Thursday, September 15, 2016

Good Fences #130 & Little Things Thursday

Welcome! - It's been a good week.  Today I'll be joining in on the fun of Good Fences and Little Things Thursday.

 First up...

GOOD FENCES  hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report.)

While out on a walk one day Coleen and I spotted this fun tree house in someone's yard so I stopped to take photos.  Of course you can see it's nicely fenced in and you can also see the next door neighbors lovely white picket fence as well.

Then while out driving around we spotted this one:

It's not your traditional tree house but it's really colorful and looks like it would be fun to play in.



Now let's join Tamar (Random-osity) for:


While out shooting some photos I stopped in at a local Antique Store and saw this adorable bird hanger on display outside.
I didn't buy it but I did photograp it & added a fun quote to the photo.

Hope you enjoy your day & look for those "little things" that make you happy.

* Special Announcement coming tomorrow


  1. it is the little things in life and these little houses are making some one happy for sure. the first one if you could back way way off would look like a bird house. great shots

  2. Wow! Lovely and creative and colorful photography!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  3. I'd have loved that red treehouse growing up! We were forever building tree houses!
    Pretty bird and sweet quote too!
    Have a happy weekend ahead!

  4. Hello Ida, if I was a kiddie I would like the first tree house. It is nice. The bird hanger is pretty! Have a happy day and weekend ahead!

  5. my grand kids would love to play in that tree house, the view past the stone wall is of a Castle and i will post a view in 2 weeks time.

  6. That first treehouse is really nice.

  7. Ida, very nice fences and tree houses! Though I don't know whether I'd want one next door!

  8. I do so love that little bird. I would have been tempted!

  9. Fun play houses and cool fences protecting them. I really like the bird painting too....of course, I'm partial to anything 'birds'.

  10. Sweet little house and it does look like a fun place to play in both areas.

  11. I just love tree houses. These are cute and very unique! Love the little birdie sign too.

  12. I would have loved to have a tree house when I was a kid. : )
    Cute bird hanger and a great saying to go with it.

  13. Now that would be a childhood dream to have two wonderful tree houses. I also like that lovely bird hanger. Great finds Ida and great photos!

  14. I do like the tree houses and what you did with the bird hanging is great. Makes a nice card to send to someone.

  15. Lucky children! Beautiful tree houses and safe fencing a great combination. Your furry friends are gorgeous.

  16. I love the first little tree house; the 2nd is cute too. Your framing and adding words to the bird hanger is very creative.

  17. I agree. The little things should not be overlooked!

  18. Nice fences and I really like the first treehouse!

  19. Oh my goodness, I want that little red house and while we're at I'll take the big white house too! How cool is that!

  20. The fences are nice and I really like the treehouses.

  21. The tree house is adorable!! What a nice bright spot to find among the trees. My kids would love that. Great idea turning that bird hanging into an inspiring quote!! I need to get more creative with some of my photos now. :)

  22. You got two fences in one shot in the first photo! Love that you ended up with two treehouse photos, too.

  23. my boys always had the traditional treehouse but i must say i like the fun, colorful one!!!

  24. Oh so creative and colorful shots for fences ~

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  25. I love the bird and flower hanger. I'm sure the kids enjoy both of those tree houses.

  26. Love your photo of the bird-hanger with the quote--very nicely done! That first tree house looks very well-made, and I like the fences.


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