Thursday, September 29, 2016

Good Fences #132 - Mission Fences & Little Things Thursday

Welcome! - Let's get ready to enjoy some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report and LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY hosted by Tamar from Random-osity

 Click to Enlarge all photos.

 First up Good Fences - These were all taken at the Whitman Mission on Saturday. - See Yesterday's Post for more photos from the Mission.

 This shot was used for my 52 Frames Photo this past week for the prompt, PATH - It's part of the Oregon Trail. - This split rail fence is feature throughout the park area and the grasses on the left are Native to the area.

 Another view of the wagon, trail & fencing from up on top of the hill where the Memorial Shaft is located.

 Fencing around the Memorial Shaft.

The fencing seen through some of the native grass.

 Heading up the path on the way up to the Memorial Shaft.  Loving the pretty trees.

One of the many birds in the park resting on the fencing.

Finally some cows from a nearby farm enjoying grazing in the nice warm sunshine.

Now for a couple of shots for Little Things Thursday.

My favorite season.  These berries trees were just loaded with berries and so pretty and colorful. -

It's the little things like watching the birds in the park that made the day extra special.

Have a great day & don't forget to stop by both blogs to check out the other participants.  You can do so by clicking on the links at the start of the post.


  1. Looking at that old fence takes me back in time!

  2. this is an amazing split rail fence. I love it peeking out of the grasses and all views are beautiful. the covered wagon is something I would like to ride in.. but not across a wild prairie.. lol

  3. That's not the kind of fence you see everyday.

  4. Hello Ida!:) Love those wagon trail views, and the blackbird perched on the split fencing. Your last two shots of the brightly coloured berries with a bird are gorgeous.

  5. Wow, those are every one prize winning photos! I love, love the fence. Great shots!

  6. Oh....I LOVE those Western kinds of fences! Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a lovely post of fences and nature ~ gorgeous and creative shots ~ love the little ~

    Wishing you a Happy Week ^_^

  8. Hello, the split fences are nice. The covered wagon is a cool piece of history. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  9. Your shots are amazing and I would love to wander through this park! Have a great day!

  10. Stunning photos of the split rail fences & a cute one with a little bird on top!
    Can you imagine travelling for thousands of miles in a wagon over terrible terrain! What pioneering spirit those folks had!

  11. These are great, love the split rail fencing, especially with the old covered wagon. You took lovely photos to share.

  12. That split rail fence is wonderful, Ida!

  13. Love that first fence. You need lots of wood and room for one of those.

  14. This is a fantastic looking fence.
    Love your Autumn photo's too.

    Enjoy the last few days of September - October will soon be here.

    All the best Jan

  15. neat old-style fencing! i like the cattle shot, too. :)

  16. Ida, what great fences! A lot of work went into making them!

  17. Lovely pictures! Looks like a place I would enjoy visiting.

  18. Beautiful peaceful photos, Ida. I traveled a bit of the Oregon Trail this summer when my husband and I drove to Glacier National Park. It was such a long drive by car I can't imagine how the pioneers did the trip by horse and wagon or by walking!

  19. Lovely photos, I like the berries welcoming fall

  20. Love the first photo of the fence and wagon. Plus the last photo of the bird with a berry in its beak.

  21. I think those fences are pretty neat, imagine the backbreaking work to build one!

  22. That's definitely the nicest fence I've encountered linking up to good fences!

  23. A very strong series. I like that fence very much. Nice area shots includng the berries.

  24. Very cool fences, I like those split rails and don't see them much around here!! Your little things, not so little to me....kind of magnificent!!

  25. Such lovely captures and each one brings me back to the days of long ago!

  26. What an interesting fence! Beautifully captured!

  27. That was a sturdy fence. Love the look of it :)

  28. What a lovely area! Your photos have a little nostalgic touch and my absolute favorite ist this with the bird.

  29. I think those split rail are my favourite kind of fencing. They are just wood, but they look so intricate. Plus they last a long time I think.
    Beautiful locations you've captured. I love to bird watch now that I have a zoom lens.


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