagged shapes and thinking I would not like to get caught by that fence!


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