Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Seasons - Summer is passing quickly

Oh my summer is going by oh so fast! - School starts in 2 short weeks.  I'm not ready!

So today I'm joining Jesh for SEASONS

Last week while my hubby and Coleen were on their trip to S. Dakota I took a day trip with my mom back to McNary Dam to see if we could see any Salmon in the viewing room.

Once again not much was going through although this time we did see a few more smaller fish like (Chad, Bass) and we also saw....

A Lamprey Eel - They are kind of "creepy" looking but also fascinating.  Two little boys that were in the viewing room were quite excited about seeing the eel.

We stay about an hour hoping to see at least 1 Salmon - We saw one but it went by so quickly I didn't get a photo.  Plus there were a couple of Steelhead that also went through far to quickly to get a picture.


Hooray I was able to get a picture of this Salmon before it went through the viewing window.

Next month the Salmon Run will start and we'll go back again to see if we can watch more than just one salmon go through the viewing room.

On the way home I decided to pull over at a road side attraction.

This rock formation is known as the Two Sisters.  I had the wrong lenses on my camera so this view is very close up to the rocks and I was standing across the busy highway as far back as I could get in order to fit both the rock formations into view.

So how did they get the name, Two Sisters.....

 Pretty cool story!

Come back tomorrow for a view of the fences in the area.

I've got a friend visiting today from Spokane, WA so may not be getting around to visiting blogs until the weekend.

Take care & have a great day.


  1. I went to a salmon hatchery in OR once! What fun you two had.

  2. Hello, the eel is a strange looking thing! The salmon looks huge! The rock formation is great, neat photos.

  3. this sisters didn't have very good luck!

  4. Neat..I've seen the salmon run one time and that was a long time ago! Neat rocks, too. Have fun with your visitor!

  5. I guess I have never seen an eel before, it is sure different. And very blue!

  6. Summer is flying by - wish it would slow down a little. Those Two Sisters are very interesting. Have a great rest of the week.

  7. Very interesting place! The eel is amazing and those rock formations and legend are, too! So hard to believe summer is coming to an end soon. x K

  8. ps - come join my link up today - little things thursday - taking over for another blogger and would love to have you join in the first one (and other ones too!)

  9. Hello Ida!:) My husband Americo loves to eat Lamprey eel, and I quite like it too. It's served with rice and the dark blood of the Lamprey., Just like the Octopus served in "sua tinta" as it is called. It's an acquired taste, but the spicy dish is much appreciated in Portugal. The Twin Sisters is an unusual sight, and story.

  10. Great photos and I am not too excited about eels at all, but that one is creepy. LOL. Enjoy your visit! Have a fun weekend!

  11. I thought that was a water hose period while on the salmon. I have read about the two sisters and books but never seen them. Pretty awesome power rocks

  12. Those lamprey eels are creepy! We have them at the Bonneville Dam too. The Twin Sisters rock formation is cool. Reminds me a little bit of Devils Tower in Wyoming. Have fun with your friend!

  13. That blue eel looks like one of a kind cf a capture! And the story of the Two Sisters made me smile! It seems are more stories around about Two Sisters than Two Brothers (in Holland there is also one about the first!). As I've heard, most are not ready for school to begin! I caught me off guard too. Many thanks for sharing this lovely trip with SEASONS, and see you back in a week! Have a great weekend:)

  14. The Twin Sisters is an awesome formation. I didn't know what the eel was until I read the caption. Great image! You left a comment last week for me about subscribing to my blog, which was in design transition at the time. The new design is now up and running. I hope you'll visit again! Have a great end of summer!

  15. I think that eel might haunt my dreams tonight

  16. That eel is kinda cool! Is it blue for real? I remember the ones back home just being this ugly black things that would wrap around your leg while swimming if you got in the wrong area. eeewww.
    The rock formations are beautiful, and I love to hear stories like that. It's so interesting.

  17. i like those little road side stop off, i am never disappointed. it is quite a cool rock formation and an interesting story!!

  18. Oh that eel! At first I thought it was an elephant's trunk!!!

  19. We've gone hiking there several times in the past!


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