Thursday, August 25, 2016

Good Fences #127 - Why did the Turkey Cross the Field?

Welcome! - It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from the Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Back in April I posted some deer that we had spotted in a farmers field. (See this post) - We also happened to spot something else in the field.  They were quite far off but we were able to determine as they got closer that they were wild turkeys.

This one I cropped so you could see them better.

What's weird about these shots is it looks like I'm standing on a mountain looking down on them.  It was actually just a small hill looking down onto the farmers field below.

This is my favorite shot of them.  You can see the fence line and the road and the turkeys.

Hope you've enjoyed these fences and turkeys today. - Have a great day.


  1. Probably to get some food! Have a beautiful day!

  2. Fences and turkeys! Yay!! We get them around here once in awhile. I haven't seen any lately. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I thought you had a drone to take these shots

  4. It's always so exciting to see wild turkeys! And a bonus when they get close to a fence for good fences! Beautiful photos! Sweet hugs!

  5. I've never seen a wild turkey! They must be big birds!

  6. I thought you were actually flying over the fields! These are really unusual but fascinating fence views!

  7. Wow - what a view from nice and high up!

  8. neat view! cool turkeys picking for their food, no doubt.

  9. Even though it was a small hill, it made for a good angle/shot!

  10. Enjoyed your photos very much. Sending hugs to you and yours. Take good care.

  11. We saw several wild turkeys when we visited in eastern Washington. Fences mean nothing to those creatures! :)

  12. Dearest Ida; Oh Yes, I can see the fence line and the road and the turkeys clearly with enlarged pictures♪ We don't have this kind of wide farmer's field in my area :-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  13. I wondered where you were standing to take these, it does look like you were way up high

  14. We've been seeing a lot of sand hill cranes on our drives.

  15. Hello Ida I can see them and I like the view of your on the top shot with fence. Hug B

  16. Hello, neat shots of the turkeys. It does look like you are on a mountain looking down. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  17. Great spotting those turkeys Ida. Fun shots! My sister-in-law had an experience recently. She was walking with a friend when they came across some turkeys. One of them came running at home and was very annoyed by their presence. They didn't hang around, my sister-in-law and her friend that is.

  18. Hello Ida!:) How I would like to see wild turkeys, even at a distance. Have a great weekend!:)

  19. beautiful captures, you have a great eye in spotting them!!! i remember the deer, an amazing image!!!

  20. Hard to see the turkeys very creative photos of the field ~ Thanks for visiting ^_^

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  21. I have also found that the camera can serve as a "spotting scope" by providing reliable magnification which far exceeds that of binoculars. So many times I may have dismissed some distant bird or animal (or artifact) as something else and only found the truth after getting home and enlarging its image on the PC.

  22. Lovely views of the field, they look so neat. Have a beautiful weekend!

  23. I never heard about the turkey one:):)what I noticed about turkeys, is that they're mostly in groups. Thank you for responding to my question by email! Have a great weekend, and "see" you in a few days at SEASONS!

  24. Those are great! I was wondering how you got them - they look like aerial photos! LOL!

  25. Great shots Ida! We have wild turkeys around here too. How have you been? How was your summer?

  26. We have some wild turkeys around here too. They used to come down the street every morning and wait with the kids at the bus stop. OF course I never got a picture back then of that event! SMH. I haven't seen them in awhile though, but you can always spot some in the fields just outside of the town.

  27. Well done with your three photo's.
    It's different to see fences and turkeys ...

    All the best Jan

  28. Great perspective from the hilltop!

  29. never seen any wild ones. :) But this is how birds mostly are photographed. They are always too far away.

  30. Thats a nice view point.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  31. Interesting shots....the land looks very dry!
    Happy Sunday!

  32. Ahhhhh...what a wonderful view you had, Ida...beautiful regardless of which direction you looked!...:)JP

  33. Great images. I thought you were in the air, perhaps in a balloon when I first looked at them!
    Have a wonderful new week.

  34. It does look like you have an almost aerial view! Enjoyed seeing the wild turkeys, fence, and fields.

  35. Lots of turkeys -- it does look like great country for them. They seem to be doing very well.

  36. That does have quite the unique perspective. Nice captures.

  37. It does appear you were at a higher elevation. My in-laws used to have wild turkeys visit their yard. I'd never seen them before. Love your header. How nicely the sparrows lined up for you. :D

  38. This happened to me today: I was driving in a rural area and suddenly something huge flew right in front of my windshield! I braked and avoided hitting it's feet and realized it was a wild turkey! Quite a surprising sight!


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