Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Seasons - A Warm Fall Outing

It's been a busy week (when isn't it anymore) so I haven't had much time for blogging.

Saturday I took a trip out to Whitman Mission for a photo hunt for another Meme I participate in and discovered the changing seasons at the mission.

I'm sharing a few photos today from that outing. - Click to Enlarge Photos

Nothing better then being able to share the outing with my Granddaughter, Coleen.

                                  The Whitman Memorial Shaft

                                                   Native Grasses

                                          Autumnal Leaves

                         Turtles basking in the warm sunshine

          A lone tree in a nearby farmers field with the Blue mountains in
                                             the background.

  Just a pleasant outing on an Autumn day as the seasons start to change. 

Don't forget to stop by Jesh's blog and check out the other participants of SEASONS


  1. Your photos are just gorgeous and I love your new banner. I'll have to play with a photo and try to get that effect! WOW! Hugs!

  2. Hello Ida!:) Lovely shades of autumn in your photos. The last shot of the tree, reminds me of a painting, and the grasses too. Cute shot of the turtles! I didn't know you had such a grown up granddaughter, nice that you two shared this outings.:)

  3. Love these huge sunflowers in your new header! (Am still thinking about my header). Great details of a beginning of Fall! Thanks you so much for sharing these with SEASONS and for your kind comment! Is Colleen your daughter or grand daughter? Also love those turtles basking in the sun! Wishing you a lovely rest of the week!

  4. what a fabulous outing...I must give this a try soon...our weather is cooler now and a good day out walking and looking is in order. I love all your photos..especially loving the cute

  5. A very nice selection of photo's ...
    Lovely to see Coleens smiling face - those turtles are amazing - and I did like your last photo of the lone tree.

    All the best Jan

  6. What a beautiful place to explore!

  7. Your photos today are excellent! 'aloha, Colleen!

  8. Looks like it was a beautiful day.

  9. Always a joy to see Coleen and to see photos from your outings together. Looks like a beautiful fall day. Wishing you and yours a good day.

  10. I love Autumn, it's such a colourful season. I've enjoyed your photos, Ida!

  11. Those kinds of turtle photos always tickle me for some reason.

  12. the lone tree caught my eye, I just love trees of any kind. so nice to have Coleen to go with you.

  13. I love the color of shirt of Coleen. very nice. Also the native grass. That is a briljant photo. It must be so great to see real mountains, as in the background of your last photo. Love to reading your blog today!

  14. Hello, Ida! Cute shot of Coleen. Lovely scenes and photos. I like the turtles. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  15. Oh, look at those turtles! Too cute, my friend.

    Your photos are always a joy to look at. Hugs!

  16. Awesome photos! Love the turtles sunbathing...just too cute. Hope your days are good there. We are in fall mode here and it finally is cooler. Just hanging out watching the leaves change.

  17. Nice! Looks like a lovely outing!

  18. The lone tree, a very cool image, I always wonder why they don't have any company!! Colleen sure is growing into a lovely young woman!!

  19. Lovely images! I especially love the grasses and turtles!

  20. Just beautiful. What a perfect day!
    It's like a "how many turtles can fit on a board" game. LOL


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