Friday, September 16, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five - September 16, 2016

 It's been several weeks now since I've participated in Willy-Nilly Friday Five (hosted by Tanya from Around Roanoke)  so it's good to finally be back posting something.

Today I'll post some Random Photos & Happenings (the photo's won't necessarily match the random thoughts).

1.  Sometimes while out on a photo hunt I discover things that I wasn't even looking for.  This particular day I was looking for fence shots when I happened to find a really cool rock garden in someone's yard.  They had some of the neatest plants.  This was one of them.

2.  Bowling League Started on the 6th.  So far for the two weeks we've bowled now on league I've done fairly well.  Scores: 138-176-121 the first week, 137-157-149 the second week.  So I'm averaging out at my normal 145 Average so far.  Hoping to improve but one week my back was hurting and this last week I had a cut (cat scratch) on my finger so I've been a tad injured the first couple of weeks.  Don't you love "Bowling Excuses!"

 No it's not a bowling ball - See I told you the photos wouldn't match the randome facts.  Just one of the rides at the Fair I shot over the Labor Day weekend. - This one is called,  The Spider.  Speaking of spiders....

Here is the butt end of a "Cat Faced Orb Weaver" spider that's hanging around on my mom's front porch.  It's not the greatest photo but you can see where they get their name from the cat like features on it's back end.
3.  Coleen is enjoying Middle School a lot more than I thought she would.  She loves Home & Family Life, (We called it Home Economics) and her Writing Class.  This week they had Open House and I got to meet her teachers and everyone has said what a "joy" it is having Coleen in their classes and how bright, polite, insightful, helpful etc...she is.  It's always good to hear things like that.

 Here she is enjoying another of the rides (Rock Star) at the Fair.  Loving the expressions on the two boys faces.

4.  Gearing up for the start of the new television shows we like to watch.  I've already started watching Dancing With The Stars, what an interesting group of celebraties they have this season.  Next week NCIS starts and we enjoy both the first show and the New Orleans show.  This shot from the Mardi Gras ride at the fair reminds me of that show because they are always showing scenes of life in New Orleans, it looks like a fun city.

5.  Finally yesterday I made mention of a special  "little announcement" which I've been keeping quiet about all week. -  Most of you know that last week we had to put down our sweet 16 year old cat, Snickers.  It was such a hard thing to do & again I thank everyone for their wonderful & kind condolences on her passing.  She will never be forgotten. 
 I had said that there was "No Way" we were getting another cat after she was gone.....
Well guess what?
I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our household.  Please meet:

Caramel  "Honeybun" Krause 
We adopted here on Saturday from the Humane Society.  She is already fitting right in with the other 8 cats we have.  Caramel is her official name but her middle name is "Honeybun."
She's a (Daddy's Girl) though and loves spending time doing this with him.

Although she has slept with me like that a few times as well.  She is such a little character.  It's amazing how fast they win your heart.  And just because she's so adorable you get one more photo of her.

Having her around has made the hurt and pain of losing Snickers so much easier to bear.
Have a great day & thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy your Week End.


  1. Honeybun is just the cutest little thing. So sorry about Snickers but I am sure honeybun is working her way into your heart already.

  2. Your little Caramel Honeybun is adorable and I'm so glad she was lucky enough to join your family! She'll be well loved and cared for, and you are a generous-hearted person to give yourself to another little kitty who needed a home. Yes, it is amazing how quickly they win your heart. Even when grieving you can't help but be won over. She needed you, Ida.

  3. oooh boy, honeybun, what a cutie!!!

    and bowling excuses, hehehehe, i have putt-putt golf excuses!!!

  4. Hello Ida ... I've been away for some days so hadn't read (until now) about Snickers. I am so sorry to hear that you lost her a week ago, and I know she will never be forgotten.

    However, I have to say, that your new addition looks adorable - and very pleased to read she is fitting in well.

    Good wishes for the weekend

    All the best Jan

  5. Amazing, amazing photos, Ida. I'm sorry about your dear Snickers. I've been away from Blogland for a week or so and miss out on so much. My heartfelt condolences to you all. And what a beauty Caramel is. Have a great day. Jo

  6. Honeybun is absolutely adorable and I love the pic of her sleeping with daddy. so precious and cute. that is a freaky plant on that rock, never seen anything like it. I can tell Coleen loves the rides and that spider ride is the freakiest of all

  7. So sorry about Snickers Ida. Caramel is a sweet addition to your family. Love the one of her sleeping on hubby. How adorable! Great photos and a very interesting post as always. Thanks for commenting on mine. I thought you might enjoy the whole poem from the short quote.

    by Wendell Berry

    When despair grows in me
    and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting for their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

  8. Oh Carmel is such a cutie. : )
    Good bowling scores!! My average is 133 and has improved quite a lot since we started blowing every Tuesday. Not in a league though. Just bowl with a bunch of friends.

