Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Seasons - Back To School

Joining Jesh for SEASONS today.

It's:  Back To School Season around here.

Today was the 1st Day of School and so it's time for me to share the annual back to school photos of Coleen.

She started Middle School today (6th Grade) and this is the Shirt that the new students received the other day at their Orientation.

 This is the outfit she chose to wear for the first day of school.

She was excited about going to school today. - Yesterday the poor girl had a stomach ache and was sick most of the morning but started feeling better in the afternoon.  Thank goodness because I would have hated for her to miss the first day of school.

As is a "tradition" of mine I like to show (side by side) comparison shots from the previous school year to the current one.

Wow there is a huge change this year.
Finally a shot of her mom getting ready to drive her to school.  Grandma will do the school pick-up this afternoon.

Hard to believe that summer is now over atleast as far as being out of school.  It's still fairly warm here with temps in the 80-90's so we've got summer weather for awhile yet.

Have a great day & don't forget to stop by Jesh's blog and check out the other participants for Seasons.


  1. Middle School!! Wow. Good luck this year!

  2. Wow, what a difference in a year's photo of Colleen! I love her outfit of this year:) Many thanks for sharing the beginning of her school year for SEASONS!

    Off the subject - your headers are always so beautiful! Which website do you you use for your collages? Haven't found one I really like yet.

  3. That sure was a quick summer vacation. What a big difference in this year from last year. She looks so much more grown up.

  4. Beautiful photos of Coleen!
    Congratulations and good luck to her!

  5. Ida ... I love your header / banner it looks lovely.

    The years pass by so quickly.
    The grandchildren start back at school in early September so new uniform pieces have been purchased.

    I do like all the photo's of Coleen - hope she enjoyed her day at school.

    All the best Jan

  6. Back to school already!! She has changed a lot from last year's first day. I'm glad she felt well enough to go to school. She looked really cute in her outfit!

  7. Hello, cute shots of Coleen! Is it just me but did the summer just fly by. BTW, I love your pretty header! Happy Wednesday, have a great day!

  8. wow, what a huge change in one year. she is a beautiful young lady now, more lady than girl like last year. I love all the fringe on her outfit and that color is beautiful to.. she looks wonderful... I like the last photo of her in the back seat window... wishing her the best in her first year of Jr High

  9. She has changed so much from last year. She's beautiful and I know she is a real blessing to you! Love the photo of she and her Mom. Sending hugs to you and yours. xo

  10. Wow this is so early to start school. Your sweet granddaughter is growing up!!

  11. I hated middle school, and high school for that matter. I hope she enjoys it more than I did.

  12. dearest Ida; Wow; your daughter is GORGEOUS and I can see her grown up since last year♡♡♡ Lucky her to have Mom like you♪ Our back to school day is Sep. 1st. Oh, I wish to have a daughter or with my age granddaughter like Coleen(♡^.^♡)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  13. Coleen is a beautiful young lady! Hope the first day of school and the whole school year goes well for her. Neat to see the side-by-side shot with last year's photo.

  14. This summer sure flew by!! My own don't start school for another week, and we will try to grab every last chance of sunny freedom that we can. But I notice that while the days are still warm, the nights are much cooler ... and some trees have even started to change their leaves!
    Wow - she looks like such a lovely young lady in this year's picture! what a difference a year can make.


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