  9. How cute! I love Honeybun already
    Sweet photo of the two of them snoozin!
    Great moment on the fair ride! Their faces are wonderful!

  10. Carmel is SO fluffy and tiny!! Enjoy!!

  11. sweet tiny baby. she's found a wonderful, loving home. :)

  12. Hello, congrats on your new kitty. Caramel Honeybun what a cute name! Happy weekend to you!

  13. #1 funky plant
    #2 never was much good at bowling
    #3 that's one big spider
    #4 TV ain't my thing
    #5 you go girl
    who's sleepier?

  14. Fun and fantastic shots! They are all just lovely. I'm so happy to see a new little kitten with a loving new home. She is gorgeous and I look forward to watching her grow!

  15. What a precious kitten. I'm so glad you got her my friend. Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

  16. Caramel Honeybun is a real honey!

  17. Oh, I'm so sorry about losing your Snickers, Ida. It's always so hard to say goodbye :( So glad that you found your little Honeybun to help heal the pain. Such a little cutie-pie! I can't believe Colleen is already in middle school! Glad she is enjoying it, too. That plant really is unusual....Hope you have a nice last weekend of summer. xo Karen

  18. "Honeybun" melts my heart!!!! Oh dear, what a darling.

    That really does look like a spider. Creepy in a really cool way.
    And I would love to see the entire rock garden with all the unusual plant life.

  19. I want one! She is so fluffy and cute. Her coloring is so similar to Snickers. You do have to get her used to the brush and comb though.

  20. So adorable, I've been pondering about getting a kitten myself. I have an elderly dog and she is the reason why I kind of go back and forth in my mind about it. Sometimes two pets don't mix. I'd hate to give a kitten away if things didn't work out.

  21. Hello Ida, so sorry that I haven't been around much the last few weeks, and my heart goes out to you with your loss of Snickers! It really is like losing a member of the family when you lose a pet, and yet... how wonderful it is that you've opened your heart to another little sweet face! I love that your names correspond with sugar and candy, lol! I think Honeybun is the perfect name for this sweet girl! Your rock garden picture is lovely too, and I'm glad that Colleen is getting to take a Home Ec class, I didn't know schools still offered them, that is awesome! So nice to stop in and visit with you, have a blessed weekend! :)

  22. Caramel Honeybun is so beautiful!! Loved all these photos except maybe that spider! We had back to school night this past week too. I can't believe I only have one more of them...last week was 25/26!

  23. I love watching DWTS, too! This season looks like it has a really good line-up. :)

  24. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know it hurts so much. But Honeybun is adorable, one of the prettiest kitties I have ever seen. So sweet too.

  25. That plant in the rock garden is really cute ♥

  26. oh my gosh Honeybun is too cute and adorable!! I can see why you couldn't resist her! We almost added another kitty to our household this past weekend too. We saw the sweetest little white calico kitten at my aunt's farm, and she seemed to take to us immediately. But when I thought about bringing her home, it struck me that she has been an outdoor cat (barn) for her whole 4 month life, and we would bringing her inside. Forever. In the end I felt she'd be happier to continue roaming around the hayloft with her brother and sisters. The local shelter has many cats that need good homes ... and out of the shelter cages!

  27. Sweet kitty! All lovely news about your granddaughter.

  28. That is a neat plant in the rock garden. We have a lot of gardens and end up pulling a lot of weeds, so I've thought having a rock garden might be a neat way to minimize the work...but I'm not about to start another garden at the moment!

    Bowling sounds like fun! I've never gone bowling--will have to try it someday.

    Glad Colleen is enjoying school.

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. Caramel is beautiful. So glad you guys got a kitty from the humane society. I visited a humane society a couple years ago--it's sad to see so many cats cooped up in one place without a real home, regardless of how well they are taken care of. You guys must have really big hearts to have eight cats though! We have one indoor cat and two outdoor cats and that is more than enough for us! Unfortunately though another cat has decided to move in; it's tame as can be, so we figure someone must have just dropped it off here in the country. It has a bit of a cold, so my family is feeding it and trying to get it back to health before we either find a home for it or take it to the humane society. We just can't handle any more cats.

  29. i am so sorry about snickers but am happy you have such a sweet distraction...losing a pet is so hard :( those boys expressions are priceless...looks like a fun time at the fair! i agree, new orleans looks like a fun place to visit...thank you for linking ida and i hope you are having a wonderful week!


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